goodbye my dear boy. i must say, this is where our story ends.
the past month has proven, at some points, to be unbearable. but i got through it. i dont think its because of anyone, but more so, because of the fact that days do past whether i like it or not. it would have only been a matter of time before I got through it. i guess the real question is what came out of the past month. am i happier? stronger? or even more frail and upset than i was to begin with. i realized today why you can never mend a broken heart back to perfection. because like glass, when the heart shatters, it shatters into so many pieces. you may be able to piece back the big pieces but your going to have a big problem with the small and tiny pieces. most of the time, or all of the time rather, those small and tiny pieces just dont seem to fit back to where their suppose to. and to think my heart has truly been broken at least three times. can you imagine the amount of small and tiny pieces i'd be missing? all i pray is that you would be kept safe and in good health. when you go back to the states, i'm gonna miss you. and i hope you dont forget me. but today, our story ends. I am finally going to have the courage to put a 'the end'. goodbye my dear. goodbye my baby. goodbye my prince. goodbye my HIP. may we always be friends.
another chapter closed. never again will I flip it's pages.
<3 8:41 PM
Sunday, June 11, 2006
i met you at camp. you were single. i wanted you, really wanted you. i just didnt know if you would want me too or if i should even let you know. then a good friend came back from the states and took me in. so i figured it wasnt meant to be. you and me. so then you were single but i wasnt. now i am single and my feelings havent wavered. i want you again. but your not single. attached to my friend. you love her so much. and she loves you. if only you knew that she wasnt the only one who loves you. my hearts already yours.
<3 8:01 PM
Saturday, June 10, 2006
i got my esprit jacket. i feel fulfilled and i think it's pretty.

<3 2:34 AM
Friday, June 09, 2006
you call me to ask me what dragon boaters wear and what to get for your sister? do i look like a dragin boater? or better yet, do i know your sister?
accounts ica today turned out to be pretty ok. probably because i cramped as much as i could in to my wee little head. it is only in poly i realize what it means to cramp information into your head to the point of explosion. not literally of course, but it honestly feels that way. as if your C drive has gone into serious over drive. such that when you take the test it becomes a 'delete while regugitating' sort of thing. now i know how a full, packed to the brim, suitcase feels when it is being closed. not that it actually feels, aww you know what i mean. i'm blabbering. gee! i talk too much even when i type.
didnt go for dance though. dont want to push the on-off fever. and it's the holidays so things will definitely be more relaxed. i pray it will anyway. i learned to cook mummy's spaghetti yst. i think i'll cook it for the potluck. whee. heh!
yee shan play cheat one!

that's my cashcard. cool huh?!
<3 12:19 AM
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
1 2 3 and 4 5 6 7 and 8. jazz choreo. you likey?
today was filled with sneezing, coughing and a creeping fever. not that great a day. but it wasnt all bad. there were good parts. like yong tau foo for lunch, with soup that had tasty seaweed. and there was chicken pau before that. it's not all abt food. there was denise and flor and alvin that made it a wee bit better. to top that, i had dance today. i absolutely warf the jazz assesment choreo. and dance-dude looks so good when he dances. there was also yati and pauline that made dance so much better. love the people that make braving the sickness and coming to school all worth while.
i havent talked to you for two whole days. havent even attempted to call you. i feel proud of myself.
<3 11:42 PM
Monday, June 05, 2006
and now the post shall be continued.
was suppose to continue it yst but blogger got all screwy on me.
as i was saying, we cam whored.

i mack you ; you mack me (=

the eye

the eye 2

the eye 3?
yst i had church. it was pretty good. then i had lunch with my aunty and headed to the library. finished my research for the unusual phobias speech, so that was pretty good. then i bought frozen pizza and a breezer and headed home. finished american pie 1,2 and 3. 4 is a little screwed up so cant watch it yet. watched so many movies this weekend.
this part is specially for my dear dear hubby. [she wanted something interesting to read]
The fear of blushing
Often associated with the fear of turning red, this phobia finds its origin in the Greek word for red- erythro
The fear of vomiting
Emeto, the Greek verb to vomit, neatly explains the origin of this common phobia
The fear of open spaces
Commonly accepted to be the most widespread phobia, this fear of open spaces and crowds derives in meaning from the Greek word for marketplace- agora
i hope that was interesting enough for you hub(=
have so much to do in the house. and i have 18 stats questions to finish. time to get to it.
<3 1:35 PM
Sunday, June 04, 2006
it's worst to love someone and not be able to be with them than to be with someone you dont love.
yst i had hubby over at my place. guess what we did?

here's a clue

here's one more clue
yea. we spent the entire day at my place watching video after video.

just married

little nicky

bride and prejudice
and we had oven-backed once-frozen pizza for lunch.

but that is not all we did. we cam-whored.

yep. we sure did.
it comes a time when every blog entry has to be continued...
<3 11:55 PM
Saturday, June 03, 2006
<3 12:26 PM
i want to watch she's the man again. denise, my darling woman, would you like to go again? heh!
we love duke!!! [this one is for you nise]

let me show you how much we love him. desperate aye? not.

this was a failed attempt. tried taking one with both of us in it.

say hello to happy people =)

i have been home for the entire day. 3 more days. i'll survive.
<3 12:02 AM
Friday, June 02, 2006
i changed the poem on the opening screen. refresh th blog if you just blindly came in and clicked the 'entries' butterfly. this poem's done by yours truly too. *gloat gloat gloat!
<3 9:39 AM
everyone's a bitch at some point of their life. it's just when and to whom, these factors will determine how much trouble their in.
dance was crazy. i can barely move. i was trying to open a packet of cereal and had to end up using a pair of scissors. there isnt much power left in my arms or my legs. but no matter how crazy, it was still the best thing i did the whole week. i had an awesome time. like totally awesome. i am not exactly great, not that i have ever been, but i get atention no doubt. and for an intructor pleaser like me, a little attention is better than nothing. the choreo for jazz assesment is actually pretty nice. really fast and breath taking(taking every ounce of breath away) no doubt, but when done really nicely, it looks very good. just have to brush up and polish, alot. i enjoy it, so i'll survive.
i am meeting ma' woman in approximately 9hrs. hurry and dry you hair so i can sleep.
the house is empty. i really miss them. really really miss them. only 4 more days, it'll be over soon. i hope. and i am pretty sure my POM paper is screwed, there is still a likely hood of passing econs. better study for my accounts. toodles world (=
<3 1:50 AM