chalet was pretty awesome. i'll post pictures when i get them.
buttered stingray is very nice.
<3 12:41 AM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

this is what nise and i did today. re-furnished my nails. haha.
at this point, i must say, i absolutely admire all who have long nails. dear God, how on earth do you go about your daily life. i'm having trouble doing simple stuff. like typing right now. damn.
<3 10:25 PM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
it's been a hell of a ride. that much i am certain of. how does one person get involved in so much drama. drama drama drama. it's almost impossible. my life feels like a soap opera. one with no end. alot like days of our lives. i wonder how many of you actually watched it. they have as many as 3000 episodes. now that is alot of drama. which requires very talented script writers to keep the audience around for so long. but sadly, there is always a limit to how much talent anyone has. if you catch my drift. i wonder what happened to the people in days of our lives. anyway, back to the point. although i am not too sure what it was to begin with. i hate typing entries that have no point. it merely becomes an uninteresting short story that seems to have no beginning, and one that commands no end. however, i hate not typing anything even more. i havent had much to blog abt the past few days. not because nothing has happened. when i say i live a life of drama, drama, and more drama, i mean it. its just not the drama i really find pleasure in talking about. i dont want to talk about it at all. i'd rather it pass as fast as possible. no need to bring it up again to tell you guys abt it. it's drama i'd rather forget than document. so the purpose of this entry, since i have exclaimed that a purpose is futile, is to type a post with no purpose. ironicle huh?! i just want everything to work out for me. like the way things seem to work out for everyone else. at this stage, i really do not think there is anyone who is emotionally worse off than me. a very selfish statement to make indeed. but hey, if you know the kind of things i go through, or the kind of things i put myself through, you'd probably agree with me.
peace out people.
<3 6:31 PM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
1. Single, taken or crushing?
Ans: definitely crushing.
2. Are you happy with your life now?
Ans: right now? not sure really.
3. When you meet the right person, do you fall in love with him fast?
Ans: i fall in love fast. period.
4. Have you ever been heart broken?
Ans: for sure.
5. Do you believe that there are some circumstances, where cheating love is acceptable?
Ans: probably not.
6. Would you take someone back even if he/she cheats on you?
Ans: it depends i suppose.
7. Have you ever talked about marriage to someone else before?
Ans: havent you?!
8. Do you want children?
Ans: definitely
9: How many?
Ans: at one point, i wanted an american football team. or maybe two so they could tackle each other. heh.
10. Would you ever consider adoption?
Ans: i guess.
11. If someone likes you now, what do you think is the best way for him to let you know his feelings?
Ans: chase me. please chase me. let me play hard-to-get for awhile.
12. Do you enjoy getting into relationships?
Ans: i think i do
13. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Ans: hell yea.
14. Do you believe you can change someone?
Ans: anything's possible.
15. If you could get married somewhere. where would it be?
Ans: secluded beach in hawaii. like totally.
16. Do you give in easily when fighting?
Ans: eventually
17. Do you have feelings for someone right now?
Ans: i always have feelings for someone. not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing.
18. Do you ever wish that you could have had someone but you messed it up?
Ans: yeah kinda.
19. Have you ever broken a heart?
Ans: i dont know really.
20. If one day your best friend falls in love with the guy you are deeply in love with, what would you do?
Ans: i'll let him decide?
21. Are you missing anyone right now?
Ans: i'm missing him alot
22. Now you have to ask 5 of your friends to do this survey in their blogs. Write down their names in the list below.
1. justin
2. gdine =)
3. firdaus
4. treasa
5. cephas
<3 12:57 AM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
the sun's shining a little brighter. the rain's almost past.
yes, almost's the word. i'm getting there, to my happy place, but not quite there yet. but i'll be fine. it always ends that way. me being all fine and dandy.
as for now, i'm not eating well. i'm not sleeping much. i lack motivation to do anything at all. my ideal remedy would be mp3 player in tact and ready to go, put on my skates, and skate till everything somehow becomes better. [note to self: need new skates ; legs tire out too fast in present] for the remedy to work, i need an mp3 player, that can be arranged. maybe i'll go do just that next week. not that i have anything against skating with ppl, i guess when it comes to thinking things through and basically doing alot of talking to myself, all i need is loud music. heh.
i like what mum said, "when he comes back at 28, you'll be 23. you'll be happy and attached and all he can do is get jealous. for some reason, he forgot the part where you dont stay 18 forever". way to go mum. i think the thing that caught my ear the most was attached at 23. 5 years huh?!
here's one for gdine:-
we've kinda drifted. i think you feel it too. what happened to the good ol' days? i'm kinda starting to miss them and you altogether.
<3 6:56 PM
Monday, October 02, 2006
get this. i'm not only in the public relations committee for dance, i freaking head the committee.
oh gosh!
<3 11:23 AM
Sunday, October 01, 2006
i will stop making back dated post a habit.
here's is the sentosa recollection. again, all pictures. i figured, since a picture speaks a thousand words. it would be so much easier to put lots of pictures than to type thousands of words.




we the very happy people =)
there were others there. it wasnt just the two of us. btw, i suck at volleyball =P
<3 12:37 AM