Thursday, November 13, 2008
with great insight that my sister's friends have so quickly written me off as someone who does not read their blogs, not realizing that she uses my laptop (don't you just love internet history). well yea, i haven't done this ever, because i thought it was kinda stupid in secondary school and because everyone else was doing it. so this is just to prove the point that i do go through my sister's things (hur hur) and just for fun. [for the record, my sister showed me her friend's blog, and i don't go through my sister's stuff. not all the time anyway]
here goes nothing (every pun intended)-:
#1. What would you do to a nerd who just confronted you?
i'll tell him that the math test results were out and he failed. that would probably destroy the poor guy. i'll add on that i passed, just for kicks.
#2. What's the first thing you do when someone gives you a wedgie?
won't happen. i'd probably scream and jump away (or possibly drop-kick the stupid person) before it can even happen.
now i tag: (oh how ceremonial) to anyone and everyone who has way too much time on their hands, or has some kind of point to prove. i know i did. rawr =)
457 days
<3 12:35 AM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
monday is DRESS-day
tuesday is LONG SKIRT-day
wednesday is NO SCHOOL-day aka FREE FOR ALL-day
thursday is DENIM SKIRT-day
friday is DENIM SHORTS-day
no, i am not very bored. and no, you may not laugh at me or make fun of me.
*things are so bad now, i don't know how much more i can take. i can't really decide if the feeling i will get from giving it up is worse than how i feel now. but i'm still not convinced that i'm prepared to go through it all again. it was hell on earth the first time round, and still feels that way sometimes. i know i'll survive it, but i'm just not sure if i want to go down the route of survival all over again. it was way too painful the first time, and i'm certain the "first time" is far from over.*
458 days
<3 1:09 AM
Sunday, November 09, 2008
i just imported my whole blog into facebook. did you know you could do that?! the whole system never fails to surprise and amaze me.
crazy party night yst. all hail totally awesome mums, too much alcohol and an oddly well used, brand new, deck of cards. if we keep forgetting the cards, chrystelle and timmy, and whoever else's house we decide to go crazy at, will have quite a few decks.
tech class in the morning was horrid. okay, fine, exaggeration. it wasn't horrid, but i swear that up until this morning, i had no idea that the room really can spin. i always thought, "i see the room spinning" was merely a figure of speech. oh boy, was i so so very wrong. and, lucky for me, hip hop was not crazy difficult. but, i still think i hip hop like a retarded chicken. think of a chicken, now think ofthe same chicken retarded, it's really kinda funny.
i got my sisf'08 t-shirt. it's nice. haha. THANK YOU WENDY! you are so totally awesome and colin too, of course =P.
all that aside. i am still alive but definitely terribly stoned. and really sleepy too. but before i go through any cheesy ceremonial goodbye-s, all of you have to see something really cool that i found.

i was walking down the metal staircase on the outside and saw DOLLY TAY when i looked down. pretty cool huh? does anyone, besides dolly, know it's there? i've never seen it before because i usually take those steps at night, but yea, it was kinda funny.
we know one thing though, no matter how innocent dolly is (appears to be. haha), we know for a fact that she has lot's of experience in staking her territory.
461 days
<3 6:47 PM
Sunday, November 02, 2008
so here's the thing. i don't celebrate halloween. haha. firstly, i respect the whole deal about halloween being satanic and have learnt very well that one should not meddle with satan. secondly, anything that is scary, scares me [like, duh], and i think halloween is scary. on top of all that, i have issues with dressing up and looking stupid, not even if i had a very good reason. unless i was on stage for some performance, then i won't really have much of a choice. and unless the costume's really hot and i look very hot in it [stop laughing], which is very rarely the case, then again, i have never tried so i cant really be much of a judge in that area.
anyway, the purpose of this meaningless (halloween dissing) pointless post. i'm looking through photographs of some who actually did bask in the weekend of halloween and realized that so many people choose to dress up as female characters. i say so many because, the guys are doing it too. are there not enough male characters that are worthy of a halloween appearance? if all the women dress up as female characters and a huge multitude of the men decide to get in touch with their feminine side, on the one night when nobody will say anything about them, then what happens to all the male characters left out on a limp?
being a hot blooded female [an awfully rarely used term], i actually happen to think male characters can be pretty endearing. haha. then again, coming as superman or batman would probably be cliche, and coming as freddy or chucky would not only be cliche but freaky and scary all at the same time [isn't that the purpose of dressing up for halloween?]. so i guess, even halloween is a feministic celebration. women really do rake hell on earth.
468 days
<3 12:45 AM