poise ; dance ; love
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Monday, April 30, 2007
musical's done. and i'm already missing it. its like two different extremes. having no time with so much to do vs having so much time with nothing to do. seeing the same people every single day vs not seeing them at all. one in particular. i'm going to go crazy soon. i went out with my ex today. guess i didnt exactly have a good time. i almost cancelled on him yesterday. but oh well. i was thinking of someone else the whole time. it really sucks. missing someone so much and not being able to do anything about it. the most i can do is msg him. which i have already done. and the conversation ended like an hour ago.
musical pictures are up. there are 5 albums in total, only put 4 up so far. still waiting for the photos in leong's camera. then i'll put up the last album. enjoy =)
nyp musical dance alive 2007 [4]
nyp musical dance alive 2007 [3]
nyp musical dance alive 2007 [2]
nyp musical dance alive 2007 [1]
album faves-

<3 5:28 PM
Thursday, April 26, 2007
rehearsals. rehearsals. rehearsals.
i spend more time in the auditorium than i do in my own house. i'm tired. i'm worn out. and i swear, a couple of times this week, i've wanted everything to just stop. my joints are cracking, my legs hurt so much and my skin is getting really tired. its all worthwhile though. all of it. i'm sure it is. if not, half of us would have picked up and left a long time ago. so i'm sure its all worthwhile.
i'm in a whirlwind of feelings right now. not the best time to be in one. i wish i had the guts to just go for it. or better yet i wish, by some miracle, he would come for me. haha. like that will ever happen. i would need a miracle mixed in a dream. even then i highly doubt it. constantly weighing pros and cons. somehow, the cons always weigh out the pros. there is constant encouragement to go for it. but then again, dont i always. havent i always had that needed encouragement to go for some guy. the support stops there though. when it goes horribly wrong, i'm left there to fend for myself. no one is there to pick up the pieces. everytime i have ever gone after anyone, i either end up losing a close friend, or i make a new enemy. i havent had to face that for a long time, and i dont plan to. i wouldnt be able to take it. i still wish something would happen somehow though.
tonight i shall make miracles in my dreams and enjoy them.
<3 1:36 AM
Sunday, April 22, 2007
club crawl madness is over. musical madness is about to start, again. i guess musical madness took a little break during club crawl. evryone's a little edgy. everyone's a little tired. almost everyone is a little injured. and almost everyone is a little sickly. one more week to go, and it's finished. i wonder what i'll do with so much time on my hands once musical is over. i think i've actually gotten used to being really busy.
first it was 4 items, then 3 items, and now 2 items. bummed out no doubt. but i guess i'm not that affected by it. with my whole, low expectation of everything attitude, nothing really affects me much anymore. so i guess i'm alright. shall concentrate on the two items i have left and put up a good show.
finally put up the club crawl photo album. here's some favs.
nyp club crawl 2007

<3 2:49 PM
Monday, April 16, 2007
my legs hurt. my arms hurt. but then again, what's new. oh, my heart hurts too. but that isn't very new either.
first day of school, i'm just sitting around waiting for my timetable to be out. even sitting around has become much of a chore.
i watched sunshine, as in the freakin movie, on sat night or sunday morning, depends on how you look at it. the first half is pretty ok, but the rest of it was like a cliche horror movie. number one, i hate horror movies. number two, only chick flicks are allowed to be cliche. but i had a pretty good time. one of the best movies i've watched in awhile, even though the whole movie itself kinda sucked. if i'm not making sense to you, that's ok, you wont be the only one who doesn't get it. heh.
time to bathe and pack my big 'runaway from home' bag. haha. hope i'll get to see shane today. said he'll pop by the audi. toodles =)
<3 7:52 AM
Saturday, April 07, 2007
so i've started reading again. trashy and cheesy english novels. then again, what's new?!
it's my quest to read jane green all over again. she's a lovely author, in case any one of you were wondering. i've read all her books once before, but that was about two or three years back. apparently my memory is terrible, so much so giving me the ability to actually re-read everything again with the same amount of profound interest. then again, trashy and cheesy english love novels are an undying trade. need i say more? not that anyone really cares. and i ramble on. hah.
salsa to pointe. my feet hurt pretty badly. there's no more modern jazz item, or at least if there is one, i'm not in it. which isnt a bad thing actually. down to three items. two of which have been finished and just needs a ton of polishing. now just left with the funk jazz piece and rehearsals will finally begin proper. its pretty cool actually, the whole musical prep atmosphere. not that there is much of an atmosphere. but i must say the thought of three items in a big musical [fine, not so big. big enough] is pretty exhilarating.
the best part, one item was casted. which means i actually had to work my ass of to get on stage. and it feels pretty darn good to be there. all glory to God. definitely, for sure. no one can take that feeling away, or make me feel otherwise. not even the world's most infamous romantic. ok, maybe the world's most infamous romantic. although, i'm not entirely sure who that is.
ramble ramble ramble. hah again. gosh i'm tired. can you tell? and i wish my feet wont hurt so much.
<3 9:10 PM
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
photoshoot today was kind of like a preview to how crazy it's going to be backstage during full dress rehearsals and actual performance day. it was fun though. minus the extra running ard i had to do. but it ws all in good time. weilin and i wore the same dress. that was pretty cool.

i think this looks so uniform. haha.

i love this picture though. she does too.
after the tiring photoshoot. we concluded our salsa routine. aye, not an easy one indeed. but its nice. and we've got the stunts banked. so choreo choreo choreo. pulling through is all i can pray for now. tmr peter will finish the anastasia item and on wed the modern jazz item. dance away is all i can say. dance away.
<3 1:30 AM
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