poise ; dance ; love
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Sunday, June 29, 2008
is it a way of life to fall into traps of love and come out of them with the notion that it was just another lesson learnt? are we not smart enough to avoid such traps and thus avoiding these "lessons in life", that half the time we do not need to learn?
<3 11:35 PM
so i've heard that they look fine. in fact they look pretty alright and normal. and believe me, i am very very happy for the two of them. but it does make a girl wonder...
why is it that he had more on the line than i did and i was the one who lost everything? everything that mattered to me at that point in time, anyway.
why is it that he's feeling all better now and i still feel like shit?
whether he really is feeling all better is not the point. i guess the questions are just food for thought. probably, in some odd sense, i feel that justice was not served and the innocent got punished. ok, fine, the not-so-guilty got punishes, not exactly innocent.
the choreo is looking pretty good. the second set of partner work has already gotten praise, and has been tested on the social floor. nixon made the "very jerinne and jason" comment though. haha. i guess i cant help it either. whatever i know i learned from them.
big big thank you to yee shan. haha. i hope he picks up the choreo very well and i can have a nice video of the two of us dancing the choreo. add it to my archives.
oh, i'm starting a video blog of all my dance performances, so it will be like a video portfolio. shld be up soon, or eventually, whichever suits you better.
on a more obsessive note, my very first choreo actually looks nice, has gotten praise, and is deemed "not very easy". looks like i have talent after all. heh.
here's a thought.
i wish life came with lecture notes and we would all have a lesson plan. so we can decide which are the lectures we want to attend, and which we want to skip. like how people say every mistake in life is a lesson learnt, if only we could decide which lessons we wanted to take and which we could do without.
<3 3:17 AM
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
so i said, "you know what i miss the most about him? i miss talking to him. i miss his witty remarks. i miss his sarcasm. i miss his ability to put forth a convincing rebuttal. i miss listening to him. i miss having him around to listen to me. i miss the friends we were more than the lovers we became. i mean, of course i miss the physical factor of the relationship too. it was too good not to miss. but i miss the emotional the most. i really miss my friend more than anything."
gosh, year in year out. my story is the same. i pulled this out from an entry from two years back. sounds awfully present and familiar, don't you think?
i actually have a minute and a half salsa choreo to do up and finish by this sat. it's for a couple going in for some talent competition. the first showcase is on sunday. first hsbc, then this. the salsa just keeps on coming, doesnt it?
anyway, my salsa demo was a flop because no one came for the last class. felt so bad for getting douglas down. i got to dance though. and the lack of social dancing is awfully showing. all the old problems that i took forever to get rid of are back. sigh. i need to find an alternative to salsa that will keep me from rusting. any ideas?
here's food for thought. it's kinda long. pretty much true. and very hilarious. although, on my part, no.2 is a little heartbreaking. off to finish cvsom assignment and maybe start brand management project. enjoy =)
50 Reasons Why Salsa is Just Like S-E-X!
50. You go from person to person to person, and you still haven't found the right one.
49. You do it with someone with no chemistry and you just cannot wait until it's over.
48. Everyone has his or her "own" style.
47. Older people have trouble keeping up with the younger ones.
46. When you have alot of excited people in the same place, everyone wants to start passing partners around.
45. It's great to do it with music.
44. There's always a new move you've never seen before.
43. You don't like it when your partner shows no emotion.
42. You fantasize about doing it in front of large audiences.
41. You like to watch others...
40. It's fun to watch your partner do it with someone else.
38. You like to be spun reallllly fast (use some imagination :)
37. You think about it day and night and you just can't get enough of it!
36. You do it ALL NIGHT LONG and when you are finished, both of you are hot, sweaty, and completely exhausted.
35. You get cranky if you're not getting enough.
34. You keep track of the time/days/months since your last encounter.
33. You start charging your services by-the-hour.
32. You're teaching others the correct way of doing it.
31. Eye contact is important.
30. Women need to give ample resistance (okay, now I'm ducking punches!!)
29. Remember: The man is in control.
28. It's a turn-on for the guy to watch two women do it.
27. The more you do it, the better you get.
26. Nothing beats experience.
25. There are numerous websites for it with graphic pictures.
24. You smile just thinking about it.
23. You go to the club to get some.
22. Its intimidating doing it with someone better.
21. Sometimes, you don't even know your partner's name!
20. The great ones are respected.
19. You will travel great distances for it.
18. Women quiver at the opportunity to do it with a great one.
17. You get injuries, bruises, and scars and you tell yourself, "Oh well, that's just part of it."
16. It's good to be loose before starting and warmed up before the real performance.
15. When you are known for being good, you have to keep up your reputation.
14. You want to share your experience with others.
13. You have partners that don't mind being used for practice or enjoyment.
12. Partners/friends stop by your place for a quick fix/good time.
11. Your neighbors complain about the noise you and your partner make.
10. After you have done it with someone really good, you just have to tell all your friends.
9. You accidentally left one of your belongings at your partner's house.
8. There are "protection" rules, but no one seems to follow them.
7. So many men/women, so little time.
6. It's best when you both are on the same beat.
5. There's nothing better than doing it with a pro...
4. You can have multiple partners, as long as your current partner does not know.
3. It's a real turn-on for the man when the woman takes control.
2. You never forget the first one who taught you.
..And the No 1 reason why salsa is just like sex IS :
1. Happiness is having lots of space to manoeuvres.
<3 8:51 PM
Sunday, June 22, 2008
1-5 > smart cards
6 > toilet card
7 > 7-up
8 > thumb card
9 > rule card
10 > question card
J > hey jack
Q > hey bitch
K > down the whole cup
haha. i must admit that i am utterly amused.
jx, si min, big jon, ah ben, rachel, huda, jing wen, ian, sabrina, jasmine, jo, veronica, cheryl, mel, brian, cindy, david, annie, xiao qi, nadia, june and chu leong. [to anyone who i missed out and might read this, my sincere apologies]
small gathering. pretty awesome party nonetheless. ended of with a deck of cards, a bottle of jack daniels, two bottles of coke and an endless supply of water. the 3-4 hours of sleep was pretty eventful too. trying to territorialize the blanket, not get pushed over and not freeze to death. official end of with a rude awakening of bright lights. channel 8 cartoons which became kids central after the chinese cartoons became unbearable. a slice of coffee bean's raspberry cheesecake and breakfast at the foodcourt. like i said, all in all, it was a pretty awesome party.
oh, it was also very uplifting to proudly announce, "wo bu shi fb de." haha. made my invitation that bit more special.
btw, it was chu leong's 21st b'day chalet. celebrated together with his dad. and i sat at the back of a lorry just now. so cool. like roller coaster. haha.
although, going back to downtown east was a little bit haunting. the last time i was there was for sisf. i held back the tears and suppressed the achingly depressive,nauseating feeling in the pit of my stomach. and desperately pushed away all the happy memories. which are evidently flooding back right now as i type the very words, "happy memories". what can i say? it was the best time i had last year. that and musical. boy oh boy. it makes me wonder, let's say i do get it back, will it ever be as enjoyable if i dont get to do it under their wing? then do i really want it back? is it really just dancing for me? just a talent that i have and want to make good of? heh. i guess i'll never know until i actually do get it back. anyway, an uplift to that point, i'll be doing a salsa demo for the hsbc building group on tues with douglas. i really hope they come back for class. comtech had one person on thurs. heh.
and one last, really random, question. can you get a belly from drinking too much or does it only work with beer?
<3 1:41 PM
Sunday, June 15, 2008
incredible hulk is pretty good. you need a big screen so hit the cinemas and don't bother with the measly laptop/pc screen.
today's fight, rather one sided actually, with the father led me to wonder if we ever really free ourselves from painful memories of the past? i'm sure i'm fine by now, and i think i've, moved on from all of it. i've been dreaming about him the past couple of nights though, but i wake up thinking "what the?" i dont yearn anymore. i dont even think about it, hardly anyway. but any small mention, like today, and i retract with fear that it might happen again. as if, suddenly i box up my heart and put it under lock and key, and for a few moments i just hate myself for what happened, hate him for what happened.
do we ever let go of our past and move on? are we capable to look at our mistakes and say, "actually, it was just another lesson learnt."? is it ever really that simple? do we intentionally let it affect the way we live and the choices we make to remind ourselves about the pain that it caused, so that we dont do it again? if we do, then i must say, that is one heck of a painful way to live.
i'm so scared to be around you. you're an ex bf, and maybe you dont know it, or have decided to remain oblivious to it, but i still have pretty strong feelings for you. and now you're attached. and being around you, so close to you, just reminds me of how much i missed out. what i never got to experience. reminds me of what you deprived me of. the worst part is that i dont trust myself around you. i actually have distrust towards myself. especially when you say inappropriate things that make me wonder why you ever ended it in the first place. because if anything happens intentionally or unintentionally, it would be me and an attached guy. and i dont think i can deal with another attached guy scenario right now, or ever.
at the same time, when you say inappropriate things, inappropriate because you're attached, you never live up to it. telling me that i mean so much, that im different from the rest, that i'm the only girl this and i'm only girl that, then you turn around and forget to call when you say you will. tell me week after week that we'll catch up soon and never set anytime to meet. always too busy. so i wonder, if you care so much, you sure have a hell of a way of showing it.
on another note. i have evidently found comfort that comes in a box of 32 in a form of mini bullet like structures. go figure.
<3 12:04 AM
Thursday, June 12, 2008
my sex and the city series rush was definitely worth it.
haha. yes. if you figured that i locked myself away and rushed through 6 seasons of sex and the city, you were not exactly wrong. firstly, i did not lock myself away, and secondly, i only made it to season 4 episode 4 and subjected myself to reading detailed episode guides of the remaining episodes. but i must say, my efforts were not in vain. if you didnt enjoy sex and the city, you probably didnt watch the series. or you probably didnt do your research before watching. it's interesting when asked if people have ever watched the series, some say, you mean it's also a drama? heh. actually it's a comedy drama somewhat. why do you want to watch it? because it sounds glamorous and you've heard stories about it? and you go in to the cinema not knowing anything abt it, and come out thinking, there were so many loop holes, not a very good movie, there should have been more explanation on certain situations. shame on you. therefore, efforts not in vain. in fact, i'm pretty darn glad i completed the series before watching the movie. it was all worth it. probably the best movie i've watched this year.
and before sex and the city, i watched kungfu panda. it was really funny. but you really need to enjoy watching cartoons. it wasnt an animated movie like madagascar or shark tale or shrek, it was a really long cartoon. but it lived up to what a cartoon is suppose to be like, colourful, entertaining, extremely hilarious.
oh oh. i passed my basic theory. and i've already gotten my provisonal driving license, which is kinda dumb because i dont exactly have the money to start the classes yet. heh. but it's nice to have. will see how things go. so i'm finally allowed on the roads of singapore. somehow, i cant decide who should be more scared, me or the roads.
and in all of that God has just been so so very good.
gret's b'day party was pretty awesome too. but the martinis at no.5 are just too strong. not really very nice. then again, i'm more of a margarita girl. and i met samir, who is suppose to call me to go have drinks with him and patrick. hopefull he does. because i cleverly forgot to take his number. oh how i miss my beef-mozza tofu.
to top it all off, a nice B+ for my IPP. thank you patricia =)
<3 11:11 AM
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