Tuesday, February 27, 2007
argh! accounts. i feel so horrible. it was a total disaster. wait. disaster is an understatement of the paper. didnt know this, and didnt know that. i'll just pray i pass. pray very hard that i did enough to pass.
do you know what i was thinking abt during the paper (only during some parts of the 2 hours). SHOPPING. i want to buy stuff. want to make a few more cancellations on that ridiculously long shopping list. so zee, if your reading this, would you like to go buy shoes before pointe on thurs?
i think i need to have like a physical shopping list and stop buying stuff that's not on it. although, i doubt that would work.
anyway, i'm switching off today and tmr i'll be back on and studying for econs.
i can smell fwhee-dom already.
<3 6:59 PM
Monday, February 26, 2007
it was pretty ok. most of the stuff i studied came out. so that's a good thing. think i'll do ok.
now it's 8pm and i just woke up. gonna start accounts. and my ear really really hurts.
<3 8:03 PM
Saturday, February 24, 2007
one down. three more to go.
stats wasnt too bad. in fact, it wasnt bad at all. i think i'll do pretty alright. now to start the other subjects. yep, you heard me. START. i havent even started.
just great!
<3 12:07 AM
Thursday, February 22, 2007
close your eyes. imagine a four year old kid with an extremely sarcastic tone.
"cookie monster learned that cookies are a sometimes food. can you believe that?!"
fucking funny luh. my god, ELMO totally rocks man.
[vile launguage was used to gratify the hilariousness of the above mentioned situation. do forgive.]

<3 10:32 PM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
my computer has opted for a brand new start. so i restored it to it's original innocent glory. now i have to start all over again and re-download all my applications. but blogger finally works and the computer is clean of all the bad stuff. so its all worth it.
dancer's outing wasn't too bad. then again, it never is too bad. dream girls is an awesome show. i cried through most of the second half of the show. its where all the sad parts happen. you go watch it, and you'll understand too.
the food at sushi don was interesting. japanese style pizza. east meets west in a ridiculously literal sense. but the unagi one was actually quite nice.
i beat peter at table soccer, which led to him cornering me and tickling me. i'm not quite sure anymore, which one is worse. winning or losing? heh.
the rest headed to ben's house for mahjong. and i headed home. ben's house in woodlands, too far luh.
oh and, peter's new latin partner, madeline[i think], very nice =)
and that was pretty much it. ok, there was a lot more but it's not that important. now i'm getting my messenger set up, followed by all the other stuff in awhile. josh acer will be up and running in no time. thank god.
<3 12:02 AM
Friday, February 16, 2007
reunion dinner with the dance 'happy' family was pretty good.
all the seafood and satay.
all the cursing and swearing at kelvin for being so late.
all the ,suppose to be, candid pictures.
all the walking out of places that were already closed.
and not forgetting all the SUGAR.
for zelia, all the non-fat milk.
pepper lunch. shopping. and just a whole load of talking.
may there be more years to come.
love you very very much gdine <3
<3 11:07 PM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
6 initiated valentine's greetings. 8 replied to my valentine's greeting. and a box of ferrero rocher.
the chocolates came with good reason and utmost sincerity.
spent the first 5 mins, last night, with the most wonderful guy. online luh. heh. good enough for me.
valentine's day wasnt all that bad after all. i even finished another stats paper. sweet.
before the clock strikes 12, and the day is over.
<3 10:54 PM
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
cny shopping done. much thanks to zhi bin. such a babe =)
exam studying in progress. terribly lacking behind though. trying desperately to catch up. ok, maybe not exactly desperately. which is not good, by the way.
i can feel the fat coming on. all the eating and no exercise. not good. not good at all. shld try to eat healthier stuff. but what on earth is healthy during cny, for heaven sakes. the mandarin oranges perhaps. but even too much of those cause congested lungs. it wont add to the fat though. need to exercise. run or something. i could always stop eating? no no no. scrap that thought.
[took a trip down memory lane
not intentional
that would make me insane
catching the tears that fell
i hid my face and gasped
ghost of my past
ghost of my subconcious
you haunt my day dreams
i remember the love
i remember the hate
i remember the hurt
catching the tears that fell
i hid my face and gasped]
<3 10:25 PM
Friday, February 09, 2007
i was upset. if you havent guessed.
i honestly have nothing against valentines day. the entry emphasis was more on how stupid guys can be. one guy in particular.
anyway, i have a junior in wesly YM. celine. my junior because i'm older, like duh, and i was her assistant assistant youth small group leader at one point. i think. i want to say a big thank you for reminding me that the love shared on valentines day is not just that of lovers. but its love in all forms. not that it makes me feel all better inside. but i must admit that i forgot what valentines day used to mean to me.
look at it this way, when your in primary school, you dont look at valentines day as a day that's meant for lovers. instead, its just a day of love. you buy a little something for your friends that mean so much to you. you definitely will not forget your parents. and most importantly, you wont forget God. at the end of the day, the love that he gives can surpass even valentines day.
special thanks to mummy zelia for taking a shot at making it all better.
i got a good laugh and did feel a little better.
<3 12:33 AM
Thursday, February 08, 2007
i dread valentines day.
its the only day in the entire year, when being absolutely guy-less bothers me. all the cheer, its enough to make me hurl. and guys who are plain stupid, do not make it any easier.
if you can give me 3 reasons to why i should think otherwise. then i might just think otherwise.
<3 2:10 AM
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
dinner with the japanese wasnt too bad. the food was boring though. exciting for them, no doubt. but boring for us. headed to starbucks after. i saw nicholas, aunty lana's older son. then the thing that was growing at my eye burst, and my was bleeding into my eye at starbucks. but the good news is, my eye is all better now. i can finally touch it again. and yes, i know that was probably how the eye infection started in the first place but do you have any idea how torturous it is to not be able to touch my eye. dammit. bus-ed home with kenny. it was a nice long bus ride that ended too soon.
i started studying today. stats. i've realized that i'm quite screwed even when it comes to my stats. which is actually, quite scary. but i should be able to cope and catch up and stuff.
dance wasnt too bad. peter is doing a new syllabus and though the steps look pretty ok, it is back breaking. literally. but it feels good to have set work to remember. gives it a little ballet-discipline feel. cant wait for him to cast the broadway jazz. praying for something good. and i cant wait for the lyrical. i'm pretty sure it will surpass my expectations. being fact, that i'm not someone who expects that much to begin with.
apart from all that, dance wise. i need a partner or someone, anyone, to practice waltz and vienese waltz with. i'll think of something. probably after exams. although, i have a feeling that i might have to re-learn everything again once the exams are over.
here's the second album. i didnt fill it up in the end. nobody sent me anymore pictures. only two pictures i like. mainly because, out of 26, i'm only in 6 of them.
-nyp open house 2007 [2]

peter says diet. and diet i shall. talk only, see how first luh =P
<3 1:30 AM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
waltz and vienese waltz. i didnt catch it at all. the pain from my eye creeped up to my head. had an insane headache. but things got better luh. sorry brian. it wasnt entirely your fault. my eye really had a big part to play. very bad headache means my ability to catch steps vanishes. thus, i was lost for pretty much the entire class. 9-4. yep, i was lost for most parts of the 7 hrs.
thank god he also did salsa. a little bit of relief. i'm sure i can catch up with the waltz and vienese waltz. i just need abit of time. it really isnt easy. or not as easy as it looks rather. i've come to learn to want it bad enough. so i'm sure things will work out for me ballroom wise. it sucks that i dont have a partner though. i'll survive. tuesday, waltz and vienese waltz, here i come =)
i missed you so much today. even though you were standing right beside me.
<3 12:35 AM
Thursday, February 01, 2007
my salsa debut.
i got stepped on. i forgot my steps. but by the grace if God, it still turned out pretty ok. in fact, it probably turned out better than ok. and according to many, i can salsa. which i personally feel sounds pretty darn cool. and i had a ton of fun. the pretty outfit and the good looking partners. sadly i didnt get to take a picture in my outfit. no big. i'm sure that i'll get to do it again. and wear the pretty outfit again. can you smell the confidence? it been awhile huh?!
the japanese ppl were interesting. it was kinda sad that almost all of us knew next to nothing abt the language. the poor japanese had to struggle to speak to us in english. which made conversation topics limited to "hi, what is your name?", "how old are you?", "you dance very good" and yea. i think you get the point. a couple of us taught them a little salsa. haha. it was an interesting experience.
my eye really hurts. eye infection i think. the bottom eye lid of my right eye is bloodshot. and it hurts when i do anything. cannot open fully, cannot close fully. blurry vision. peter's says he has seen worst. suppose to make me feel a whole lot better yea? doesnt change the fact that my eye still hurts though. what can i put? eye mo can?
birthday wishes before i go
love you both lots and lots and lots =)
<3 12:32 AM