blog blog blog
whole week was crazy. on monday, i took my first flight alone. from KL to singapore only lah, but still nerve wrecking ok?! tuesday was mellow. wednesday was a long day, but salsa was a nice way to end it. haha. actually the seared COD at the cream bistro and bak ku teh after class was the nice ending. c'mon, it was salsa 1A, forgive me for not being over excited. haha. i learned that not everything green tea is nice, green tea smoothie is actually quite bad, maybe it will be better somewhere else. thursday was the most eventful day of the week, not in a good way mind you. i did grading for 6 classes in wellington primary on my own. its not the grading that was difficult, although the kids can be a real pain sometimes, it was the lugging of ten tambourines all over the freaking school. why the heck do they have their pri 1 classes upstairs and downstairs. irritating. dance on friday, lunch with jess and treasa. central and burger king with treasa, then union. was all alone at first. but it got better, and i think i have speedy to thank for much of that. 10 minute on2 dance right at the end. woah.
DULC, dance united lepak club, met up for steamboat at zhibin's house last night, will have much to blog when the i get all the pictures. then union after. boring sat at union. but a very fun cha cha, thanx to my in ability to stick to the counting. in time, i will. i promise. haha.
on friday, was sneezing, went to lie down for awhile ard 12pm, only got up at 2.30pm. more exhausted than before. i had two nightmares. concurrently. absolutely regret lying down. i havent had the nightmares anymore since friday. but they haunt me, when i walk down the streets and i see people looking at me. terrifying, scary, and i cant help but always look over my shoulder. i still remember the nightmares so clearly. i could tell you the whole story but i wouldnt be able to take the pain. i could go halfway, but even half the pain is traumatizing. it's like i watched a horror film, and i see it playing in my head everytime i stop thinking abt everything else. i want it to stop. please stop. please.
<3 2:42 AM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
i'm back from KL.
before that. i had dinner with leong. it was a good dinner. pasta cafe at taka is a must try. the sambal seafood marinara spaghetti is really spicy. i didnt have it of course, but leong was perspiring, so that must say alot for it. haha. he finished my food again, then again, what's new. didnt get to do very much, other then dinner. maybe dinner and a movie when he gets out. he said so, ok?!
KL was good. i had a ton of fun. hanging with my mum and helping her at the exhibition. meeting really nice french people. danielle and nicole. having a drink with my mum. watching what alcohol does to her. it was funny. but it was really fun too. i had a blast. and take back all the stuff abt not wanting to go. i would not have had it any other way. how often do you get to spend time with your mum, in here environment. where you see your mum as a friend, person, woman, and not just a mum. its pretty cool. oh oh, and i had a quarter pounder everyday. simply because they dont have it in singapore. i don't like the service at KLIA though.
have to work in a few hours. i think its another long day tmr. but i will probably come home in between. leong goes off to the police acad tmr. haha. pity i cant see him off, have to be at wellington pri. TAKE CARE LEONG. remember my dinner when you get out. haha. that's not all i think abt okay?!
dance tmr night, then salsa on wed, then dance on thurs. boy, its good to be home. at least for the water bed it is. haha.
<3 12:03 AM