poise ; dance ; love
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
salsa is almost like a drug. keep me away from it for too long and i start to show withdrawal syndromes. i'm not kidding. its abit scary. i'm not sure if it's exactly a healthy obsession.
although, i am loving every moment of it. heh.
didnt have a great week. i could have possibly gotten rejected. and my phone got stolen. ok fine. i left it on the floor and by the time i remembered, someone had taken it. so it was entirely stolen.
now i am surviving on a phone courtesy of weilin. thank you so much girl. and i dont plan to get one anytime soon, i dont have the finances to. i hope, as bad as i feel to keep using her phone, that i can use weilin's phone for a long time. dex offered his spare phone. so maybe that offer will still be valid when i have to return the phone.
today, i figured out how i want to spend my birthday. i really hope i get it.
<3 11:09 PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
i was watching the LIVE EARTH concert highlights on sunday and i realized something. the whole event rides on conserving energy. promoting the conservation of energy to save the earth, if you prefer specifics. there were other stuff too, like 'do not litter', 'reduce; reuse; recycle', but the main point was save energy. and how do they do that? they throw a concert. they throw a concert to promote the CONSERVATION OF ENERGY??!!. they throw something that requires electrical musical instruments, speakers, microphones, lighting, all of which, surprise surprise, requires generators. and generators produce electricity, which is in fact a form of energy. so dont you thing that throwing a concert to promote the conservation of energy is abit ridiculous? just abit. and its not just one concert, its 8 concerts, in 8 different countries. i can definitely see the conservation of energy in that. heh. go figure.
haha. my rant is over. go buy bon jovi's new cd. LOST HIGHWAY. it is so so very good. it beats HAVE A NICE DAY. everyone shld listen to it.
i noticed that there is something salsa in every entry. so here goes. class was pretty good. spin and spin and spin. thanx ah. but i had fun. even up till the end. i can spin leh. haha. getting there anyway. and my tension is better. good to know i'm getting somewhere. very good indeed =)
<3 10:14 AM
Sunday, July 22, 2007
pretty good weekend.
friday wasnt that great for some reason. but i had a wonderful time last night. going to miss it for awhile. maybe a month or so. see how things go. haha.
oh oh. i danced with SUPER MARIO. cool. awesome =)
i watched die hard 4.0 on fri. its a pretty good movie. suspense and all. pretty fun as jason puts it. all in all, it was another die hard movie. but it went a little overboard though. it was a little too fictitious. john mcklaine [bruce willis] was like superman, only diff was that he got shot at, broke an arm and could bleed. then again, give superman some kryptonite and you could probably do the same things to him. i would love to prove my point further by using a scene from the movie but that would spoil it for some people, so i shall refrain.
i bumped into a whole group of teck whye sec boys at raffles place mrt station. wah lau eh. pai seh can?! haha. the boys from the cha cha and rock and roll class. and i'm going there tmr to assist. haha. please pray for me. i'm scared. heh.
salsa tmr night. my saving grace. cant wait to union again. which will be in awhile, but it makes the anticipation that much sweeter.
<3 2:43 PM
Sunday, July 15, 2007
i dont really have anything to say. but the previous entry was starting to look like a depressing eye sore.
i got my red and black latin heels. and their so gorgeous. i'll take a picture soon. havent really had the time.
science center was one experience that i do not want to repeat. its a pity that i have to go back another 4 more times. i suddenly feel such compassion for surveyors down along orchard road. not that i might actually stop for them now. but i'll definitely think twice abt not stopping. that's a start right? heh. we hit our target, or close enough anyway. and i dont have to go down for two weeks. i absolutely do not mind, oh surprise surprise.
i finally watched transformers. and now every vehicle i look at, i stare at it wondering if it will transform. haha. you cant blame me really, its valid anticipation. imagine an autobot in singapore, "hi. i'm FERRARI." i figured that autobots would be rare right? so if they were in singapore, they would probably be the really rare cars. heh. you must agree. you do, right?! haha.
okays. i better stop before ppl reading start cursing and swearing. haha. goodnight world =)
<3 11:24 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
so i've been thinking.
i did ballet for more than 10 years and nth changed. i never got rid of bad habits. like when i went for pointe musical prac. ms tan said the same things ms lee used to say. point your toes, lock your knees. extend your limbs. soften your fingers. relax your arm. so the same things that were said almost two years ago, and two years later still have not changed.
which makes me wonder, what happens if salsa becomes like that? to make things worst, i'm paying for all of it this time. ballet with miss lee, and in school was all free. one because my parents paid, the other because it was free. but now it isn't. what happens if my money goes out with no apparent returns? what if, all that is said of me now, in a couple of months have not changed? i'm trying, i really am. i know it isnt easy, but i'm just afraid that my efforts will go to waste. that after all the money and all the effort, i still fall short. then what is the point really? i wish someone could assure me that i can get better. wish someone could show me solid proof that the possibilities are there. God knows, i sure need it. i keep thinking of all the negatives, and every week i think i have solved it. just to learn that i havent really accomplished anything at all. and, i dont know, the feeling sucks. its all good when everyone keeps feeding you compliments. but when reality kicks, and all the faults are pointed out, it isnt all fine and dandy. i know its for my own good. i know that pointing out nmy faults will help me. but what if i never change? that what happens?
what happened to the ecstasy? what happened to the love?
<3 11:46 AM
Thursday, July 05, 2007
dont use your biceps.
engage your back.
walk in a straight line.
hold yourself.
take your steps.
dont arch your back.
relax your arm.
use only your fingers.
dont turn yourself.
dont let go.
its starting to become just a wee bit frustrating. i'm trying. i really am.
why is it, that somehow, i always seem to sell myself short?
<3 11:57 AM
Monday, July 02, 2007
salsa feista 2007. awesome weekend. pity i didnt get to dance with oliver or nestor. i did during class, but, as jason would say, that doesnt really count. never mind. stay around in salsa long enough, i'm sure i'll get to see them again.
apart from that. it was a great weekend. i got to see ppl i havent seen in abt two weeks. made a few more friends. got to know a few friends better. i miss dancing. and being asked to dance is being something that i'm actually getting used to. yes yes, more and more ppl are asking. it feels kinda good. esp when they ask you how long you've been dancing salsa, hur hur hur. sure does feel good. haha. upper club was interesting, but i think i still prefer union. more homey? heh. and upper club does not serve coke. only pepsi. and the juices are so terribly sweet. haha. but its nice nevertheless. i think, give me a big carpark lot or empty field, add salsa to it and i will think its the best thing in the world. no merengue this weekend though, but who cares?! [jason, i'm kidding =P]
the workshops were really good. i still remember what i have learnt. haha. and the body movement classes kinda worked hand in hand. luda went through a lot of detail and why we do what we do. which actually gave lidia the opportunity to skip all the theory and go straight into application. so yea, that was good. my back is aching though. so very very pain. haha. but like i said, it was a good weekend.
bellman made the weekend even better. haha. i met him at upper club on saturday night. he was there to watch luda perform. and damn was she hot. oh wait, bellman. haha. had a really good time. the first thing he said to me was, "hey, you weren't at my class today, or last week." hmm. so i confessed my quitting. i must admit, i felt abit bad for not telling him. i guess i thought i was just someone he remembered on saturday mornings when he saw me. he actually asked sherry for me. haha. cool huh?! got to do salsa with him. two songs straight. one on1 and the other on2. i realized that i cant recognize on2 unless the guy says, "let's do on2 ok?" haha. that's not good right? heh. i'll learn i guess. eventually, lemme be really good on1 first. hope i get to see bellman more often. its almost like seeing an old friend. which is actually kind of refreshing.
now i'm doing up my 1-min choreo for assessment. finished quite abit of it, with pockets here and there. shld have no problem finishing it. however, everything i think of is so salsa. salsa jazz? haha. i think i'll be able to do it. stretch the line work. a few more kicks and turns. like trev said, "jazz is just jumps, kicks, and turns." haha.
lastly, i've got no more videos on my blog. coz it looked like abit of a clutter. you can catch me on youtube though.
for everything social dance. my vids, performances, my favourites.
for everything else that is not social dance. jazz, hip hop and just for fun vids.
okays, i'm bored. but i've run out of stuff to say, or type rather. so i'm going off now. loves*
<3 1:42 PM
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