Dance United Lepak Club. Shan Can Cook, So Can You!
<3 12:31 AM
Sunday, November 26, 2006
not a post. a picture. [there's a difference]
ain't it pretty =)
<3 11:59 PM
this does not constitute as a post. its more of a ramble.
baby mumble_happy feet -: freezy. its freezy. i'm happy. my feet are happy too.
ramon_happy feet -: i know size can be daunting, but do not be afraid. i love you. I LOVE YOU.
jw_aka di di -: yi he pang xie, liang zhi xia. [in chinese luh]
ys -: you and josh keep going across me, very hard for me to peel prawn leh. i change place and let the two of you be together lah.
me -: the live prawn very fun to kill leh. twisting off the head, damn cool loh.
josh -: the prawns are running away. *jumps everytime the prawn jumps*
pris_xiao sao -: the aliens are killing me.
zee_mummy -: ****** [hahahaha]
stay tune to videos page for 'shan can cook, so can you'.
<3 12:56 AM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
keeping a distance from someone that you would often come into close contact with. i guess it's possible. but it would be nice to know why. i havent changed. my behavior hasnt changed. i'm still flirting. something i've always done. what has changed is your reaction towards it. how come? let's just say, i miss the flirtatious buddy i had in you. so until you decide that we can do without the distance, i promise to say hi from afar. right babe?
i'll survive. i always do. as long as time keeps running. all this will pass. but i hate depressing entries. so until i'm more or less peachy. this will be a last for, what seems like, quite some time.
the heart feels like plasticine. it's constantly being moulded but will take no apparent shape or form. it's messed up really.
<3 10:43 PM
Monday, November 20, 2006
it was nice. really nice. you were good. really good. i had a great time. really great time. that pretty much sums up my entire last week.
now you've left me wanting more. so much more. and it's not just abt what we do behind closed doors.
<3 1:33 PM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
eh eh. josh. i'm not an emotional wreck blogger ok?!
i think its ok now. we're ok rightright right right right ??? shld be lah.
i miss eeu hubs. can we meet soon?? pwease??
<3 2:19 PM
Monday, November 06, 2006
here's a post of apology. because i did it again?
it was a joke. i thought we were close enough for you to know that i wouldn't do anything to hurt you in anyway. go get the whole conversation history for that conversation. you'll see too, how much of a joke it was. it wasn't entirely my fault. but you can blame it all on me if you want. i have no reason to hold it against you. i really am sorry.
lastly, i thought we were close enough for you too fight it out with me. not with the 1000 viewers on your blog. we're not as close as we were before, that much you must agree. but i still thought we were close enough.
once again. i'm really sorry. talk to me about it if you feel you can ok? it would be tragic if our relationship turned into thrashing and apologies over the internet.
<3 12:14 PM
Sunday, November 05, 2006
it's over. i'm officially un-attached. emotionally i mean. it's not like i was physically attached to begin with.
i've let go. [hey justin, heard that? i've let go]. it feels kinda good. i'm actually pretty clear headed tonight/this morning. i still care and all that jazz. i'm allowed to, i'm a friend. a really close one. and that's abt it. the whole need to be with him has vanished. and all i needed was a bit of concetration and convincing. me convincing myslef that is.
so all you single guys looking for girlfriends, i'm NOT TAKEN. physically or emotionally anymore. haha. not that any of you would actually care. but i figured i would make a plea just for the fun of it. =P
it's 2am right now. the sudden revalation has sent an unusually exhilarating charge through my living soul. in short, i'm a little high right now. so forgive me.
<3 2:08 AM
Saturday, November 04, 2006
just a couple that we took, that i love.
love euu hubby.
<3 3:22 PM
i decided i would do a post of recollection. of my day that is. havent done one in quite awhile.
woke up feeling a little crappy. slept at 4 the night before (not by choice, mind you). got my ass down to outram. guess what?! danny made me wait. for like 10 mins. headed to SGH. he had an appointment. he lost his referral letter on the way to outram, so we had to wait an uber long time for him to actually get registered. when he finally went in, he was out. haha. it was that fast, all i did was go pee and he was done. collected his meds and left the hospital.
hubby called while we were having breakfast/branch. whole day free. totally awesome. called her when we left. she was sleeping, thus no ans. followed danny to yck (i did that with the intention of waking him up, in case he overslept. but he kinda woke me up instead. shh..dont tell him). aft, headed to bishan and sat by hubby's bedside. she was pleasantly scared/shocked/surprised. bottom-line, she was happy. we had mos's mussels for lunch, took impulse neoprints, had mos's mosburger (there is actually a burger called that) and chili dog. headed down to some ulu video rental shop. the prices are super f-ing cheap. a vow was made to return (i'm kinda broke). then headed to the bus stop, took a bus (erm, yea), and finally home.