Sunday, October 30, 2005
the only thing i found relatively interesting these past few days is that aft browsing through 1000++ songs, regina and i only have one thing in common. CORRINNE MAY YING FOO. well look at it this way, at least we have something in common.
i pulled enough courage to talk to colin he is single, and we are going to meet. i just not exactly sure when yet. hopefully tmr or it wont be till aft my Os. talking abt Os and the fact that that is pretty much the extensive excitement in my life, i am going to study.
[so i dance like the rain on the roof
and tell my soul that my spirit's on the loose
don't know if anyone will understand
feels like an angel's got a hold of my hand
so i dance]
*i dont care what anyone else says
bottom line is that i am nt over you
and i want you back
<3 10:26 PM
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
it has been a boring week. the week had its exciting moments but nothing great. all i have been doing is studying really. i was suppose to meet up with colin this week but i cant get him. as if he is avoididng me. i dont blame him, how wld you react if your ex, after almost a year, suddenly wants to meet up with you? i wld freak, not that its ever happened. not that it ever will.
scott got all my fears out of me, now he has enough material to blackmail me. he made me watch incredible tales, stayed on the phone with me till the end. it wasnt scary lah, just a little freaky. but all in all, my stand has not changed, i still will not watch anything that will potentially scare the hell out of me. come to think of it, i do not understand that phrase. isnt hell bad? so wont that mean scaring the hell out of someone is a good thing? haha! anyway, unless someone does what scott did, there is no way i will watch a horror movie or series or flick.
oh oh! i found out something last night [or this morning rather], the first season of the oc is at 2am followed by CSI at 3. its every night [or morning]. i didnt sleep till 4. now i am going off to the esplanade to mug. 5 hours to dinner, i cant wait.
<3 1:16 PM
Sunday, October 23, 2005
i have come to the realisation that 17 yr old guys have a certain sense of maturity that 16 yr old guys dont. or maybe 17 yr old girls have a certain sense of auntiness that only older guys can relate to. but i am going to stick to my older guy younger guy theory. dont ask me to explain it because i cant. i simply do not know how to. there is something that colin and shane has that abriel and scott dont. i am going to call it a certain sense of mental maturity. because like i said it's only a feeling, and it's one i cant verbalize for some reason. just cant seem to put a finger on it. so much for the realisation.
anyway, we got my dad the mp3 today. now we have to get him a sta=rap so he can wear it on his arm. i have offcially given up asking scott to ym. i am just going to stick to evening services. and i have kinda given up on liking him. i came to a point where i pretty much fell in love with him. but now, i am kinda glad he has a gf. all in god's plan i guess. god probably figured that if he handed me scott on a silver platter, i would fall hook, line and sinker. then i would realize how much scott is not for me but i would be too in love to admit it. and then we would have me walking down heartbreak lane all over again. so thank god i guess. and i know i am going to make it through the exams simply because god has shone through my prelims. being fact that he gave me the opportunity to apply for MI means that i will graduate to go to a jc. he is the absolute god.
<3 12:46 AM
Friday, October 21, 2005
my science prac was pretty satisfying. you know the feeling when you finish a paper and you can say, 'sure to pass!'? that was the feeling i got. for some reason, i have this sense of satisfaction with my paper and i know i did well. and since i dont often get this feeling i am going to say that its all god. coz ultimately, it is all god. oh yes, for those of you who take combine chembio, you would have received 4 test tubes - three small and one large. i broke all of them. i toppled the whole test tube rack. it was so embarassing! but fyroz and the teacher both had a good laugh. the stupid teacher kept teasing me. he made sure he mentioned, at the end of every sentence, to not break any test tubes. then there is this other teacher, all i asked was to turn off the fan, and she started playing with all the switches. the lights went on and off. i have a feeling nobody told her the 411 on ceiling fans, 'they take time to stop rotating'. anyway that was about it. after that had lunch with jin and kim [yes the dynamic trio - jinny kimmie alli]. daniel was there to. cindy aboh called me too, all of a sudden i became an expert in jc admission. get a hold of that! didnt study yst at all though. going to study today, shane and friend [i am guessing girl], at the esplanade. going to check my email, toodles :)
ps: the ans is highly likely aluminium nitrate.
<3 9:09 AM
Sunday, October 16, 2005
i have just been told that i can actually apply for MI. not exactly the first place or last place want to be. everyone else is pretty supportive. even jaryl has said give it a shot. so i will give it a shot. i mean it cant do me any more harm than good right? and it will probably do me more good than harm anyway. so application for MI here i come! swing the doors open and let me in.
daddy left just now, so i am single parented for the next whole week again. going to go nomad studying again. first paper in 5 days, practical. i do not plan to screw that, simply because it's suppose to be simple. and to screw something that is suppose to be simple is really bad. i think i will go check out the MI website and just turn in early or something. until i blog again.
<3 8:35 PM
Saturday, October 15, 2005
is it just me or am i running out of things to say. i think it's just me. it's a saturday morning. i am in front of the computer blogging. erm yea, can you tell i have nothing to say. i didnt study at all yst, so i lost a whole day of geog studying which i am not going to be able to get back. yipee! and the world is a better place. today i am to study math, which happens to be my most fav thing to study simply because it is easy to study. it might also very well be the only sub i end up doing really well in. but of course i could always stop moping and start doing something productive. yea, i tink that is what i will contemplate doing, something productive.
you will not believe what dawned upon me last night. i actually convinced myself that the best remedy for my current indignant plight is a boyfriend. after living by the rule that i can survive without one, i am utterly sold on the fact that i might just need one. but seriously, how can anyone possibly need a boyfriend? especially not at crucial time like this. i think what i want more is not a boyfriend but someone to keep me up to speed with my mugging. someone who i can drag around and keep me in check while i am studying. is that really to much to ask? its not a bad thing to go into a mugger trance when major exams are ahead, but its good to ave someone to pull you in and out of it once in awhile. so much for my rant and plea.
anyway, i got an A2 grade for my cca even though i have been irregular and a rather diligent cca hopper. all in good time, and i can only thank god for it. looks like i got a bonus point aft all. and lastly, so many ppl are expecting me to do well telling stuff abt me that i already know. but what if i end up doing really bad, then what is going to happen. in feb i asked colin how he did, and he told me better that i will ever do. it was highly likely a reply filled with tons of bad vibes, but it struck me nevertheless. he got 20 points, what if i dont do better than him, that wld mean i am screwed. oh gosh! i have a feeling this is me getting stressed out. yes world, allison does get stressed.
<3 11:18 AM
Friday, October 14, 2005
today was the last day of school. yep yep, grad day. it wasnt too bad actually. in fact, i think i actually miss the school, or will miss it anyway. besides that, the class t-shirt is nice, the ceremony was fun and the spring rolls at refreshment were just simply delicious. oh yes, and ms nora said we rawk! haha! and lastly, khai rawks too. and so does fyroz!
bleh! i have nothing else to say. going to do some geog and then get ready for cvc and stuff. goodbye people.
<3 1:18 PM
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
i have not been in school for four days. even glen asked what happened to me. its nice to be thought of, even by the most unexpected people.
anyway, i have been a studying nomad, i was at the esplanade then the airport and today the esplanade again. you know something, without all the temptations that i so often give in to at home around me, i do so much more in a day then i do in a week at home. and i feel free, more trusted by my parents. for instance, yst i was with shane at the airport and my dad did not call me until 7 to find out where i was. it feels good, feels like i hav grown up? sounds ridiculous and sad i noe. but still feels good neverthe less.
oh yes. i saw annabel francis and husband [whose name i will not attempt to spell]. she looked abit weird. and i read romeo and juliet, on that note i will leave you with a shakespearean excerpt and go for dinner. goodbye reader.
*two households, both alike in dignity
from ancient grudge break to new mutiny
where civil blood makes civil hands unclean
from forth the fatal loins of these two foes
a pair of star crossed overs take their life
whose misadventured piteous overthrows
doth with their death buty their parents strife.
<3 6:42 PM
Sunday, October 02, 2005
hello world! i am blogging on a sunday, that i noe. and i am blogging in total darkness, with the faint and yet rather bright light emitted from the computer as my guide. i just had tuition with my uncle, so thot i would blog before my parents came to bring me home.
this part is for melanie. i went to the airport on friday with melanie. suppose to study but i think we spent more time eating chocolates. spent like 13 bucks on chocolate. mel dearie, u owe me $1.50 by the way. haha! i had the best time.
besides that, the week has been pretty much a bore. fyroz and i have drifted really far. so i havent talked to him in quite awhile. and i noe how the class makes him feel when i hang ard him, and how he feels, so i think i shld lay off until Os start. schools starts tmr, and i cant wait for i to b over.
and for today, i went to the C4[christian care and concern community] i am now part of the cvc worship team, the moving one. feels good, makes it seem official. i had alot of fun. made a new friend too, sharlene. the band has a cute guitarist, sean. the best part, i felt god today. something i only feel in cvc. never in ym. kinda sad actually, a small family church has such a strong presence which a big congregation like ym cannot feel. it is an amazing unexplainable feeling. i just never get it in ym. but god is there, all the time, and yet, a small church of a few meager regulars are so much more aware of his presence than a big church with a vast number of ppl. i am not saying god is not in ym. god is there, and many can vouch that he is there. that he has filled their hearts. but there are many more who cant. many more who are in ym because its ritualistic. many more who are simply titled christians because their parents said so. i feel because we are so big, the human spirit has overpowered and shadowed the spirit of god in the church. basically, we dont take him seriously enough.
ok, that was refreshing! and that is that, gonna go now. goodbye world!
*talking to you on wednesday was really good
you were so freaking high
on what i still do not know
i had a great time
it was hilarious
i just love talking to you
listening to you
<3 9:33 PM