Thursday, February 28, 2008
i am sitting in the office, bored out of my wit. barely surviving. desperately trying to stay awake. heh.
pay day today, so rhadji, jeffrey and i decided to have an expensive lunch at coffee club. after being subjected to foodcourt and fast food for the past 3 weeks. haha. good lunch. food wasnt great but lunch on a whole was pretty alright. and i think jeffrey has learnt that whatever i say is damn nice, is usually, or almost everytime, damn nice. haha. also headed over to guardian to get acquainted with condoms. heh. yes yes, you read correctly. i was curious lah. there are so many types, how interesting. but it was a funny sight, two guys and one girl standing in front of the condoms section and inqusitively picking up boxes to read and question the differences. i shall not say who sounded the most educated. haha. but passers-by might have thought it to be a threesome about to happen. haha. gosh. i know i would have. multiracial even. ok ok, eww. i'm kidding. eventually, i slipped away to buy mascara. stupid luh, i bought mascara the other day without checking the colour and turns out it was brown instead of black. and mayb mascara is not nice to use. decided to try out the loreal one.
oh oh. i went to mercedes benz center today. just to tour the place, together with some people from china. nice place i must say. and i met my email buddy, eliza. haha. i email her all the complaints received from the customer surveys. how fun huh?! the maybach car was such a beauty. the space in the backseat is amazing. imagine the things you could do there, in comfort somemore. haha. but really was a really nice car, but quite illogical in singapore. and it's $2.2 mill. samir says you can get at least 4 custom made lamborghini cars in europe for that price. heh. but it was an interesting experience, i liked the workshop the most and all the cctv viewing monitors and the motion sensors demo. oh, and the egg mayo and watercress sandwhich at the end of the tour. haha.
bailamos later. still deciding if i want to risk going down. hmm. anyway, will be out with gdine and a few others before that. we'll be around the area i think. sigh, perhaps. but i dont know, who knows what will come out of it. anyways, all the best to marc and duckie. and all the caderas, young and old. haha.
okays, back to being bored. i've run out of things to type. flipping newspapers and staring at the big screen hoping someone would entertain me with anything, even work. haha.
<3 3:34 PM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
you don't need anyone's approval to love someone. so why bother what other people think? yes, why indeed.
fusion 2008 was pretty awesome. tiring, but fulfilling nonetheless.
fusion 2008
there are some really pretty pictures in the album. taken by sam and gdine. and some pretty cool ones, and some very funny ones. heh.
it was a good time of fellowship. reconnected with the dancers from two years back. i would say, closer to my small group. well, i'm making an effort and trying. and one particular friendship has just passed the test of fire. just when i needed someone the most, i knew i could find solace just like i did back during hair salon days and travel agency days =) love you babe.
through with my second week of attachment. 9 more weeks to go. time passing slower than i would like it to. still pretty boring in the office. but it's alright i guess, with sufficient online companionship, i'm good. (shh. keep that to yourself. i'm still not sure if i'm allowed to have IM on the office computer.) haha. but seriously, every other person in the office has some form of messenger on their computers and my supervisor has seen it once or twice and did not say anything. might have something to do with her ever active MSN messenger. hah. looking forward to this tuesdays agencies meeting, it's probably the highlight of every week. listen to people in the industry tell me that when my tutors said advertising was fun and interesting, they were lying. haha. but it is fun and interesting, but the kind of work they have to do and the weird hours is probably the not-so-nice part. gee. i wonder what i'm having for lunch tmr? [rhadji rolls eyes and laughs]
was not feeling well today. it's called my after-performance sickness. headache and fever, extreme tiredness. heh. happens after every performance. hit me the worse after open house, for obvious reasons. i tried to sleep, but woke up in tears. i dont really know why though, maybe i was having a sad dream that i simply could not remember. guess i'll never know, but was pretty teary after that, felt an extreme amount of sadness. and that resulted in everything flooding back in like a re-run of a soap opera. sigh.
but i'm feeling better now, and i think i'll be heading off to bed. teary eyes lead to heavy eye lids, and they always threaten to not open in the morning.
special thanx to all the people who tagged my photos for me. i was tagging and got lazy halfway. thanx esp to stephanie, she tagged most of the dance photos =)
will shall dance together again really really soon. perhaps.
<3 11:16 PM
Saturday, February 16, 2008
week one of attachment is over. only 10 more weeks to go. suddenly it feels like sec school again. you know, one term is like 10 weeks? ok. never mind.
it started off really boring. but it has gotten better. i havent cut any newpaper articles in two days. oh joy. and i have work waiting for me in the office on monday. i'm actually looking forward to it.
i've concluded that i will never survive in the "sit behind an office desk" industry as low or high management. the low management hardly gets to do much, and the high management all seem like they have nothing to do. haha. need to run around and be busy. i like being busy. of course, i like the "slacking and doing nothing" part of life, but i cant do that all the time. i'll die of boredom.
so sue me for being naturally hyperactive. but seriously, i honestly do not mind if i am kept busy the whole day and then result in being very tired after that, compared to sitting around and doing nothing and being very tired from that. it's different kind of tiredness altogether. i dont know how to explain it to you, but i think most of you get what i mean.
some activities coming up.
fusion 08. which i am performing in. choreography by kelvin koh. pretty nice. jazz-ish. will have to finish learning it on sunday. because i cant make it for prac on wed and i want to go for the leap years gala on tues with mummy. haha. i wonder what we are wearing.
Bailamos En La Calle. the caderas thing at dxo. i'm hoping to go. just need to settle some stuff to see if i can go. want to go show my utmost support to marc, who is performing. and of course to duckie and all the caderas who i have evidently become good friends with. i miss chloe. haha. and kelly and her made me promise i will be there. so i really hope i get to go. some of the few who rooted for me at DXO. my turn to do the same. so yes, hopefully i can get some things settled and out of the way, and i can go. it will be nice to get a little bit of dancing in too. like storing up for the winter. haha. my last dance has lost its effect on me, i feel deprived. therefore, if i was a salsa bear, i would survive on salsa, and store up for the winter so that when i hibernate, it is all i will be eating, drinking and sleeping. wow. i would like to be a salsa bear. haha.
it's going to be quiet weekend. and i've decided to busy myself right through it so that it passes a little faster and monday comes a little sooner. and i'll probably do that for the next couple of weekends. although, next weekend is fusion already, so i will definitely be busy.
well, i just need things to prevent me from stopping. because, the minute i stop, i start to think. and right now, the last thing i want to do is think. because the thoughts are terribly unpleasant. and some have involved buses and cars speeding in front of centinniel tower. no high buildings or pen knives. yet.
<3 9:08 AM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
so that's it.
attachment with cute german interns.
work starts tmr. hopefully.
i'm so bored cutting newspaper articles.
i'm growing fat from lack of dance.
i'm missing so many fusion practices.
i hope i can catch up.
i wonder when i will get sick of koufu.
my mind is still a blur.
and i got a pay increment.
i'm gonna be alright. i think. heh.
and i know you will never read this, but duckie, you still owe me a story. and you promised me it would be good. i'm still waiting.
<3 9:19 PM
Saturday, February 02, 2008
i wanted to blog since the performance last sunday, but i was hoping to post up a video of it and some pictures. i shall post a picture, but no video. i still havent watched a proper front view video of the performance yet. heh.

GUPSON SAID IT WAS GOOD. wow. that is also why i want to watch it. haha. and the performance has been getting rave reviews since sunday. i went to union last night, and guys actually came and told me how good the performance was and then asked for a dance in return. cheeky bastards. haha. E Wan [i hope that's how it's spelt, at least i remember her name now] said she was looking at me the whole time and couldn't find time to look at jason. haha. sorry jason.
i'm just really glad that it went so phenomenally well, and that everyone loved it. i hope i get to do it again. and i promise to work on my wrist and close my legs. gupson is still getting at me for it, he walked in the middle of jean and i yst to remind me. consider me reminded.
exams have started. finishing on tuesday. i might have potentially screwed up biz finance but other than that, it's been going alright. now to conquer EFMA, another terror subject. and to top that off, CMS is under maintainence. they pick this freaking time. damn.
apart from all that, life is good. more complicated than ever, but still good. and props to dance company's production last night, it was pretty awesome. for a small club, they did a pretty darn good job. and union last night was just the right way to end it.
<3 2:24 PM