it actually took me an entire month to say that. truth be told, up until now, it has felt like a terrible year. with all the brought over misery from last year still hanging. i dont know why really. but for some reason, it suddenly feels like it's gonna be a good year here on out.
peter and josh have both said some things that have pretty much given me a purpose to dance. and not just dance but really dance. you might call it, dancing my full potential. i cant promise that i will work extrememly hard. but i can promise that i will try. as for dance politics, i dont devour into them. same way i didnt devour into hair salon politics. but the suffocating feeling i used to feel is slowly, but surely, disappearing. i dont know how to explain it. i guess things have changed. for the better that is. and i can feel the change. same way i could feel the change back when it was bad.
if being around for me is all you can offer, then i am glad that you'll be around. =)
<3 3:16 AM
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
new blogskin. its really black and white. haha. cant find any picture that i want to put on it. no, can find. but putting it up would be inappropriate. heh. but i kinda like this layout. zee says its very neat. it also has no navigation buttons. i like that about it.
i just finished open house. last week. it was pretty good. a success, i must say. now i'm back to my mundane routine, with a few sparks here and there. one or two more project deadlines to meet. then school is out and exams start. man, i cant wait.
i'm performing on wed. SALSA!!! haha. so i had B.E prac for awhile. then i met zee. we talked. found out lots of stuff. good and bad. all in all, it was a good talk. heh. when we buying shoes zee??? =)
-nyp open house 2007 [1] some favourites from the album. had to pick top 7. top 5 just wouldn't cut it. heh.
<3 1:48 AM
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
everything happens for a reason. [that could be the worst thing anyone can say. if not the worst, its the most ridiculous. its the most terrible form of consolence. i'm not angry. i'm just not very fond of the phrase. if i ever say it to any one of you, please kick me. i've realized that it's of no help. it doesnt make anything better, all it does is put a reason to why something has happened. and if you ask me, i think that just makes everything worse.]
oh goodness [dont say that to a person who has called you because they needed someone to talk to. even if it was meant as a joke. i mean the fact that they need someone to talk to means their already down. is that hint of sarcasm suppose to bring humour and ake them feel all better. well, it doesnt work.]
he didnt even care. i called with a problem. and we ended up talking abt him. what baffles me is, 'why the hell am i surprised?' i shld have seen it coming. he hasnt cared for the past two months. so why on earth did i think that it would be different. foolish.
i'm depressed. i need a new blogskin. something dreary. mummy zelia, little help?
lastly, i'm the infamous understudy. who puts in a ridiculous amt of effort. can you blame me for being absolutely bummed out?
<3 10:10 AM
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
bugis street to chinatown. chinatown to bugis street. busgis street to fareast. fareast to school.
cab. cab. cab. and cab.
fried golden mushroom. sour plum drink. carrot cake. spring roll. fishballs. corn pie.
that pretty much sums up 'shopping with peter'.
i like the lyrical/salsa pants so much.
<3 3:46 PM
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
my pretty pretty latin shoes. salsa love <3
<3 9:41 PM
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
love you lots and lots and lots. see you later =)
<3 3:01 AM
Sunday, January 14, 2007
rock and roll zelia. salsa anselm. salsa josh. salsa yee shan was interesting because yee shan only remembers his steps when he is dancing with weilin. zelia and i both tried, so it has been proven. heh.
damn did i have a good saturday. even if i did spend pretty much the entire day in school. =)
<3 12:35 AM
Friday, January 12, 2007
when you've done something, and you feel you have done it well. but everyone else thinks otherwise? any idea how that feels? its like sitting for a test, coming out think that you probably got an 'A', when in actual fact you failed?
so lets look at it this way. perhaps you you could call it an audition. which i thought i aced. i was happy with my performance, but apparently the 'judges' thought otherwise? then i see ppl doing what i want to do, and i wonder, 'aren't i that good?' i'm guessing its pride. its already been so decided that i have a huge issue with pride. huge because i dont really have much to be proud abt and yet pride is a problem for me. so everything sucked today. sitting one side, not knowing what to do. having nth to do. ppl telling me that their stressed because they have so many items. and i'm like, "i know how you feel". more like, "i wish i know how you feel". but then again, there's a difference between just wanting something, and wanting something so bad you'd kill for it. i dont have that. i've not wanted something so bad since God knows when. so i dont understand why i get so upset. be it pride or not. i mean, so what if i'm proud and i feel i can do so much better then everyone else? i cant really be bothered. here's the thing, i just want to dance. if i get to perform? that's good. if i get to go in for competition? that's even better. but if i dont? i'll get bummed out for awhile. and that's abt it really. as long as i get to dance. it really is just a hobby, sad to say.
i figured out something else. i need to either have him or lose him. since having him is obviously not going to happen, i really need to lose him. everytime someone mentions him during dance. my heart takes a beating. almost like a whip lash. and it sucks. if i cant get over it soon, it'll eventually get so bad i'll just stop coming for dance. taking into consideration that i very rarely fight my emotions, i usually just give in. dont let a guy dictate the things you do....yada yada yada....easier said than done. reason why i would pick 'said' over 'done' any day. its come to my attention that i'm a very lazy person. either that or i just cant be bothered. same diff? i think the only things i have truely ever consistently worked at are relationships. and those dont seem to work out for me anyway. so really, what's the point?
<3 12:13 AM
Thursday, January 11, 2007
study day with hubs. for those who do not know. it happens every wed. [there are so many of me because she didnt want to take any pics. i didnt hog the camera. haha]
hoodie and me. notice the first row- studying>sleeping>woke up.
and that was pretty much most part of my day. spent it at the esplanade. i still need to study alot, though.
lastly, i absolutely love this picture. it'll look nicer with a little fine tuning. and for those who are wondering who that is, IT'S ME =)
<3 1:01 AM
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
2am in the morning. damn. i miss those good nights. colin's friendster pic is so terribly adorable. [so adorable that it's terrible? perhaps] zee's msn nick makes good sense. the heart's caught up but the head just wants to have fun? so let the head have fun because unless your in love, your heart's caught up in misery. and as the saying goes, misery loves company. so listen to your head and get yourself accompanied. heh.
mhmm. i really do miss those good nights.
<3 2:10 AM
Monday, January 08, 2007
you can't go where you don't dare you can't share what you don't have you can't keep what you don't love -Adriel
no ballet for me on sundays. my parents did exactly what i expected them to do. hopefully the esplanade workshop thing happens coz i asked for ballet there too. i really miss it. this week is 'scouting for affordable ballroom shoes and pointe shoe acessories shopping' week. i've also started a once a week study meet up on wednesdays with hubs. thank you very much for your help hubs. and a special thanks to josh for replying my msg at the right time. i would have fallen into deep sleep on the ikea dining table if my phone hadn't vibrated. heh.
i want to go to the science center and discovery center. anyone wants to go with me?
<3 2:04 AM
Sunday, January 07, 2007
i went for ballroom today. rock and roll was actually pretty easy to catch. a little hard to remember, but easy to catch. then came salsa. totally awesome. i can salsa. or i'm on the route to learning how to salsa. if you ask me, that's close enough. haha.
so this is how my dance schedule looks now:- tuesday - jazz thursday- pointe/jazz saturday- ballroom sunday - ballet
now i need to slot in studying somewhere in there. i figured, if i want to do so much dancing, i have to clock in study time to. and it has to be visible study time.[so my parents can see i am studying]:- monday - management wednesday- statistics/micro econs friday -accounts
yea. that's it. i hope i keep to it. i want at least 2.8 GPA this sem.
<3 12:43 AM
Friday, January 05, 2007
yesterday was pretty eventful. i had my first pointe class in school. boy, has it been a long time. but it was fun. a little scary, but fun. after that i had jazz, so i couldnt exactly feet my legs when i got home. and today, my legs hurt. esp my calfs. yikes.
<3 10:21 AM
Thursday, January 04, 2007
so the funniest thing happened today. the wire in my bra came out of the cloth and was poking into my skin. ok fine. maybe its not that funny. but i had to go down to bishan and by bra from seiyu. haha. if you know the events of tuesday, you would understand its humour.
now for a few words thanks -thank you daphne for you know what -thank you kelvin for following me around while i 'dance supply' shopped. it was nice to really get to talk to you. and thank you for all the food =P
kelvin insists that the pic taken with him is nicer than the one taken with josh [daddy jealous, cant blame =P]. so here it is ok i agree. its very nice. happy? =)
<3 3:32 AM
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
a new year's day special. posted a little late because i just received all the vids last night. and youtube crashed on me halfway last night too.
here you go
i suggest you watch all 11 because it's a hell of a good laugh. but if you dont want to, watch the last vid. its gotta be the best.
i suggest you watch all 11 because it's a hell of a good laugh. but if you dont want to, watch the last vid. its gotta be the best.
impromptu dance performance at 5.30 in the morning at the esplanade. hiphop/jazz/ballroom. what a rockin' way to start the new year. like zelia said, "we rock lah"