today's lunch with amanda was totaled. no no. we didn't cancel, we had coffee instead. and i realized that it was the first time i actually sat down and had coffee with someone. as in, just the two of us. the last time i sat down and had coffee was starbucks with jon. i know it was still just the two of us, but the atmosphere was different. we actually had things to do and i had to get home so the coffee seemed rushed. so it was different today. we just sat there, with no appointments to meet and nothing to do. there was nothing to run to and just sitting there and talking abt anything and everything, it was interesting. i must do it more often. have coffee with people. not people i know really well, but people i know nothing about. you really can know alot abt a person over a cuppa. quite fascinating actually. and everything seems clearer for some reason. maybe i shld grab a cuppa with him. things might just clear up for me. who knows?!
<3 12:44 AM
Sunday, April 09, 2006
actually my sister found it, but that is not the point.
he didntcall today. maybe he finally stopped calling. so i guess i shld be happy, i can graciously move on with no doubt? but why do i feel even worse than before. i thought i wanted this. bleh!
<3 6:14 PM
Saturday, April 08, 2006
"the fact that jk still bothers me proves..."
what does it prove jon? what? you failed to finish the sentence.
"it proves that it still bothers me"?
what sort if ans is that? not acceptable.
what does it prove jon? i'd really like to know.
<3 5:59 PM
the many potentials of a person
- i am POTENTIALly going insane
- i POTENTIALly miss him alot
- my life is POTENTIALly falling apart
- my world is POTENTIALly coming to a halt
- my friends are POTENTIALly too busy
- my card reader POTENTIALly does not work
- and i am POTENTIALly gone
yesterday was the last day of work, guess i am not as upset as before. but still a little i guess. i miss the people already.
<3 12:33 PM
Friday, April 07, 2006
i miss you
<3 12:32 AM
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
i decided i would do what hub did on her blog. although i doubt it would be as full as hers. just to help me keep track of stuff. but i wont do it tonight. maybe tomorrow during work.
i didnt expect him to call back. i actually got a shock when the phone started buzzing. anyway, it's still the same 'him'. we may have broken up but i till care. pray that he is well-guided in his internship decisionand that he makes the right one. although, if you ask me, i think he should ake a well earned break. whether it's in singapore or there. he works too hard. or at least break for a month or something.
wasnt eating again today. i think my appetite comes every other day. heh!
<3 10:38 PM
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
why are the many chapters of my love life filled with minimal pages. kinda sad huh? and i realized that i didnt eat any of my meals yst, not even one. i just had a few chocettes and some biscuit but that was eat. no breakfast or lunch or dinner. but i got hungry today, thank God. but i think i ate too much too soon, so i felt like throwing up abt half an hour aft eating.
3 more days and i will be jobless, off to prepare for poly. rowen is going to nyp. totally awesome! but we're not in the same course or school but we might still bump into each other. the school is not that big.
anyway, i have gone back to my 'download stupid games and play one after the other' self again. so shall go far the count is 6 games in two days. i cant wait to do actual assignments on my com. haha!
<3 8:21 PM
Monday, April 03, 2006
i have decided that it was good while it lasted and i guess it would have been better if he was actually here. so maybe when he comes back in summer we'll see where things go. but i have decided, not going to put myself through a one-sided relationship or force him into one.
relationships that are rushed never last. relationships that start from relatively long friendships dont last either, or when their given the long distance treatment. guess we both weren't built for it. i love you. and maybe this can still work but some other time perhaps. had a good time baby. thank you.
<3 7:30 PM
i think it's ok. or i think it will be. he gave in again. i dunno how good that is but i guess it's all i have right now. everything will be alright? hope so.
<3 2:41 PM
Sunday, April 02, 2006
i dont know what to say. it's just been so hard. only the second day. dear Lord, give me strength to go through the week. i am breaking and breaking. i am broken? i shldn't feel this way, it's not fair to me? i got the voicemails, i received the phonecalls. but i cant do it. everything in it's time? now is just not the time.
<3 9:55 PM