Tuesday, January 31, 2006
let's see, chinese new year seems very passive this year. i missed out a few houses which means lesser income, and because it is a known fact that i dont get much every year to begin with, lesser income is not a good thing at all. here is pretty much how the first two days and eve of chinese new year went :
reunion dinner. first day was back to my grandparents house, mothere's side of course. at night, my father's side came over for dinner. uncle sunny's family came too. his son, moses, is 21 and cute. he is nice, has a rather endearing accent, loves engineering but does finace in smu. he also does part-time at far east selling wakeboards. i opened him to a realm of barbie he never knew existed. now i have all i need to blackmail him if i ever see the need to. second day i woke up at like 11. couldn't sleep the whole night because of certain uncomfortable conditions. gdine, shuk, wini and ben came over for lunch and we played monopoly. we never got to the end of the game. ben and gdine left early and wini, shuk and i almost fell asleep on the sofa while watching police academy. then they left and i was of to grandparents house again. met aunty june and that was pretty much it. they left and we came home and i have been in my room watching tv the whole day. coyote ugly is an awesome show by the way.
and that is that. i feel absolutely numb right now and i wish he would call. crying during movies kinda get me down throughout the rest of the day or night. his voice would sort of cheer me up. fat chance i guess. the time difference sucks big time.
<3 1:32 AM
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
hello world. the last few days have been pretty good. by the way, the last entry is like that only because jon requested it. yes yes, i learnt how to play pool. and i do not suck at it. i am far from being good at it no doubt but i definitely do not suck at it. the seafood clan crashed srjc yesterday, it was a one-of-kind experience.
we sort of got caught. the teacher told us to wait for him at the office and he gave us 15 mins to do so. we used the 15 mins to run out of the school through the front gate. there were two helpless guards shouting at us to stop but that didnt work, we just ran on. i must say, it was rather exhilarating. then i got the top of my left ear pierced. i was like really freaked out abt it, but gdine said i had to and she even sponsored 90 cents. haha! big deal gdine! sad to say, the fourth-hole happiness was short-lived as i have to close it now because it started to swell today and once i took out the ear stick, i couldnt open it anymore. i would not mind piercing it again. but i would very much like it on the other ear. i think if i ever get to go overseas for more than a few months, on my own,i will get it pierced first thing i get there. haha! some of you might know why overseas and why alone. as for today, the most exciting that happened was trying to translate the lyrics of i'm amazed by you in to chinese. haha! super funny. oh yes! playing pool at sicc was really nice too. it was damn cold though. and sicc serves awesome fries. we also went to keep ben company at yck sports complex. watched tennis. i actually got what was going on. surprised myself. i think i have said enough already.
just a few words before i go:
-ben may still be gay but he is very nice [sea cucumber]
-i swear that mervyn is a horny peanut [catfish]
-melvin can be a little creepy but we love him nevertheless [stingray]
-shuk provides the camera [clams]
-geraldine takes all the pics (mostly of herself) [lao da a.k.a lala]
-melissa is always the ever bubbling person [lobster]
-winifred is tiny but loud and we love her [sotong]
-allison is me and i love my seafood clan [oyster]
one more thing:
i miss him alot
he says he loves me
he misses me too
and i love him =)
<3 6:38 PM
Saturday, January 21, 2006
i played pool today!
<3 10:53 PM
Sunday, January 15, 2006
he leaves tonight. i am kinda bummed about it. i guess i have every right to be. i just wish things could be different. i am gonna miss him so much. what am i saying?! i already miss him so much. i want to go see him off, but mum says it's a school night, so no chance of that happening. wini approves, haha! she gave two thumbs up. thanks for coming today wini. meant alot to me. love ya lots.
<3 5:42 PM
Thursday, January 12, 2006
i crashed sa today. we are like professionals crashers? the jc crashers. haha!
it was super fun. i would tell you in detail but that would make this entry super long.so i won't. we didn't stay at sa long, left at abt 10ish. then went for a movie. in her shoes. it is kinda senseless for like the first hour and a half but ends off really nicely. it's two and a half hours by the way. we were taking pictures of ourselves before the movie started and this lady came up to me and asked me to stop using my flash. haha!
then i went off to meet jon and we went for pepper lunch. it's really quite fun. haha! sizzling your own food. after that, it was cuffling shopping. ended up getting the ones i picked like last week at raoul. allison wins again. i amd so definitely gifted with the power of persuasion. too bad he is leaving on sunday. and now it's in the morning. super sad. don't want him to go. absolutely refuse. as if it is for me to decide. hah!
<3 8:19 PM
Saturday, January 07, 2006
hello world =) been awhile since i last blogged. this whole week was pretty awesome. i had orientation which wasn't too bad. the first day was boring beyond compare but the following two days were pretty ok. the MI mass dances were pretty brainless. but they were still damn fun. i love the english one the most and the indian one is super cute. however, i almost fell asleep during the malay one. can you imagine, falling asleep while dancing?! haha! i had nice ogls too. saddad is damn hot by the way. and crecensia is really nice. i also pissed of a girl coz i stole saddad from her. which is not true ok, i won him fair and square. that makes him sound like game, it was scissors paper stone lah. i even had the honour of giving saddad a birthday bash. it was supposed to be wini, crecensia, shuk and myself. then the other three tua me and i gave all the beatings. 18(x4) can?! my hand was damn pain lah. i also met wini and maggie and shuk and ben and so many other wonderful wonderful ppl. MI will not be that horrible after all.
yst i went shopping. or jon went shopping rather and i followed. it was pretty fun lah. i got to be the one who sat in the store and looked bored. he also got this really nice bag from french connection though. and i want it. let me have for a week jon. please? haha. i got a new phone too. my Nokia 6111. totally awesome and really sweet. haha.
<3 10:47 AM