poise ; dance ; love
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Saturday, June 23, 2007
performance was freaking awesome. there couldn't be a better feeling then performing salsa in front of a crowd of salsa enthusiast. i had the best time. and everyone loved our performance. i loved our performance. except the very last bit, but at least we didnt fall over. totally awesome.
the salseras

the salseros

click* and check out how huge LA BALLROOM ENMASSE is. haha.

all of us with jason and jerinne =)

my favourite comment of the night for the performance came from zi. fan-f*ing-tastic.
sharon pakir and team performed too. and she was a male lead. so i have concluded that she is not only really hot, she's extremly handsome too.
i got jason and jerinne a present. with the help of the club fund. haha. two bears in the salsa costumes. no i did not make the bears. i just drew the costumes on. they look so cute. i had to fight the temptation of keeping them for myself. haha.
ladie's costume

notice the bare-back?

guy's costume

notice the arm band?

jerinne and jason? =P

i finally talked to my mum. and the verdict is this :-
*i dance only two nights a week
*i can only go for salsa events
*i have to be home by midnight
so issue settled.
i think i can live with that. i guess i kinda deserve it too. so as of now, mummy and i are talking again. and it feels damn good.
<3 12:44 PM
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
updates updates. haha.
shakka brown was awesome. met him at union on friday night. HE ASKED ME to dance bachata with him. then later on i asked to dance salsa with him. haha. i repeat HE ASKED ME.
his workshop on saturday was pretty good. i think i enjoyed the shines workshop the most. and for the on2 workshop, i partnered xiao qing [i think that's her name]. she wanted to be the guy. pretty fun too.
salsa on1 inter partnerwork

salsa on1/on2 beginner/inter shines

fundamentals of on2

shakka brown and suzanne swadner =)

finished class and grabbed a cab. josh's b'day party. i really went there to cut the cake. haha. but it was good fun. nice to see josh, julian and valerie again. and the never boring choco exotic. i think its become either a danz inc trademark cake or a dancer's cake. haha. watched jw trash zee at soccer. ys and zee fight it out at car racing. then all left ard 11.

union after was the best time i've had so far. got pushed here and there by nickson and mark, then thrown around by jason and jerinne. danced with quite a few ppl i wanted to dance with. the best part was, i didnt ask anyone to dance. i was too stone to approach anyone. but i still danced the whole night through. haha. like union's baby. close enough anyway. i almost didnt get to merengue. haha. thank you jason =)
supper at geylang was good, jerinne made me eat frogs leg. its not that i dont like it, i just dont like the thought of eating it. and clarence almost managed to shove chili down my throat. and jason ate alot. i mean ALOT. durian after was terrible. it was also terribly hilarious. my god, so bimbo. haha.
"4 cocks and a hen. and the hen is wide open" oh gosh! haha. ask me for the full story if you want. i guarantee you will probably laugh as much as we did. maybe even more. i must stress again, my god, so bimbo.
performance tmr. union square. cant wait. hmm, my posts seem happier, dont you think?
and i'm off. loves*
<3 3:32 PM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
the storm has past. and the sun is out, or at least the clouds anyway. the sun isn't quite ready to show itself yet.
for those who know what has been happening, i've made my decision. i'm going to get back my semester by working very hard. going to use BSU and classical to pull up my terrible grade. forget what i said before, the more i thought abt it, the more i realized how much it would suck to repeat a semester. as for applying for uni, i'll worry more abt that when i have to. right now, i'll just concentrate on doing well enough to possibly get to a uni.
hmm. what a predicament. which do i stop? i'm actually starting to find both a chore. gosh. but i've been told that it will get better for one. and the other, it will only get better, if i like it enough. and i dont know, i thought i would like it. but the technique and the ever changing partners. makes it a little bit hard to like. it almost feels like ballet all over again. i work so hard, and i try and i try. but i just never seem to get it right. but i'm still very much in love with the dance. i'm in love with dance, period. i'm sure i'll think of something.
special thanks just a few. greatly appreciated.
on a lighter note. union tmr. shaka brown on sat. josh b'day on sat. oh oh. i cant wait. cant wait at all.
<3 10:24 AM
Monday, June 11, 2007
funnest time at union.
merengue and bachata have officially been deemed playground/roller-coaster dances.
merengue is so so very very very fun.
anyways, i broke it to my mum. and let's just say, i won't be union-ing for awhile. sad. but i've seen the benefits in listening to my mum. and she has said eventually. so i guess i'll wait. i'll still get my occassional trips i guess. hopefully.
<3 9:44 AM
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
my arms hurt. my legs hurt. dancing everyday is no joke. dancing everyday in heels? even more no joke. i'm enjoying it though. i'm not complaining or anything. its actually pretty much fact. dancing everyday is tiring. but i love it nonetheless. love every moment of it. ok fine. maybe not every moment.
i have my laptop with me. shall bring it over to harvey norman tmr. get the hard disk and pass that to jason. such a long time without my laptop. i kinda miss it. or rather, i miss having a system i can do all my stuff in and save all my things. not having to worry what my sister or anyone else is going to say. i miss my videos and my pictures. hmm. hoping that i'll get my laptop back in working order really soon.
21st june union square performance is under-way. costumes settled. partners settled. i'm partnering leong. oh, and for the performance tmr, i'm partnering yee shan for salsa. all performances will be happening between 1-2.30pm. nyp atrium. for people who read this and might actually want to come. haha. dance tonight again. once again, not complaining. but i am tired. really tired.
<3 11:52 AM
Friday, June 01, 2007
i've been thinking. someone like you would be nice. no, wait. it wont be nice, it would be perfect.
its june! freaking awesome. TNP performance. salsa on mondays, salsa on wednesdays. salsa with shakka brown, salsa with oliver and luda. union on fridays. shakka at union. i'm performing at union!! haha. there's something salsa abt every week of june. really siao!
and its friday. wonderful. dance later all the way till tonight. head home, sleep. dance the next morning. belman. haha. it would be pretty cool to see him at union again. i'm not exactly confident about my cha cha though. its not just the dancing. a lot of factors filtered in. but i'll get by. wake up every sat morning, and my first thought is always, i wonder who i will dance with today? haha. you cant blame me really. i've found someone to practice with. but ah, my mummy's practice partner. haha. no, we do not share everything, i didnt know. never mind, i can shape him up so he can dance with her. haha.
the quest for my laptop does not seem to be going in my favour. at this rate, i'll probably throw a party in aid of its return. yea, that's how long i havent had it. hopefully, can bring it down next week. shall use up the last 4 hours of flexi i have. apart from that, need to get done the flash part of my part of the entire project. aishah said she will help. i think i'll start on monday though. 5 more hours and no drive to do a thing.
i'm still thinking. someone like you really would be nice. no, perfect. wait, nicely perfect? haha.
<3 11:40 AM
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