Saturday, July 29, 2006
you tried to tackle me.
i ended up lying on your lap.
i liked the feeling.
it's been a long time since i've felt that way.
thank you.
<3 10:39 PM
Friday, July 28, 2006
love you very very much.
<3 11:55 PM
first my ipod mini checks in for a melt down, then i decide to cleverly lose my phone. i must say though, i'm not particularly upset. the only thing that i'm kinda bummed about is the fact that i really liked that phone. i think i'll probably get another N6111. it sounds funny, i know. but there is just something about that phone. the same something that caught my eye back in hong kong. will see how it all goes. i just need to go get my sim card tmr.
dance was kinda lethargic. it was just me. wasnt in any mood to groove to the music, or anything for that matter. but it got better towards the end. never have i had such a horrible practice. or never have a ever not enjoyed dancing. but it's just for today. i think. everything should be back to normal really soon.
for those of you who are wondering, i am not some nut-case who will attempt suicide without my phone. it's not as if anyone calls me anyway. a big thank you to alvin for being so magnanimous and offering me a phone. however, i think i will go without one for awhile. hopefully, i can get a new one before my china trip. alvin, if i decide that i cant survive any longer, you will be the first to know. apart from that, if any of you need to contact me, find some other way to do so. or drop me an email or tag my board with like 'CALL ME' or something.
i'm still waiting for you
<3 12:19 AM
Monday, July 24, 2006
what makes a great dancer?
an academically sound one.
what makes an academically sound dancer?
dance for breakfast ; homework for lunch ; revision for dinner.
seriously. out of all the dancers in the world, only a small handfull exhume pure talent. these dancers with pure talent are the only ones that can afford to be un-academically sound dancers. i'm not implying that these dancers with pure talent are really bad at school, i'm just saying that they can afford to be. the numbers are tiny. possibly out of every 1000 dancers there is 1 with pure talent. pure talent as in, they just have it. they look like principal dancers from young. perfect technique, beautiful arches and extraodinary line work. these people are not just dancers. they are dance, and dance is them.
as for the rest of us, we work hard to improve what we have or achieve what we might not have. but in our society, who really cares about how great a dancer you are? first they want to see that academic cert of merit, then they dig further and realise, 'hey! she's actually a pretty good dancer.' the cert of merit is the piece of paper that will catch their attention before they even consider looking at anything else. that is how our society works. so we curse and swear and wonder why we dont have govt schools for arts and culture, but little do we know that even if we did, arts and culture would be but a mere aspect of our curriculum. much like singapore sports school, where sports is but a mere aspect of their curriculum. what, then, is the point of cursing and swearing and wondering. truth be told, studying is a requirement to excel in anything else whether we like it or not. it's only after academic establishment that our extra-curricular achievements will shine.
bummer huh?!
when will you make your move? will you make that move?
<3 1:52 AM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
haha =)
<3 12:55 AM
Saturday, July 22, 2006
i'm not going to start this chase
i dont know if any of you know that i'm actually in drama and dance. i had to make a choice if i wanted to do either at all. i chose to dance. simply because, only dance could could transport me to another world. take me away from my problems, make everything alright. even if it was just for those few hours.
but when i watched the drama production, i realized what it was about drama that i liked. no matter how many lines you might have, it may even be one word, when you take your place on that stage and say that line, even if you were standing admidst a whole cast, evryone in the audience looks at you. i never liked the 'learning how to project my voice and express myself' classes. and i absolutely detested the rehearsals, because they could get so boring,lethargic and stressful. but just to be on that stage, and to say those lines, so ppl would look at me and go 'wow'. the thing is, when you do drama, it doesnt matter how many lines you have, its always a solo act. once you start speaking, all eyes are on you. and i like that feeling. and that experience only comes with drama.
when i comes to dance, there are only three instances when all eyes are on you.
1.your really bad
2.your really good
3.your going solo
other than that, your just another dancer either working your ass off to impress or just having a ton of fun. but when it comes to dancing, i love the classes and i wouldn't feel like missing a single rehearsal. dance would be perfect if it gave the same on-stage feel as drama. that would make it beautiful. or even more beautiful rather.
if there's a chance you'd want me, you'll come and get me.
<3 1:01 PM
Friday, July 21, 2006
eh eh! make space here. yee shan moves super fast. must give him space to whack!! (=
<3 12:38 AM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
i met my lovely stranger. he is indeed a lovely creature.
today i swam in nyp's pool. or i got thrown around rather. right flor? and danny stubbed my toe. i shall get back at him soon. but it was good fun. tons of good fun in fact.
today i had dinner with cephas. i made him wait a long time. sorry ceph, really sorry. we had big burgers. and i mean huge. and no, they were not carl's junior. but the price was pretty much the same. it was a good dinner though. once again, i had a good time.
we'll blade another time ceph.
i'm FINE and your WHATEVER. together we're FINE WHATEVER.
<3 11:52 PM
Monday, July 17, 2006
Honey I just can't get around it anymore
You make me feel like home is where you are
And baby I just can't run around it every morn
It's time that I believe it, home is where you are
your body escapes into another world when your sick
a world where times seems to move so slowly
where the simplest things like sitting and standing seem like inevitable chores
when half the time you either feel like collapsing or you wish you were dead
i wonder which one's worse
it's just no fun, it's no fun at all
i don't like it.
i must say, the most interesting thing i did today was indeed, rather interesting. [i'm sick, let me off on my lack of vocabulory]. i attempted to convince yee shan to stop drinking so much coffee.

did you know that excessive caffeine consumption is associated with anorexia. so i concluded that yee shan cant grow fat because his body thinks that it's got anorexia. for those who have no idea what anorexia is [like yee shan], it is an eating disorder that is due to a prolonged loss of apettite. its not conciously starving yourself and forceful vommiting, that bulimia.
and it was proven that i was right. one can die from caffeine overdose. haha. you can actually die from too much caffeine. i have to say it again, i was right.
i hope something got into his thick skull. stop drinking so much coffee, nobody wants a dead dance head.
oh yea, caffeine also causes 'sludgy' body figure. so if your taking slimming pills with caffeine in them, stop. they lie to you. hur hur hur.
apart from all that caffeine talk, i'm sick and i'm chowing down on oily bacon and bread. cravings have to be met, in sickness and in health. hah.
thank you so very much for lending me the ipod vid hubby!!!
you saved my life from lack of music consumption x)
life will never be the same again
<3 10:37 PM
Sunday, July 16, 2006
yups Allison, no Josh, its kinda different. haha. miss him dont you???
hmm...later after dance, decided to talk to my PERSONAL ASSISTANCE.. haha...from thailand still have the cheek to ask me for his salary. GOSH! cant believe it! still can complain. isnt $0.80/mth enough for him? nice talking with him actually. ok lar. got a crazy n down to earth P.A. his job very2 easy nice to allison...if nt, his salary will be cut by $1. boy, better be nice.
and that is dance on thursday for you. courtesy of yati. she is, indeed, such a dear. must get the PA to read. haha.
[my longest relationship man]

i think the room was smelly or something. x)
<3 12:00 AM
Friday, July 14, 2006
it's been hard letting go. and when you called, i realized that i was still holding on. not sure holding on to what. but still holding on. i tell myslef everyday that its so interesting how you havent called at all. then i spend my free time convincing myself that i dont have to call you. telling myself i dont need you. telling myself that i have no more feelings for you. time and time again, do i lie to myself? i'd like to think not. but i heard your voice for the first time in a whole month. it still kills me to know that i'll never be with you again. it's not supposed to. i'm not suppose to still love you.
damn. i guess i do. still love you.
let him go allison. move on.
<3 4:04 PM
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
lesbian who belly dances on a bar top with a pole. peter, i have only one thing to say 'WHAT IN THE WORLD?!'
i didnt calculate the accounts for the ica. haha. i didnt know i had to. so amazing right?! but i think the ica didnt go too badly. i hope. com class was super boring, no surprise there. and com class dude has a beard. if i ever get to know him, i shall buy him a razor, or disposable shaving stick rather simply because it's cheaper.

we escaped to the toilet for a long time.

my reflection. like duh!

denise calls this the 'after accounts ica' picture.

we pigged out during com class. yummy cuttlefish (=
after it all, i brought denise and flor to go see yee shan. haha. how interesting huh?! then dance was pretty much like it always is.
some highlights
-i realized that yee shan looks like an emoticon. go to msn and type :) or :D
-peter said fuck at least 9 times. that is more times than i used it in a week [a good week]
-yati totally rocks
-i'm in the performance team doing vogue
-salsa hiphop is just too fast
-i'm on probation. i failed the attendance criteria
-as everyone knows, josh enlisted. so only got yee shan to bully now.
and that is it really. i owe yee shan an apology, i kinda went a little overboard with my words today. but he's not online, so tmr perhaps.
one last thing

i was a saint today. i think i shall be a millenian on thurs.
allinise rawks. population two =P
<3 12:57 AM
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Notes in my drawers, songs in my pockets,
Fragments of letters that you sent,
Leftover phone calls, cologne in the bath
I still have that bottle of Rosé
on sunday, we celebrated po po's birthday. we had dinner at NUSS suntec. i must say, the food was pretty good. ever had satay cooked at medium? it is yum!

that is po po with her cake



my po po!
allison: 07/09
po po: 09/07
[pretty cool huh?!]
i'm having accounts ica in awhile. special journal galore x)

oh yea. i also saw a really huge[serious understatement] kit kat at ps. 3 tonnes. don says it's gonna be made into chicken feed. chocolate chicken? and it smells like kit kat too. hmm, i suddenly feel like eating kit kat.
<3 12:24 AM
Whisper in the ways
Watching days and moving on
You wake up every Monday then suddenly it’s Sunday
And the week is gone
So till the morning breaks
Go and make your mistakes
Don’t be surprised at the sunrise
Life is for the living, the forgiven and for leaving town alive
hello world. it's been awhile i think. i bet you want to know how the ndp preview went. well, too bad if you dont. i'm gonna tell you anyway. or show you rather =)

allinise. we so totally rock.

our tickets

the parade

we met lina at the stadium. that is her at work.

we brought alot of food. and i mean alot.
<3 12:05 AM

denise's little men in green. she likes army boys.

my men in white. i like navy boys.
denise: looks at the f16 flying over our heads
allison: looking up and covering ears
denise: (shouts) so handsome!!! [followed by random shreaks]
allison: (bemused) you mean you can see them?
denise: *grins*
allison: (still bemused) your either worse than me or you have very good eye sight
haha. i am going to go for worse than me. yes denise? hees*

btw, sg is 41 years old.
<3 12:04 AM
Friday, July 07, 2006
his dimple so cute!!!
jazz assessment wasnt too bad. but i am pretty sure it could have been better. overall, i thought it was well done. can be done better? but nevertheless well done.
ran with hubs this morning at macritchie. i am beat. to think that all we ran was 3.8km. we will have to go abt two more rounds to fulfill 10km. anf for us, 3.8 was a killer. what more 10km. its pretty screwed up. hmm.
after that i headed to school to finally collect my o-level cert. i saw many teachers. ms wong actually forgot my name. i didnt even know that was possible. not that i'm bragging. no one has ever forgotten my name before, they remember or know me somehow. haha. i'm the one who forgets names. i had a nice long chat with mrs cheng, who i still vote teacher of the year, mr lee soon huat and mr chia. they all had one thing in common though, their first question was, 'so how is daddy?' heh. what happened to, 'hi allison, how are you?' instead i got, 'hey allison, so how's daddy?' but they were good chats. i must say, it's kinda nostalgic. not that i have a great love for the school or anything, but these teachers were, i guess, those that i bonded with. i wanted to talk to mr fernandez too, but i saw him as i was abt to leave and i think he was in a hurry. i think anyway. all in all, this day turned out to be pretty alright. mighty fine in fact.
happy enlistment josh! haha.

meet yati. my dance darling. peter calls us the lesbian queens. erm, yea.
<3 2:00 PM
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
it will be you and me someday

i keep passing this picture in my folders. everytime i pass it i realized that i forgot to post it once again. well now i have. i must say it's a pretty picture.
assessment was interesting. i had fun, for sure. tmr i'll have jazz. i'll say, 'why not?' right. so why not? i am kinda calm actually, and kinda numb. i also learned that i have an evil dance head. i dont like the evil dance head/boy. stupid you.
'hello lovely stranger, have i mentioned lately that i really like you?' why is it so difficult to say?
<3 11:38 PM
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
take my hand and be my dear
i'm bored and freaking out. my assessment is later on. and yes, allison is freaking out.
ballet assessment-i can do it with my eyes closed
jazz assessment-i'll say why not
ballroom assessment-i'll probably fall in love with you
hip hop assessment-i'll ask you where the exit is
i like it. but not enough to do an assessment. yee shan keeps saying i'll get through it. and i know i will, i'm not abt to give up. therefore, as long as time passes, i'll get through it. still freaking me out.
btw, i'm too trusting and yee shan is an evil dance head. also, josh knows too much about me. i might have to kill him. how does a deadly food recipe sound josh?
i don't miss you anymore
<3 10:40 AM
Sunday, July 02, 2006
your tueday's hottie. you know who you are (=
so gdine gets roped into the video ministry in church. good for her. she has talent. just needs to use it. i'll just do back up at cvc. flourish there. it'll be fine.
i will post stuff from the seafood clan outing when i get all the pictures. in the meantime, my journal on deviantart is full of interesting stuff, go check it out. the link is with the rest of my links. haha. that sounded so 'duh!'
one more thing. josh went for dinner and yee shan went to maple. i feel abandoned =P
and the world is a better place.
<3 6:42 PM
today, i must say, was pretty awesome.
superman returns, i must say, is good show.
this picture, i must say, i hope you like.

because i sure like it(=
<3 3:00 AM
Saturday, July 01, 2006
i have a deviant page
go check it out (=
<3 1:08 PM
hey stranger, can i have this dance?
i am aching. dance is hardwork and lots of practice. it's fun, real fun. and the people are awesome. but like i said, i'm aching. nothing much to post. just lots of pictures as usual. third world nation, have your feed. *points at mel (=

allinise *reflection

pretty huh?!

we pretty, no?

i got real bored during marketing

this was accounts. i like.

meet mr duckie. i miss hubs =(
hanging put with the clanners tmr. superman returns. i am glad but not thrilled. what is wrong with me?
<3 12:55 AM