Tuesday, February 28, 2006
dear dear hub, hope your feeling better. just ate one piece of ypur candy yst. saved me from a 'lack of sugar' collapse after dance.
i learn a valuable lessons everyday. yst i learnt that one should never attempt to dance and blade on the same day. it is just not humanly possible to survive and still have even the slightest bit of energy left.
today is the last day of feb. guess what that means?! i am getting paid. finally can pay my phone bill. and i will have money to shop. there are sales happening everywhere now. why why?! cant they wait till like march. but since all the sales are end of season sales which means they will be ending soon, so gdine is hounding to get my money. i will, soon, i hope.
today i get to sleep in, but instead i ended up waking up at 6 for god knows what reason. therefore, i am skyping at this present moment. i think i will go and snooze when he goes for exam.
i think by the time you read this, your paper would be over. therefore, to wish you all the best aft your paper is kinda off. haha. so so, this is what i shall do. i love you baby. haha.
oh oh, i miss dennis's margarita. i yearn, i pine. basically, I WANT!!! =)
<3 6:36 AM
Sunday, February 26, 2006
hello world! to start of this awesome recount of my yst, i shall begin by saying, hubby gdine is the bestest most bestest hubby in the world. she went all the way to j8 basement just to get me the coconut candy i love so much. thank you. muackz*
so so, work was pretty fun yst. i spent alot of time laughing. there was one customer, like right at the end, who was suppose to come at 5 but she didnt arrive till 6 plus. penny predicted what the client would say upon entering, and she was absolutely right. haha. it was so funny. penny was like' she will say sorry sorry sorry, and the client did. then penny listed out a whole set of reasons the client would use and she was right again. haha. it was kinda like seeing double. everything else in the office went pretty smoothly. i dont want to do data entering tmr, it's suppose to be my off day. wonder how aunty audrey will take it.
after that, my folks picked hub and i up and we headed to my place. from there we went to mel's party, both wearing acjc pe shirts. there, i learnt a few valuable lessons. lesson 1- always sit very close to ben when playing taiti, your cards will be awesome. lesson2- never hug a guy more then once in the presence of hub, she will get jealous. haha. lesson 3- i can down tequila without getting drunk but i cannot down vodka without dying. i also realized a few things. number 1- getting high on coke is extremely possible. number 2- mervyn does get drunk. number 3- dennis makes the most awesome alcoholic concoctions. melly melly, dennis rox ! haha. can he come for my parties too? hub and i went up to the room for awhile before we left, we took pictures and hub's face was all red. haha. she had too much. there was also somebody's bloody phone that had this stupidly irritating ringtone. 'ring ring...moshi moshi' like what the hell lah. haha. hub also kept complaining that she miss junhao and that he never call her, so ben offered to call her and pretend to be junhao, but could not get through her phone. so he called me instead and pretended to be jon. didnt really work lah. i miss jon alot last noght for some reason. hub and i left at about 12 plus and i got home at about 1.30am. getting home was so nice, i bathed and touched my bed and off to lala land i went. oh yes! i love salt!
today was church. same old same old. had pri worship and got to see my baby. not jon, but taddeus. i love that kid. he is so old now, pri 1 already. one of the few kids i got to watch grow up. damn cool. then there was service. theon said hi to me after a long time. which is good i guess. after that hub, my sis and i went for pastamania. the salmon pizza is very good. we also took pictures. i should be posting them soon. after hub has scanned them. haha.
baby, dont go tmr if you have alot of work to do. God will understand. he always does. just dont make it a habit. all the best for your paper on monday. love you baby.
<3 3:32 PM
Friday, February 24, 2006
this morning was the most flustering and absent-minded morning i have had in a long time
i get a call at 9.30am to receive a file. what the hell?! does she think i drive?! anyway, i finally receive the file at like 9.55am. then i rush with packing my lunch and stuff and leave by 10.15am. for some retarded reason, i thought i was going to my mum's office in bugis, so i took a bus. it was only until i reached lavendar that i realized i was suppose to be going to mandarin hotel in orchard. and this is not the best part. i drop off at bugis, and take the train. while on it, i thought i was going towards marina bay, instead of jurong east (which was the direction i was going). i was at orchard stop, i figured that somerset was closer to mandarin not realizing that i had already passed it. i dropped at newton and had to take it back to orchard and run. i was kinda late today, couldnt go to the bank. it's not totally my fault though, i was kinda flustered with her l kinda last minuteness and that did it for me.
all in all, work was not much of a problem. with no one looking over my shoulder the entire shift, i was pretty relaxed and things went pretty smoothly. i am kinda getting the hang of adding in new items too, still abit of a hassle though. but the clients are nice enough to not get impatient and angry with me. seriously speaking, i kinda like this job. the people on the eastarz coverlooks side are very nice too. even brenda seems nicer. i was also very happy to see hubby walk through the door. everybody in the office saw hub with junhao today. haha. hub said that it was as if at that moment, everyone took a break and all saw the both of them. haha!
oh yes oh yes! my baby sent me flowers red and white roses.

arent they pretty?
i love them very much baby. and yes, you did surprise me. it was a very good 'oh my god'. tomorrow is ze day! haha. have i said i love the roses? haha. well, i love the roses very much. but i love you even more. so sorry we cant talk tomorrow, the time difference sucks. really sorry. i love you so much baby.
<3 8:45 PM
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
yst couldnt blog coz there was not internet connection. my mum insisted that is was pac net who cut our line. turns out, i was right [i shld listen to myself sometimea], someone tempered with the password. all i needed to do was change the pasdsword and it would have worked. but i listened to mum and had no internet last night.
anyway, i just got home from my second day on the job. it gets easier i must say. much much easier. and it's kinda fun too, the ppl are also really nice.i just realized that i forgot to pay for my food, i better remember to do it tmr. i am not working tmr though, have my interview. but i am meeting her aft she is done, going for pepper lunch. haha. i better go get my money back from my mum.
now i am at home and i am going to search for some numbers and prepare for my interview.
<3 6:02 PM
Monday, February 20, 2006
one minute to midnight. i actually made it.
today i went to school to eat chicken pao, shortly after i was instructed to leave by my mum. went to her office for an interview for a job. receptionist cum cashier in a hair salon at mandarin hotel, identity haircuts [if i am not wrong]. gdine, wini and i will all be working, shifts of course. i start work tmr and i am working night shift. in accordance to this job, i learnt lots of stuff today. pretty interesting business i must say.
at gdine's house, we were busy bees from 5 pm. working on a little project. i watched chinese tall story too, howeve, i didnt actually get much of the show coz i wasnt really paying attention to it half the time. brought it home for my mum to watch but she is just too tired. maybe another day, will return it to the videoezy [gdine] first. by the way, i have concluded that the videoezy at gdine's house belongs to me. haha. simply because, i am th one who uses it. i had dinner there too, now all i need is for jon to meet her parents and we will be even. right gdine? haha. i like the chin household, very nice ppl (=.
gdine! i like the latest entry. it's super hilarious and i mean it. haha.
oh yes! i have a calling card. cost me ten bucks. but i think it's worth it. i cant always expect him to call me. such a nice gf-to-be i am. haha. [5 more days]
<3 11:59 PM
i really have to learn that it is really stressful to skip a day of blogging.
yst was pretty cool. gdine followed meto church and she is very likely to be the newest permanent member of our small group.
and we have planned to do so may things together, even wear the same outfits to church. haha. anyway, she likes it alot because it's rather similar to fairfield meth so she feels pretty comfortable in the environment. so all is good.
after church, gdine joined my family for lunch. at nuss, yes yes, awesome food. we went to suntec, and gdine had this gut feeling that junhao was there. and guess what, he was! so so, junhao joined us for lunch too. yep, junhao met gdine's second family. haha. then there was a dress code that we didnt noe abt, so junhao had to wear this hawaiian looking beach shirt thing that they provided for him. sorry junhao, really had no idea got such ruling. oh yes, my mummy says your a nice guy and it was a pleasure meeting you. haha.
after that, junhao and gdine left and we headed to carrefour. i got a webcam and a new mic. spent only $37. i saw leraine and augustine too. the two of them are finally together, wonder what took them so very long. we were talking abt the bbq, and i dont feel like going. bleh.
after carrefour it was home sweet home and webcamming and talkng on the mic time. so awesome. i am on skype now too. haha. and webcamming with gdine was damn fun. i was webcamming with jon too but he couldnt see me. my dear boy, have you fixed the msn yet? i bet you would love to see me. and i ran yst too. i still feel fat, but i am making an effort. haha.
everyone shld get webcams!!!
<3 10:52 AM
Friday, February 17, 2006
i feel like changing my blog skin again. i think i just might.
i spent my day with melissa and gdine. we talked about all sorts of stuff. it is kinda funny how you think you know someone so well already, but when you actually spend a literal day with them, you realize that what you knew was barely the surface. hanging out with them could very well be the best thing in the world.
gdine never fails to warm my heart with her love for God. she is one who does not go to church, because her parents have some issues with it, but she doesnt give up. she wants it more and more each day. and it makes me kinda happy and touched at how much one can really love Christ. and her persistence for Him, makes me realize that, because i can go to church freely, i am actually really blessed. as what could be more rewarding than to bask in the presence of the Lord. gdine might come to church with me on sunday, will have to see how that works out. but i think it should work out fine.
we have also planned to go on a topshop $100++ shopping spree. anyone else care to join us? it happens on 27 march 2006. hopefully we get the natas fair job, that would create quite abit of extra income. i am hoping to have $200 to spend. it will definitely be a first for me. i should have gotten my atm card by then, because i need to collect my pay. so let's cross our fingers and hope for the best.
jon looked at my really nice body glove top and deemed it cheap hang ten standard. stupid pig! he wants to take me shopping when he gets back. haha. i think we will end up doing more shopping for him than for me. and i never have cash to shop, so unless he is planning to pay as well, i think he will end up taking me window shopping instead. haha. i love you baby.
<3 9:09 PM
for the record [and because you read], i love you so very very much. and you are not allowed to use 'i your bf already meh?' against me, understand? that was my line and still is my line. be more original, will ya? oh heck! after seeing you today, i miss you so much. its been a whole month already. damn i love the web cam.
anyway, was suppose to go to school today. but at the last min, gdine told me she just woke up. haha! so i ended up in gdine's house. we slacked for awhile then went for prata. the mushroom and cheese prata is very nice. I WANT MORE PRATA. then we came back home' *ahem* i mean gdine's home, and watched 50 first dates. really nice show. i sobbed during the movie. haha. after that we went of to watch pink panther. EVERYONE MUST WATCH PINK PANTHER!! you are guaranteed to laugh from beginning till end, literally. we also got stuff for mel's b'day present. and i met a girl from plmgps. she quit SAJC and is waiting to go into poly. i cant remember her name though.
gdine is my s'pore hubby since loverboy is lovingly in the states. haha! today i spent her money and wore her clothes. and since i was told jun hao kpos here too, dont worry jun hao, i never steal your gf. haha! i am tired. bye bye.
<3 1:33 AM
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
i went online, and i wanted to talk to a jon. a jon goh to be exact, but that wasnt going to happen. guess what i did?! i talked to jk. jk is coming back in march and he wants meet up. i haven't seen him in ages. i'd love to meet up with him for three reasons. 1) i havent seen him in ages 2)i was suppose to meet up with him in december but he ended up becoming really busy 3)he is jk! simple as that. i dunno. jk is not a guy who wants to just meet up, there is always alot more behind it. i shall just wait till he comes back and see if he even remembers i exists. i wish my jon would come back in march.
i did something really outrageous today. haha! i am not going to state what it is because that would just be wrong. but those interested to know, just IM me or msg me to find out. after my outrageous and nerve-wrecking morning, i met up with wini and gdine for lunch. then gdine followed me to nsc and she fell asleep there. haha. thanx for following me there. really appreciate it. jon called while i was there. he talked to gdine too. he says gdine is a good laoda. i agreee. after that, we went to bugis and walked and walked. we did mental shopping too. and took neoprints again. gdine and i take too many pics together. haha. went we got to bugis, i called my mum. and my mum was like, allison, i am in the basement carpark of bugis. haha. we went to see her too.
oh oh. i saw a guy today who has nice curly brown hair and blue eyes in raffles city. he had a brother too. haha. [i bet someone just got really jealous. dont be k? i live you even without nice curly brown hair or blue eyes. you kinda have the brother part covered]
<3 10:27 PM
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
i realized that when i actually decide to lead an active life, not blogging for one day is futile. now i have so much to blog. bleh!
yst was rather fulfilling. i spent the late morning into the afternoon with gdine. my laoda! before that i went to school to collect my testimonial and that sort of spoiled my morning. went all the way there and was told that there was no testimonial because ms liew didnt leave them behind and she went on course. mrs ang told me that the testimonial probably would not be in by 4. man, that really pissed me off. after that, my fulfilling day took flight. i went to gdine's house to meet her. guess what, i didnt get lost. haha! now i am an expert walker to her house. from there, she took me to eat prata. gdine, can we go eat prata again? i want to try more types. haha! with our tummies filled we headed to heeren and sought out a watch for jun hao. jun hao's watch is very nice can. so so, did he like the watch?
i got a wallet too. now all i need is a pencil box, bag, and a few new outfits. it is wonderful to go to a poly. can revamp my possesions. haha! after that we pretty much just walked around orchard. we got bubble tea from taka too. i think the uncle is alittle deprived. he was like, you girls are so nice to address me with 'hi uncle'. he called around 3 plus and gdine was an honourary sideline member of our converstion. he thought gdine was mel b at first then after he figured out who gdine was, he exclaimed, 'geraldine is pretty.' haha. gdine was like, what! haha. lao da and i parted t bugis and i went off to work. in the office, i spent the time there forming a photo catalog for the new waxing products. used my phone, bluetooth and aunty audrey's laptop. bluetooth is fun. got home really late and konked out.
today is valentine's day. i spent the day with wini. it was fun i must say. she followed me back to school from j8. from there we hung out at hougang mall coz she was heading to ngee ann so going into town would be a real rush. after that i came to work and i have been her ever since. haha. thanx for following me to school wini.
lao dao just came online which made me realize something else i did today. i met jun hao!!. haha.
i submitted my applications for jae and jpsae today. now we pray and wait.
<3 9:37 PM
Monday, February 13, 2006
he just called and i am happy. i can go to sleep now but i think i will blog first. i need to think of a nickname to call him. any ideas?
shuk has left. she left just now. on friday, everyone came to my place and we spent the entire time from 12 till 5 plus making her pillow for her. it was damn fun. and the pillow turned out really nice too. and the guard was pretty nice to us as well. he let us have our lunch in the room, so that made things very convenient for us. thank you uncle!. the multi purpose room is now the tv room. the tv room gets more pathetic every time they upgrade the gym. but it has cable so i am not complaing. he called me while we were downstairs, and he was kinda high. first he called to tell me he needed to us the toilet. then he called me again to tell me he needed to shower. and i was complaining to everyone abt it. then when he called again, ben said he called to tell me that he'll call me back. oh yes! ben was playing with my hair. he tried desperately to pleat it and even asked wini to coach him. but he failed miserably and wanted to put glue to hold his creation together. my sis joined in too. and lao da looks very serious when she is thinking, she wont even register anything else when she is thinking. haha!
then we headed to shuk's house for bbq. shuk's house is huge and i absolutely love her dogs. we played taiti and action heart attack and indian poker. it was super funny. i made my marshmellows again, and once again i proved that i make really good marshmellows. crispy on the outside and soft and yummy on the inside. everybody love's them. i should open a marshmellow roasting catering service. like hire me at your bbq and pay me to roast them for you. i dont charge much, 50cents a mellow? haha! i also learnt that my house is very very close to shuk's house. i think i remember how to walk. i have confidence that i will not end up in woodlands. bleh!
we were at the airport just now to see her off. shuk told me to stop gdine from crying but i started crying aft looking at gdine. then mel and wini followed. soon aft shuk was crying and so was her sister. i think it's hardest on her sis. and yea, crying is super contagious, even for grown up us. amongst the girls anyway. she loves the pillow. oh yea, all of you who gave me valentines day stuff, thank you so much! you will get yours soon. as for shuk, so sorry yours will be terribky delayed. it will be the first thing you get from me when you come back.
on the trip home, ben was suanning me abt valentines day. he was like, allison, i got a date on v'day. oh wait, you have a bf so it's ok. but then again, he is in the states, so once again, i have a date. poor poor allison. urgh! i swear ben, i am going to kill you. and ben's shoulder is only boney when he wears school uni. haha! thanx for sacrificing ypu one straight bus 27 to take bus 53 with me. so nice of you.
aunty june's house was pretty fun too, but it was really short. haha! believe it or not, we actually left aunty june's house at 10 plus. absolutely amazing. and that is pretty much it.
[food for thought: mervyn and mel hate marshmellows. they both like poppye biscuits. they are so much alike that i am so certain if you fuse them you would have one bisexual person without the problem of split personality]
as for church, they pretty much know already. and lulu, now that i know you read my blog, i must put it here. LULU MAKES THE NICEST CHOCOLATE CAKE!!! can i have it for my bday too, pweety pwease? haha! tag the next time you come by k? and now it is time to snooze. or gdine will be angry tmr coz i go her house so late. nitez.
*i love you dear.
<3 12:56 AM
Saturday, February 11, 2006
i typed the whole freaking entry just now and lost it. damn!
spent yst morning at gdine's house. i taught her how to play speed. gdine has her very own video ezy. i am serious can?! shelves and shelves of vcds and dvds. if you need to watch something, i am sure gdine might possibly already have it stashed away. gdine, since you do not know how to appreciate your video ezy, i, allison, the video cum movie cum tv addict, will come by more often and help you k? haha. i watched daredevil and drumline and we played taiti the whole morning right till 12 plus 1. oh yes, and i was kinda high yst. i took mervyn's phone and said hi to myself usingthe camera. more than once mind you. then i turned the camera to the others and they said hi to themselves too. thank god it was not recorded or mervyn would have enough to blackmail me for life.
then went to school to get my results. i didn't exactly do wel but i am not upset about it. i am pretty happy actually. ask mervyn, i was jumping up and down in orchard. i am going to poly. and i have so many courses to choose from so my mum and dad are helping me with that. i am happy tha i am going to poly and i am going to pray very hard that i get my law and management course. i want it really badly. god hasnt failed me yet and i believe that he never will. he always creates a way out for me. and i know that his plans for me are for my good. i have decided that i will listen to my mother and put down the courses that she feels i am suited for. because, after talking to her the whole of last night, i realized that whenever i listen to her, things always turn out right. i feel that i was put in MI for two reasons, god wanted to show me that i am not cut out for jc and he saw it fit to grant me with a wonderful group of friends. i love you guys.
as for you dear, i am not going to apologize for you being upset with my grades because i am happy about them. and i pray that you can be happy for me too, the same way i would be happy for you. it hurts me that your so troubled by what you have perceived as bad grades. i am not your typical grade A student, and i wont say that i never will be, but i can say that i wont be anytime soon. the same way i tell you all the time that if god meant it for you, you will get it. the same way i say, if god means it for me, i will get it. whatever the case, i love you and i really miss you so much, so call me soon k?
English B3
Combine Humans D7
Geography C6
Mathematics B3
Science B4
Dnt C6
Chinese B Passed
people whp called me yst
-chin mai
-aunty shirley
*thank you so much for calling guys. its nice to know that so many care.
<3 10:28 AM
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
he has decided that he is ready to make it official and gdine and mel have insisted that the date be 25th of feb. so i will be single for about another week or so. once this relationship is settled and official, i shall start blogging with his name. haha. although, i did already put it in the profile section, so that would be a big give away. let's pray that no one decides to interrogate him or me. i dont plan to tell anyone in church though. gonna let them find out eventually.
[food for thought: colin talks to me, says hey and sup and then disappears. what on earth is he trying to do]
anyway, today was another of taiti in the canteen and additional splash of pool at lucky plaza. i won $15. haha. not exactly sure if i lost anything, but there is still tomorrow. didnt play much pool though. played one round with gdine which i lost coz i expertly knocked in the 8 ball too early. and another round with shuk which i wanted to stop halfway coz i got really depressed. was losing really badly. i think shuk likes playing with me. she always wins. haha. could not help but make fun of mervyn non-stop from the time he joined us till he left. i noe too much abt him that it's not funny anymore. and i must say, benjamin's shoulder is super boney and uncomfortable. stop sitting so close to me ben! your presence affects my winning streak. haha. oh yes, ben, dont get too agitated when you see jerald. remember that it will only be for a few more days. unless you both get into SAJC together of course, then, by all means, you may kill him =)
dear, i know you will read this. sorry for telling you ok? but you must believe me, it meant nothing. just mindless conversation. believe me ok? i love you ok? call me soon.
<3 9:59 PM
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
i miss my baby so much! i swear, calling you baby sounds funny. haha!
hads the funnest time yst. met up with shuk, lao dao and wini to play taiti. i won $2.80 and didnt lose anything. then shuk left and the rest of us went to watch fearless. it's a pretty good show but also kinda gruesome. but worth every penny i must say. took impulse neoprints again. this time with wini too. then came home and was talking to mervyn online. the conversation was damn funny lah. but also really weird. i was in a really odd mood yst. i felt flirtatious and dangerous for some reason. so mervyn if you read this, even though i must admit that it still sounds extremely tempting, i wasnt really myself. so disregard everything i said ok? haha!
last night i had a really funny dream. he keeps complaining that wearing boxers is really uncomfortable and i keep insisting that he has to. then last night, i dreamt that i was walking in a mall which had walls covered in ads proclaiming the goodness of boxers, and he called at that same moment. so i was reading out all the ads to him. it was damn funny. i kinda woke up laughing. and just as i woke up to laugh, he did call. haha! i love him.
today we sat in the canteen the whole day. taiti taiti taiti. i won $8 and once again, lost nothing. it feels pretty good to be able to work within ones winnings. once again, mervyn pang seh us. dont care him already lah. he wants to play pool with us tomorrow, we'll see if i feel like calling him or not. anyway, i got to go to my mum's office now. i am working for her or for aunty audrey rather. $4.50 an hour. very little, but still something. those playing pool tomorrow remember to bring t-shirt =)
<3 3:27 PM
Sunday, February 05, 2006
blogging from my mummy's office. so bored here. this post is short and dedicated specially to him. i hope you read this dear. hees =)
i really love you
i really miss you
call me soon
very soon ok?
how much do you love me? haha!
one last time yea?
love you dear.
<3 4:45 PM
Thursday, February 02, 2006
i didnt go to school today. with the consent of my folks mind you. went for breakfast with my mum then she took me to her office and i helped them with some admin stuff. actually i just sorted some invoices out and threw some bank statements into boxes. i love hanging with my mum. then i went to meet wini and we were off to mel's house. we missed the stop lah! and had to walk back. sorry mel for making you walk so far.
mel's house is really nice. and her maid is an awesome cook. and her room is small but very cosy. we had peanut butter toast and ice milo for breakfast. my second breakfast anyway. then they helped me to put together his valentines day card. i think it's really nice. and because i know that you read this, i am telling you here that you better like it. haha! we also watched starcky and hutch. pretty funny show. kinda stupid too but fun nonetheless. then there was lunch. have i mentioned that her maid is an awesome cook? after lunch, we left. had to meet my 4 pm curfew.
now i am at home and i am going to finish making his card. haha.
thanks for having us over mel!!!
<3 4:50 PM
today started off with him calling me. he was so depressed. i really wish i can be there for him in more ways, instead of just on the phone. i got to school and met wini and school pretty much took its course. during the break, we sat in the canteen and played daidee [however u spell it]. i was on a winning streak and shuk banned me from playing so many times. haha! mervyn was stepping on my shoes. then melissa had to ask him to stop playing footsie under the table. from then on, mervyn kept attempting to run his foot up my leg. what the hell lah! haha! then wini and melissa joined in. it was so super ticklish. i was practically screaming for dear life in the canteen. mervyn even recorded it, you meano. for a period of time, i was standing up and playing cards.
after that, we had some dumb talk by the vp, 'mi is a good environment, and all of you should consider staying'. whatever lah. then we left for ps. had burger king for lunch. wini and mervyn continued to torture me but only for awhile, we all wanted very much to eat. went to spotlight and got some stuff to put his valentines day card together. yep, i am making one. got mocked by my mum for wanting to buy a card. she was like, 'i hand-made all your father's cards ok?' i kinda took the hint. but i think she regrets now, because it cost me alot to get materials. haha! sue me for thinking spotlight is all hail and mighty.
then had appointment at nsc. almost lost the csc card, i was practically in tears. all thanks to god, i did not drop it in the cab but outside on the floor. removed the stitches. at least my dad went in with me for biopsy, this time my mum left me to fend for myself. thanks alot mum! lucky she didnt come the last time. the doctor say that my skin condition is purely external and there is nithing wrong with me inside. it's really just skin deep. praise the lord. do you know when my mum said that in the doctor's office, the doctor replied with a yep. haha. then he called and we almost had a fight. he is nice to me and gives in to me, but i can hear his animosity. hey, that rhymes. sent him an email laying some stuff down. my mum kinda drafted it, and i extended it. he knows alot about my past also, i am just praying that things don't change because of that. i also went to popular to buy more materials. haha. like art project. lastly, cousin edwin emailed me. whee. i really miss cousin edwin. =)
<3 12:27 AM