Saturday, August 25, 2007
if you havent noticed, i have gone back to 'blogging only when i have something to blog about', instead of meaningless whenever.
sekou mcmiller is pretty awesome. i sent out a mass sms telling many abt him. and the results were disappointing. i guess i just dont understand how other people cannot see what i see in salsa. anyways, like i said, he was awesome. reminded me of shaka. haha. that was pretty much what everyone was saying. i danced with him on thurs. nerve-wrecking. but it was all good. he's a pretty nice guy. haha.
friday night was pretty good too. [is it just me, or is the bass heart-thumpingly loud, or is it just the sound system?] my best dance for the night was with zee. you know what? compared to the first time i danced with zee [last night was my second, btw], getting lost and having trouble following, i actually almost di not stumble at all. haha. and that was pretty cool. there was still the missing of his hand, and the slipping of the hand. but it was definitely 10 times better than the first time.
and i learnt a very valuable lesson last night, never say 'anything' to the bartender at union. i'm not entirely sure of the effects of saying 'whatever' yet, and i dont think i plan to find out.
i went shopping just now with gdine. been a long time since we went out. had a pretty good time. i spent close to $100. but didnt buy meaningless stuff. all the stuff i got, be proud of me, were things i actually planned to get. no impulse buys. haha. ok, maybe one. a really cute t-shirt. but hey, nobody's perfect. i saw this t-shirt that read, "men are like commercials, dont believe anything they say". as cynical as that sounds, i found it quite funny at that point of time. anyway, i'm happy abt my buys. accomplished even. haha. like one of those single-liberal american girls you see on tv. and the fact that they always get swept off their feet by some really hot stud before the end of the movie, is absolutely not the point. heh.
kfc in abt half an hour. and singapore bay run tmr. gee. how exciting?!
<3 6:50 PM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
it's been 10 days. i must have something to blog abt.
first up
my new phone. pretty ain't it. (and please dont say, "allison, why your phones always got patterns?" that is absolutely not true)

and my not-so-new anymore latin heels. my pride and joy. who needs babies? (kidding. =P)

my attachment is finally over. or the practical part is finally over. time for classical, three hour timetable everyday. also the time to work more. haha.
upper club last night was very good. twoleftfeet's performance was awesome. esp the tricks. but, i must say, very cheesy (in a good way. of course. entertaining). there wasnt anyone to laugh at though, because not many ppl actually dressed up. kudos to those who did, admirable. heh. i danced quite abit. had alot of fun. cant wait to dance again. (what's new)
jonathan is back. which isnt really much because he has been back for two weeks and is leaving tmr night, but he chose to tell me last night. had me out for breakfast this morning, so i had to wake up at like 9.45am aft sleeping at 4.45am. i even had to wake him up can?! haha. but its ok, breakfast wasnt too bad. and believe it or not, i am still full. my appetite is not being very nice to me.
church was ok. lunched with melissa, gdine and jaryl. shopped ard abit for stationary, and left with a home-project. haha. (right gdine?) will post up the results of that project soon.
that's all really. hope i get work tmr. if not, i'll be out with gdine. so its a win win situation both ways. may be getting a bag tmr. haha. have salsa tmr night. haha. hope they eat hua yi again, if i do meet gdine. want to let her try the xiao long bao. haha. =)
<3 6:37 PM
Thursday, August 09, 2007
what would be cheesier than to blog on national day? i'll tell you what, starting the entry with.....
HAPPY NATIONAL DAY =) [haha. i think many of you probably think i go through life a very bitter person. which isn't entirely untrue. heh]
production yst wasn't too bad. i dont think i screwed up on stage, and it could have possibly been our best 'beyond legends' piece yet. and i must say, done right, the choreo does look very nice. esp all the place rifle steps. haha. [hor. yee shan.]
didnt feel much after the production, you know, that sense of satisfaction [abt to tear] kind of feeling. like at the end of musical. i guess because we didnt really slog hours. i can understand why drama side was absolutely elated and i'm very happy for them. they did a good job. as for the dancers, i think the juniors felt more of a sense of satisfaction then the seniors did. how do i put it? like abit no shiok?! haha.that was how i felt anyway. nevertheless, like i said, all the hard work drama put in paid off and they did a very good job. it was one of their happier storylines. good good.
before production, weilin and i headed to amk hub. we went on a shopping spree at the, wait for it, wait for it, FOOD FESTIVAL. haha. bought so much food. i still love the cupcakes best. then again, i have a soft spot for cupcakes. the cuttlefish was also pretty good, brought back hong kong memories. i was so nice and saved some for denise. haha. coz i know she loves cuttlefish. so nice right? heh. and she did. love the cuttlefish i mean. we also bought egg tarts and choc puffs. and westlake kong ba bao, even you have never eaten it, you really shld try, esp if you like kong ba bao. they have an outlet at plaza sing. great for the movies, just know how to bring it in. hahaha. [right sherry?]
i have pictures from yst, but i havent uploaded them yet. will post them up together with pics of my new phone and long awaited pics of my not-so-new-anymore latin heels. haha.
<3 12:06 PM
Monday, August 06, 2007
my post seem to come once a week nowadays. that's not too bad. at least i update, unlike many =P
but i must confess, i have nth much to say today.
my simpsons review. its not too bad, really funny. indeed a 'laugh out loud' movie. due to the nature of its content, it is a must watch in the cine. the big screen does wonders to the graphics and the images and even the storyline. however, i wouldn't advice watching it on a weekend. its, sadly, not worth $9.
hmm. there hasn't actually been a movie worth $9 for a long time. none that i have watched anyway. i think the last movies that i watched that were actually worth that much, was transformers and possibly die hard 4.0. even then, i thought die hard was ridiculously fictitious. good nevertheless, but still fictitious. heh. why doesnt anyone make weekend price worthy movies anymore?
okays. nth else to say. teck whye sec later. then sa production rehearsals. then salsa at night [=)]. then more rehearsalsa tmr and production on wed. maybe i'll have stuff to say abt the production. when i finally actually watch it. haha. good stuff i hope [everyone hopes]. heh.
<3 9:57 AM