done with my papers. i feel interestingly braindead and mentally exhausted.
but my immense fear of become very stupid by the end of the week, ie today, did not come through. which i see as a very good thing. i do feel awfully tired though, but then again, that could be due to lack of sleep coupled with non-stop marathon sneezing. and yes, my nose really hurts.
the papers were pretty ok. i actually did study for them, thus the interestingly braindead feeling. compared to last sem, a lot less going on and no one to talk to right through the night. and the need to do something to keep my mind distracted all paid off well, i think. although, i never managed to conquer calculus, which actually starts in 7 mins time. better luck next time i guess.
running through my whole list of "what i should have done", "what i could have done", "what i wish i did", what i wish i didnt do". the end of the year, or academic semester tends to have that effect on people. but i'm happy with the outcome of my exams this round, and i hope it is enough for me to finish off all my modules next semester. like i always say, more impossible things have happened.
next up, my very busy month of september. or at least during the weekends. i'm really looking forward to it. also looking forward to saying i'm 20. haha. in about 16 days.
now to start off my holidays, i shall go pack my bags and leave for zelia's. first up on the weekend agenda, F1 gig at meritus mandarin.
and oh how i wish you could come. i guess you would if not for your DnD, but it wouldnt be the same. i miss you so, but i dont know what i'm missing exactly.
540 days
<3 3:44 PM
Saturday, August 16, 2008
sleepless in singapore.
heavy eyes coupled with a heavy heart means no sleep.
it's times like this i wish i could just drop by union square, drink till my 1.30am heart's content and dance it all away.
then come home, too stoned too think about anything. waking up the next morning, feeling like crap for all the right reasons. splitting headache and aching legs. too much pain all round to think about the aching heart.
without it, all i have is online tv and another sleepless night. no appetite for instant noodles, but the bottle of cold strawberry milk that daddy brought back today is serving me well.
it was too short and extremely uneventful for me to feel anything. i cant decide whether i'm happy or sad. it's almost as if my heart's on a fence swaying back and forth, weighing pros and cons. and when you say something like "pros and cons", you know you've watched too much gilmore girls.
i'm fine. he was right. and yet, i still wish things were different. but better now, when my head's still in control, compared to when i start listening to my heart. when my head loses control to my heart, i do pretty crazy things "all in the name of love". look at where it got me with jason.
so, i know he was right. and i applaud him for doing what he did, because i would have never done it. rather live in bliss than soil it with potential unhappiness. and there wasnt enough emotional baggage to make it difficult for us to go right back to before, but i still wish things could be different. wish it would have worked out somehow.
happy too early perhaps.
545 days.
<3 3:46 AM
Thursday, August 14, 2008
now i remember why i don't absolutely hate the olympics.
i still don't like it very much, because the olympics and i have our differences. like how it takes up all of channel 5's airtime, but i do not absolutely hate it.
the olympics's saving grace, male swim events =)
yes yes, i'm a shameless ogling girl and mighty proud to admit it.
548 days.
<3 11:21 AM
Sunday, August 10, 2008
so i had a very interesting dream last night, and some part of this morning.
there was love, a shopping mall, roller blading in the shopping mall, one of my secondary school teachers, disaster, monsters, an evil villain who hypnotized his victims and made them his slave, and a car that could drive on land, fly in the air, and even in the sea. oh, underground too. and not forgetting, the power rangers.
i told you it was interesting.
552 days.
<3 10:00 AM
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
finally watched the mambo kings. really good movie. [but the video i got had really bad audio, i bet i have the shape of ear pieces printed in my ear] it only covered half the book though. so if you have watched the movie, go read the book. if you have read the book, i assure you, you will love the movie.
it was interesting to see the book come to life, it was very well re-enacted. even though it was only half the book, everything thing was there. probably why they only produced half the book, if not, it would be an awfully long movie, not that i would mind. haha.
it was also really awesome to see famous singers on screen. singers i've only heard of and danced to but never seen before, like tito puente and celia cruz. oh oh, and i got to see desi arnaz jr, erm, he was playing his father? heh.
oh,and Beautiful Maria Of My Soul. maria in the movie wasnt really very pretty, i thought delores was prettier. nevertheless, it is an amazingly beautiful song. and i absolutely loved the movie. though, it still cant top el cantante.
557 days.
<3 9:16 PM
Sunday, August 03, 2008
and to think it started over supper. =)
559 more days
<3 6:18 AM
Friday, August 01, 2008
two words. el cantante and wow.
[technically, el cantante is spanish for the singer, so 3 words. haha]
el cantante was an awesome awesome movie. it is the biography movie of hector lavoe. the very first salsa singer to make it big/huge in new york. it was a tragic story, very much like that of the mambo king. only difference was that the mambo king's story was fictional, this was a biography. made it that much more amazing. very good job by marc anthony. J Lo was J Lo. heh. nothing impressive, but she was pretty good too, playing the not-so-psycho gf/wife.
and i realized that even though hector lavoe's songs sound so cheery, they are actually very sad when translated. it's as if, he literally sang his pain away.
but he was one really screwed up musician. which makes me wonder if they were all like that back then, and how much the world of fame and fortune has changed since then. whether it has really changed at all.
anyway, salsa fans and hector lavoe fans and marc anthony fans and possibly J Lo fans, should all catch this movie. it is by far the best thing i have watched this year.
absolutely loved it.
561 days.
<3 2:35 AM