Monday, September 24, 2007
had a pretty good sunday. haha. church was good. i'm kinda glad that i went. the sermon was good. all who missed it, you really missed something pretty awesome.
went to this japanese ramen place at central. the foods pretty good. a little on the pricey side. but i guess to some crazy extent, it was worth it. we were actually having farewell lunch for louise. heh. everyone is leaving. when will it be my turn? haha. not so soon anyways.
i had green tea ice cream and i got gdine to buy one too. her first time eating green tea ice cream. its so nice to spread the goodness of the world to the unknowing people who sadly live under rocks. [haha. oops. dont kill me hubs =P]

then we headed to jitterbugs to collect the poster from jason. which reminds me, i have to send it out. gosh. haha. then we went to toys r us. guess what i bought?! a rubik cube. hahahaha. i, allison menon, actually succumbed to current trends. what is happening to me?! but its been fun, i've figured it out already, took me a whole night, doubt. but i can solve a rubik cube now. good eh?! it wont be long before i can do it really fast [yea right!]. hur hur hur, watch out leong. hahahaha. oh man, seriously, what is happening to me?!
i took aaron's advice and went to get donuts from donut factory at suntec. two double chocolate. mhmm, better than good. better than better. just awesome. i've had krispy kreme and dunkin donuts, so i've had better. but when it comes to donuts in singapore, donut factory wins everybody. so so good. haha. check this out.


haha. and that summed up my sunday. i was complaining last night that i have no dance this week. i might take class with gdine but its like $30 per class, so i might think again. i could crash BE today, but i woke up at 4pm [thanx to all the rubik cube-ing last night till 3am]. so yea, no BE for me. tmr is a full day for me, have three classes, including cha cha at monfort, that will be fun. haha. and hopefully gdine finishes dinner earlier so that we can go see lu lu off. union this friday, finally, i havent salsa-ed for too long. haha.
<3 4:53 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
added a few new albums to the photos section. enjoy=)
this album will be constantly updated until its full.
just salsa =)
Stage Arts Annual Production. PEOPLE. dancers did a beyond legends item. our best yet.
stage arts annual production 2007
Stage Arts Night 2007. these are a bit late because i totally forgot to upload them. haha.
stage arts night 2007
not much has happened in the past few days. just classes after classes. with this job, i bet i will know the public transport system at the back of my hand. but i enjoy it. travelling from school to school. assisting dance instructors. i could do this for a long time.
my mummy has said that if i can pay my way through driving school, the nissan sunny is mine. its not much, but when you cant afford something, a car is still a car. so i already have a car, i just need a license. and with the extra income i am earning now, i'm sure, with enough will power, i could do something abt it. she gives me the nissan and gets a new car for themselves. haha. that's what she said ah.
i didnt go for dance today, just so tired. but i need to start going. i think its break next week, better check email. no salsa for two weeks =( union next friday. my mummy actually knows. i already told her. no more keeping stuff from her, nothing good ever comes out of it. as long as i keep my late nights within the holidays. she's reasonable.
<3 9:39 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
this could have possibly been the best two weeks of my life so far. salsa everyday, ok fine, every other day. actually havung a partner. partner being chu leong. dancing with jason and jerinne. performing salsa again. gee. what more could a girl ask for?! ok, i could think of alot of things to ask for, but that is not the point.
the performance was pretty good. taking into consideration that it was put together in two weeks. it really was pretty good. and comparing my salsa from then to now, i actually have improved. fine fine, i know everyone says that, but i this is the first time i actually see myself salsa. its not very often you have a video of yourself social dancing you know. at least, not when your a tiny time dancer [i felt that small time dancer was still too big].
many people said that it was a good show and nobody believed the 'two weeks' part. its a good thing we didnt ask the emcee to say 6 days, they might have striked us off for lying. haha.

i was very glad that i bought the other black top and not the one i wanted to buy originally. nicole showed up in the top i was going to originally get. which would mean that once i had changed to jeans, we would look exactly the same. that would have not been good.
apart from all that, i had a few good dances. none with jason coz he spun the rest of the night. but i was having a very confusing night. suddenly on1 became so much more difficult than on2. and honestly, i think i like on2 more because i have more thinking and breathing space. it could also be because, that's all i have been doing for the past two weeks. heh.
for any of you who do not know the VERY NICE guy who agreed to be my partner, he is chuleong, or better known as ah leong. after eating a few dinners with him and spending almost two whole weeks with him, i must say, there is more to him than just a pretty boy face. haha. he's a really nice guy, who picks up choreo at a ridiculous speed. very talented, and he can be such a boy sometimes. haha. he can ask the most 'innocent boy' questions, that have no link whatsoever to anything. and when he does, you tend to forget he is 20. heh. but then again, sometimes i forget how old jason is, or how old jonathan is, so maybe it's a guy thing. haha. but really, nice guy, good friend, and like a said, not just a pretty boy face. big big big thank you for helping me out and dancing with me again. had an awesome time and it was nice to share something i love with someone i dont absolutely hate. =)

supper after was interesting. stuff happened, but you dont have to know. wasnt sent home by jason and jerinne, took a cab back with stella. was suppose to take a cab back with stella. haha. jean sent us home instead. i was just, innocently, pointing out how 'on the way' it was, and stella joined in ok?! but in the end, we decided to cab, but he decided that he should do something good. haha. besides, everytime stella wanted to leave, he told her to sit. so in the end, i guess it was all jean.
the ride home was fun. interestingly fun. he really doesnt stop talking, haha. i thought only i did that. i guess there are others out there. and i can safely say, jean would beat me hands down. i kinda took him in circles, but it was an accident. no one told him not to ask me for directions. but it was all good in the end. good ride home. got home just before 5am no doubt, but it was a good ride.
oh oh. i'm attending samba with BE. two more weeks of samba. its really cool. haha. and guess what, i think i'm partnering leong. but it's complicated for many reasons. no big to me, i just want to learn abit here and there, it wont kill me if i have no partner. [i dont believe i just said that].
now got to source for upcoming dance performances in oct. and hopefully get some advertising going for dfs, and ibs. get my financial life in order, so that i will stop running out of cash. and look forward to the salsa DJ competition coming up. the performance vid is already up, just click salsabutteyflies on the left and you should see it. enjoy =)
<3 12:11 AM
Monday, September 10, 2007
i found that the best way to dry hair, time consuming no doubt, is to use a fan at full blast.
nth much really happened this week. i managed to convince leong to be a part of the performance, so that was one hurdle out of the way. went to yew tee pri to assist for ethnic fusion dance. the kids were so cute. i remember a few of them, esp little phoebe. she's this tiny pri 3 girl. reminds me of me when i was in pri 3, super tiny. haha. i'm serious ok?! other than that, i had a role play presentation on friday, that was pretty funny. and i am officially on holiday, ok maybe not. project week now, but no more regular classes.
friday was awesome. i had a birthday dance. haha. trust me, its more fun to watch. the best part was zee and jason. it wasnt too bad, i almost tripped twice. so yea, not too bad. haha. someone asked me who told the DJ, and i said jason. the reply i got was, 'haha, should have guessed ?!' eh jason, see your rep. haha. i cant remember who though. gdine hubby came with a whole bunch of zen people. that is not the important part. the important part is that we finally union-ed together. she led me through one song. haha. as much as i am against the whole girl-girl thing, it was fun. and i am sure that is only because she is geraldine. haha. supper was fun. laugh till i teared. jean's an, erm, interesting guy? yep! that's the word, interesting. heh.
saturday was 'legacy of goh choo san'. four words, it was so beautiful. i love the piece with jared angle. the entire ballet was just awesome. i also saw alot of people. haha. i left coming for these performances, its like a family reunion [as peter puts it]. all the people ever met in my dance life so far, from all the way back to my ballet days. i met aunty june too. that was a lovely surprise. and i learned that jess used to take ballet with miss pang. small world huh?! supper at gluttons bay was nice. shared fried oyster with treasa =) oh oh. treasa got me a top for my birthday, its pretty. she got me a butterfly thing to hang on my phone too. pity i'm not a 'hang stuff on my phone kind of person'. i shall safe keep it. haha.
treasa and i before legacy. she just loves my white blazer. haha

the top she got for me =)

sunday i had covenant vision center's 9th anniversary dinner. which entailed my 30s of fame. haha. i was in one of the videos. it was funny. i looked funny. gdine hubby was there, so that was nice. and i had the best singapore doughnuts i have tasted so far. meridien shopping center. the shop is facing the streets. really nice. i had one super chocolate one. that was devine. i have decided that the only bread in heaven is doughnuts, simply because i would not have it any other way. haha. saw many people i havent seen in awhile. it was a good dinner.
hubby also got me a present, but had to give it back because it was too big. she said she'll go change for me. so nice of her.
hubby and i at cvc's 9th anniversary dinner.

next week is a whole week of rehearsals. and project. a few jobs would be nice too. one can never overlook the 'earning extra income' part of life. haha. i'm contemplating exhausting my jitterbugs membership classes during the hols. i just mind, i'm sure i will be allowed to dance since its the holidays. right? i think so anyway. heh.
i saw two interesting number plates the other day. the first, SFU ..... but that still cannot beat the second, SK 69U. can a person be anymore straightforward. now, you know exactly what that car is used for. haha.
<3 1:19 AM
Monday, September 03, 2007
okays. time for major weekend round-up blogging.
i led ACES Day at woodlands ring pri for pri 3-6. haha. what an experience. lemme tell you, doing the opposite for the kids to mirror is not easy at all. no joke, as i previously put it. as if i'm not confused enough with left and right. haha. you would think it's easy for someone who does the opposite all the time, unconsciously. well, think again. heh.
then it was school. back to woodlands ring pri to assists for ACES Day. then to esteller 77. then maggie took me on a shopping spree. in ISETAN SUPERMARKET. she is one very very cute woman. who takes the joy of food to whole new level. haha. it was fun. after that, headed home and waited. haha.
at night, i went for dinner at buono. i love that place. good food, awesome people, and amazing ambience. oh oh. dinner was with jason and jerinne. i ate quite abit. cant help it, the portions are big. haha. then came the highlight, i got a chocolate lava cake with a candle in it. so cool, and terribly sweet. haha. if your wondering, why the candle, it was my birthday dinner. one week early no doubt, but it was buono or hua yi, the choice is clear =P haha. the ambience was so amazing that it killed any 'go to union after dinner vibes', which was absolutely fine with me, mind you. haha. we went for a movie instead, RATATOUILLE. very very good movie. a definite must watch. so in one night, i got dinner, a cake, a movie and cup corn. BIG THANK YOU TO JASON AND JERINNE =)
birthday dinner at night. suntec guild house bbq buffet. the whole family and my mummy's side. the cake was huge. forgot to bring the camera, and my phone did not really do the cake justice. so you're going to have to imagine, really big chocolate, and i mean really big. haha. it was really nice too. courtesy of good-deh and girlfriend delia. got ang bao. haha. i love having birthday dinners with family when you are older, they dont know what to get you and give you ang bao. haha. ang bao, i like. dinner was fun, got cards from my cousins and even transformer stickers. haha.
BURN THE FLOOR presents FLOORPLAY. it was good. i guess all the reviews that i got before watching affected my judgement. and the comments after. but it was still good. although, at least 5 girls almost fell. heh. i saw so many salsa dancers. daphne, boon cheong, chris, ange, stella, and a few others that i've seen around. stella is really nice. haha. but i swear she does not know my name. as far as she is concern, i am 'girl'. haha. well, at least i have a name as far as she is concern. and she knows who is 'girl'. heh.
i am still on the hunt for a salsa partner. haiz. i'm excited and frustrated. needing to look for a partner was a hassle that i thought i left behind when i left BE. no partner, no performance. sounds awfully familiar doesn't it.
<3 12:28 AM