the year's going to be over in like less than 12 hours. time to do my annual report of the year.
its not exactly been a crazy year. ups and downs, drama drama drama. a typical allison year i suppose.
dated my small group leader. got dumped by my small group leader. got into marketing in nyp. met loads of great ppl. denise would be the most awesome. made the dance team. DANZ INC. another round of meeting loads of great ppl. zelia get's the spot of most awesome. oh, i turned 18. not much of a difference but it's nice to say. got emotionally attached to one guy, rejected another. fought with my folks. made up with my folks. you know, the usual. and to end my year, i had a fling that went terribly wrong. i ended up falling for the guy. i'm guessing that this story would potentially eat into the new year. and just last night, i met yet another cousin. damn my dad's family is huge. there always someone new to meet. and he does the salsa. and he is another army boy. i know too many already. heh. go figure.
before i ramble on, i have a room to clear. friends to meet. and a performance to get to. so thank you to all the wonderful people that made the year worth living through. i'm still here aren't i? and wishing everyone who passes through and actually reads a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.
<3 1:18 PM
Friday, December 29, 2006
forgot to mention
dance highlight -some really kind person almost rammed my head into the radio. i wonder who. any ideas josh? haha.
<3 12:35 PM
bras are unnatural. they're man-made. the funny thing is, they were made to cover up what man constantly wants exposed. [as told by guth]
go figure.
<3 1:19 AM
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
party a mummy's house was pretty awesome. and i love the present that i got from the gift exchnge. i think i'll post a picture of it soon.
i have my pictures all on facebook now and the links can be found under the newly added pictures. i'll put them here too just like i do for the videos. such a nice person i am -hong kong part 1 -hong kong part 2 -christmas outing with hubs
there's still a video of the jellyfish from ocean park which i will post up real soon.
merry christmas everyone.
and happy one year to hubby and junhao =)
<3 4:51 AM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
it's 2:24. i'm back from hongkong. will write a whole entry dedicated to it when i upload the pictures. i'll leave you with this though.
on a signboard -vehicles will be prosecuted if found parking illegally- haha. i thought china signboards were bad. and for those who didnt get it, go bang your head against the wall, you prosecute the driver. not the vehicle. imagine, "BMW, your under arrest for parking illegally, whatever you say or do can and will be used against you in court." what's the poor car going to say? "VROOM"?
birthday wishes:- HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANNY =)
<3 2:24 AM
Saturday, December 16, 2006
i've wanted to pen this entry since this afternoon, but decided it would be my post before i leave. here's the thing, i forgot what i wanted to say. just some random stuff then.
me: hello =) him:heys me: you finally replied. i almost closed the window me: how you been? him:*goes offline -never comes back on [bleah] i comforted myself, 'i was waiting for treasa, and he was just a filler'. i think the comfort worked. a little anyway. sometimes i wish he feels the same way i do. but that's impossible because we never felt the same way to begin with. most of the time, however, i dont wish that for him because half the time i feel terrible. heh.
no more online taiti for 4 days =(. i'm sure gonna miss it. and i'm gonna miss my taiti/mindsweeper/webcamming buddy =). dont forget our date on the 22nd. heh.
hubby, HAPPY 10 MONTHS to you and me. dont forget our date on the 21st =)
end for random thoughts. i'll do a few birthday wishes.
lastly, if you miss me tag my board. if you dont miss me tag my board anyway, so i know you popped by. but please dont tag with 'i didnt miss you', that's just mean. be nice. haha. i'm abit high. cab comes in 15 mins. whee =)
<3 2:31 AM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
dance highlight: josh was like a 'talking point' topic during locking choreo. i'm still thinking if i shld laugh at him or feel sorry for him. he wasnt there by the way.
highlight of the day: jonathan called. haha. last time he called was in sep. so i got abit of a shock. it was nice though. heh.
<3 2:19 AM
Monday, December 11, 2006
they say a picture speaks a thousand words. well, a photo montage speaks so much more, esp one with 36 pictures. that's like 36000 words. heh.