poise ; dance ; love
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
cant be fixed. hit with a pretty bad virus. guessing it came in with the last thing i downloaded. that would be the photo recovery software for mummy. well, at least some good came out of that.
exracting everything from the hard drive. then sending it in forn servicing. 'your laptop shuts down itself!!' haha. i got used to it, didnt seem that serious to me after awhile.
thank you for helping with the laptop and taking up all your precious time. really sorry. really appreciate it.
in the mean time, apologise item and salsa on1/on2 item for tnp performance on the 6th of june. both with brian. gee, i cant wait. this is gonna be fun.
<3 11:04 AM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
i'm tired.
physically and emotionally.
why is dancing becoming more and more of a chore?
re-phrase. why is dancing in school becoming more and more of a chore?
dont tell me that i should know what to do because i know how you work. your confusing your ethics and your confusing me. two/three mths ago, i would have agreed with you. but now, i have no idea where the heck it is your coming from. i respect you, i meanm, how can i not? but i dont like the way you work and i'm starting to find great distaste in your morals. push me hard enough. and i swear, i will pick up and leave. its not a threat, because that would be pointless, its a possible outcome of the current situation. and here's my plea, please dont make me have to quit. i love it too much to leave without bearing a grudge.
thanks sherry. your terribly loved.
and to the lovely audrey too.
such dears.
<3 10:02 AM
Sunday, May 27, 2007
my computer is still down. tmr it shall go under the hands of jason. and hopefully, it will come out alive. with all my stuff still in it.
he taught me the merengue. and we did salsa and cha cha. or alot of salsa and just abit of cha cha. haha.
trips to union are becoming more fulfilling. last night was the first time i danced 4 songs straight. i was approached non-stop. it was so cool. in total, 8 guys i think. not including jason. there were repeats too. haha. i cant wait to go again.
loved it. just loved it. salsa tmr. whee. =)
<3 2:13 PM
Thursday, May 24, 2007
windows cannot start up because a file or folder is missing : /windows/system32/config/system
you can attempt to repair it with a windows setup original cd. press 'r' on the first screen.
my computer is down. so my sister gets encouraged to sleep earlier just so i can use her computer. but there isn't much i can do on her computer. its not the computer, it is the stuff in it. haha.
jason said he can help. but i have to wait till monday. and i will, if it means that i wont lose everything in my computer. and dont any of you dare start with me abt not keeping a back up. i know i know. just save me my files and i promise to back up 7 times a week. ok. maybe not so many times. but i will back up.
heh. treasa said she's had the same problem before. and all she needed was to use the cd and it all went back to normal. what blessed assurance. so until monday, i'm either never online, or only on for awhile. because there really isnt much to do on her computer.
<3 9:25 AM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
let it go, allison, let it go.
come on girl, you know you can do it.
you've done it so many times before.
hmm. should be pretty much ok now. i think. i'd call it a case of bias misjudgement. zee says, in too deep to know the difference. yea, probably. i shldnt have to forfeit my personal life to suit the fancies of other people. but at the same time, my personal life shld not be an inconvenience to other people. grateful to those who were around. i know who my friends are after all. i'll strike a balance between my personal life and my club life. between ballroom and salsa. between instructors. i strike a balance that will suit everyone. if it works for everyone, it works for me. in the end, its everyone else that matters.
salsa4allison. i have a cd that's just for me. haha. so cute can?!
<3 12:56 PM
Sunday, May 20, 2007
where do i stand in all of this? i'm just a girl. i just want to dance. when did dancing include picking my allegiances? when did a mere cca become something barely short of an occultic group? why the politics in something so innocent?
i'm scared. petrified more like it. even that, i think, is not strong enough a word. i need someone right now. i need someone who, i dont know, has been in a situation as such before. tell me what to do. every step of the way. where's everyone? a new year bears new problems? a friendship can cause distress? why? i dont get it? a mere msg can cause so much trouble. i didnt know. i really didnt realize the gravity of the situation. i simply didnt see the harm. i couldnt see the harm.
i need to talk to someone right now. i dont know who i can talk to. the issue is beyond sensitive. i need someone. i need to cry to someone. i need my friends. but i dont know who or where they are. and i dont know who will understand. somebody help me, please.
<3 9:48 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
woke up late again. freaking did not go to school. if i keep doing this, i'm going to be so screwed. can someone volunteer to be my alarm clock. because apparently, the TWO that i have are not effective enough. dammit. time to bathe and leave the house.
no more late night suppers. yea right, like i will listen.
<3 11:48 AM
Monday, May 14, 2007
48hrs of no sleep. you could see it in my eyes. but i couldnt feel it in my body. pity huh?!
chalet was pretty good. i was pretty out of touch i guess. but everyone enjoyed it. and thanx to jason, i cant say i didnt have a good time. spent good quality time with yee shan [who recently became my uncle]. the dance 'happy' family still lives. conformed no doubt. what can i say?! we're a family of conformist. haha. go figure.
walked alot. bladed quite abit too. taught jing wei how to blade. next time we go east coast and blade ok? uncle yee shan, we shld organise a blading outing. haha. pretty happy with the chalet. benjamin is already making plans to come back. and honestly, i dont mind doing it all over again. we learn from our mistakes, it will definitely be better the second time around.
special thanks going out to zelia for being such a dear right through the whole chalet. beginning till end. thanks to yee shan and jing wei for going down with us to buy groceries, even though it almost put yee shan to sleep. thanks to panda for buying the cakes. thanks to leong for starting the fire and for getting the bbq rolling, sometimes his hunger is a good thing. thanks to jon for just being there, never do anything loh. hahahaha. and lastly thanks to peter for always being there to offer to fill the financial gap. and many many thanks to my parents for being such wonderful parents.
also thanks to jason for the massage and the after bbq food. because that is all i ate. and to jerinne and jason for gossip, chit chat and entertainment. there might actually be much to miss at this chalet.pity there are no pictures. haha, can you imagine that, a chalet with no pictures?!
never mind. we will do it again. armed and ready with cameras. =)
<3 3:42 PM
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
long awaited. super outdated post.
my favourite place in the whole of singapore. UNION SQUARE. its a salsa club. pretty self-explanatory huh?! i love it so much. just so freaking awesome.
now preparing for chalet. its a real mad rush. crazy crazy crazy. i just realized that we probably have enough money to cover for everyone after all. there's really alot of ppl though. no idea how the chalet is going to survive. but it will have to. there's still so much to do. and i have presents to make. haha. stress ah stress ah.
oh oh. BIG BIG BIG THANK YOU to shi hui for helping me out with my flash resume. and mini thanx to TC and derek for chipping in. thank you oh so very very much.
new section on my blog. ESPECIALLY NOTED. replaces my hap-hazard calendar. haha. okays, back to planning. loves*
<3 11:11 PM
Thursday, May 03, 2007
spiderman was pretty awesome. everyone shld go watch it. word of caution though: not advised for the faint in heart.
today, we taught lesner and ryu the cartwheel and highbird. and since zelia's back is still pretty injured, i got thrown ard. haha. cartwheel i think barely pass. highbird still not so bad. i also did a back-bridge into walkover. so cool. the video is damn ugly. oh oh. i did it with ryu's help luh. and i also learnt that someone actually injured someone else during a particular stunt. i'm now scared of him. haha. that's why you need to come ballroom to enhance your partnering and stunt skills. haha. right mr someone?
leong's uploaded most of the pics. those who have pics in his camera, go take them from his multiply. haha. 4 more pics and my album 5 has been completed. the musical count- 267 pictures. not including the few pics that are either too ugly or too inappropriate to be put online. more of the latter though.
nyp musical dance alive 2007 [5]
a few faves from this album. and one or two that i just had to put up.

click for bigger image. they were actually staring into each other's eyes.
the programme for the night.

thanks leong for keeping me company all the way to bugis today. i hope i didnt kill your phone. =X
<3 12:20 AM
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