poise ; dance ; love
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Thursday, March 27, 2008
i dont like to call strangers.
calling strangers makes me nervous.
oh. and i got my LG KU990 Viewty.
it's pretty cool to use.
and i have yet to learn the many functions of the camera though.
and i want more touch screen games.
i have concluded though,
once you use an absolute touch-screen phone,
you tend to think every phone's screen is touch-sensitive.
can be a little bit embarrassing. (guilty)
<3 10:46 PM
Friday, March 21, 2008
start. food for thought.
*some men love soccer. some men love salsa. some men love both.
note, only straight men can salsa properly. all men who think that salsa is gay, are either gay themselves, or just do not have the guts to take it up. with absolutely fear that they might absolutely suck at it. presumably, most would go for the latter.
all men who can salsa. properly and well. i would ASSUME, are very good in bed. after all, as a quirky character from 'take the lead' once said, it's like sex on hardwood. [safe sex no less]
my favorite dance movie, kindly pointed out by rhadji, is dirty dancing Havana nights.
the salsa scene from Step Up 2 was choreographed. i'm living in denial, but i really feel for those who really think it was impromptu. and dont tell me that it didnt look very nice. it was amazingly good effort for a movie revolving around street dance. and the whole group of them were so freaking hot.
concluded. bachata is a "one night stand" dance, keeping in mind the "sex on hardwood" concept. it becomes a "lifetime" dance when the couple is blissfully in love, better yet, happily married. salsa, on the other hand, though can be danced with anyone, it is best danced with recognition. the kind that only results from blissful love or happy couple-hood.
why is easter sunday called easter sunday? i know it's the third day and everything and all that, but why is it called easter? which is evidently associated with bunny rabbits and candy coated chocolate eggs.
why is good friday good? why is it good when no one celebrated the death of Jesus, back in the day? when he died on that cross, everyone grieved. mary came back on the third day still grieving. happiness and joy only came after his resurrection was told of. so why isn't it black friday or sad friday or bad friday. pretty much nobody, back then, knew that the event that occurred on good friday was good. well, nobody knew until sunday, anyway.*
end. food for thought.
ok. to make things clear, to everyone reading this and making endless speculations as to whether any of the above had direct or indirect relation to anybody they know or might not know, all of the above was the result of being so terribly bored on a good friday. if you are still speculating, go read up the definition of "food for thought".
waiting for one tree hill to load. decided to re-watch the first 3 seasons. since it's been so long ago, and the drama never seems to die out for me. at the same time, waiting for mcdonalds to arrive because i am hungry.
trying to drain out the noise in my house with my music. which isnt working out very well for me. fighting and fighting. not with me though, but not the point. however, i was told, yet again, to go and talk to someone spiritual abt my plight. i dont want to talk abt it. i dont want to re-live it. i dont want to think abt it.
i dont care what you think. i dont care who you are. i dont want to talk to people who will tell me things that i already know, things that i dont want to hear. so stop asking. really, please, stop asking.
there is this invite on my facebook, and i just stare at it, all day. i click my requests and i stare at it. just stare. when the event is over, it disappears. which will happen to it after next saturday.
if i say i'm attending, it will make me feel better that i'm on the list. even if it's gravely untrue. but i cant do that, too much drama. and no one's going to believe that i just clicked it because i didnt think it was real because it was on facebook. if i say i may be attending, that's just false hope, and usually people say that so the person who posted will not feel bad. if i say i am not attending, then everything will just be so real. so much more real than it already is. and i cant remove it from my events, i cant click that button. clicking it, gives it a premature death. i lose the ability to decide what i want to do with the event invite. it doesnt matter that i'm not allowed to decide, or that i am in no place to decide. having the ability to decide brings hope. hope that i will get it back someday. and when the event is over, and it disappears, then it's not that i couldnt make it or wasnt allowed to go, it's because i took too long to decide.
back to one tree hill, which takes a terribly long time to load. if it helps anyone to know the state i'm in, i'm dying. slowly but surely. with bursts of life here and there. i'll be ok. in due time, i would presume. dancing keeping me alive. the fact that i have things to do keeping me alive. but it's on days like these, quiet days like these, that the dying seems so much more inevitable. nothing physical, i'm not suicidal. well, not physically anyway. the thoughts are more like wallowing in my misery and suppressing all the pain, hoping that it will hurt so much and induce amnesia or absolutely eat me up inside. both ways, i lose.
i'll be ok. in the end. eventually, everything will work out. everything always works out. it just depends, for better or for worse.
*hear the cries of yearning
where one can only pine
a love that seeps through
just like holy wine
gnawing at the soul, burning
eating it slowly from the inside*
<3 3:24 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
blessed are the hearts that can bend, they shall never be broken.
but if there is no breaking, then there is no healing.
no matter what anyone says, i still love one tree hill.
it's been an ok week. ups and downs. alot of fighting. sigh. wish there wasnt so much fighting. make some space for happy times. which are very rare. but all is good, i think. i guess. anyway, as good as it can be. and i hope, it is not as good as it will ever be. i'm getting very very tired.
but the fighting had alot to do with me. and things that i did. but heh. doesnt matter. it's the weekend, maybe next week will be better. hopefully.
since i've told my mum, i shall tell everyone else. i'm taking sam's jazz class at jbugs. haha. explains all the 'i love sam'. she's awesome. and super cute. haha. and her class is pretty good. feels like class with peter, just that sam's nicer and definitely not peter.
works been good. now very busy. always have something to do. i'm enjoying the website migration, but it drives me crazy sometimes. but other than that, it's been pretty good. i'm starting to get attached to the place, hate it when that happens. haha. and jeffrey is, by far, one of the most straightforward guys i have ever met. he just says it like it is, all the freaking time. haha. sometimes i wonder if he forgets i'm a girl. heh.
other than all that, life's on a whole has been ok. had dinner with my mum yst, and i had a pretty good time. always like hanging out with my mum. had a pretty good talk with her, and it shed much light on the current situation. made me feel a whole lot better. and i dont feel so lost anymore, or at such a lost rather.
i'm becoming more and more temperamental though. heh. need to try and keep my temper in check. or i keep letting out on the wrong people. i could blame it on PMS like every other girl, but all the freaking time? haha. Perpetual ah? heh. jon would probably call it that, he always said every girl seems to be constantly PMS-ing.
ok. on that note. i'm off. i'm at my mum's office, abt to indulge in her services. heh.
<3 12:36 PM
Monday, March 10, 2008
hearts may wonder and sickness may bring despair, but remember that life passes quickly and a life spent without love is lonely, while the love that a man and a woman feel for each other shines like sunlight in the heart. just remember, your mutual love will always preserve you and it will be your comfort forever.
sigh. been awhile since the last entry. havent been in very much of a "share my life with the world mood". and i've also been busy. yes me, busy. haha. training and all. learning the ropes ard the MB Sin website was interesting. and that's what i will be doing for the next couple of weeks. together with keying and surveys and cutting newspapers. looks like my attachment has finally started.
bailamos was good. kudos to caderas. and they are still, by far, the best tertiary social latin performance team in singapore. all the best to them in LA. what am experience it's going to be, as duckie puts it.
jbugs b'day bash was over the weekend. so i last week i was in mill walk every single day of the week. haha. as if, coming here 5 day a week is not enough. sat and sun too. so old friends on sat. it was nice. sun was better. haha. open house at the studio. 10am-5pm. i swear, it almost killed me. it's been too long. heh. but it was fun, esp when it became an SA reunion for me. and it is proven that i am not just a good salsa dancer [i am ok??? pouts*], i am not half as bad in everything else as i thought i was. but it's the new found confidence too. haha. and and, i love sam lee. haha.
i watched step up 2 on sat. with my sister. it's pretty good. but you need to be a dancer to really understand it. or really enjoy it rather. but, if you are going just to watch the dancing, it's amazing. even the salsa. haha. a cuban salsa scene. i want a house and a family like that. briana evigan is amazing and oh so hot. robert hoffman gained back all the respect he lost from she's the man. he's an awesome dancer and he can salsa. pretty well too. now all i need is for someone to lovingly tell me that the entire salsa scene was choreographed down to the last detail. that will kill my dream for sure. [dont any of you dare. i know it was, but i'm living in denial because i love my dream :P]
alright, think i'll leave the office now. still not sure if i'm going for dance.
<3 6:38 PM
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