Wednesday, September 28, 2005
this is how its going to be from now until my mum finally decides it's safe to place th elaptop at home. i will be blogging every wed at my grandmothers place. i have kinda warmed to the prospect of saving up for my own laptop. sad to say, i havent actually warmed up to the saving up part.
i wonder if i have mentioned that i screwed my prelims. well, i screwed my prelims.dont think i will be going anywhere till march. maybe i will get a job or something. maybe at coffee bean or a starbucks. doesnt sound so bad.
i had clb oral on monday. get this, oral exam in monfort sec [all boys school] and it really sucks. the whole thing sounds wrong. kim took quite awhile to get it though. i think i might have actually screwed that up. and i have concluded that teachers from china have no sense of humor.
oh yes, i got scott to go to church. and i am trying to make it regular. so scott! i noe ur reading. make it regular.
*as i looked back on the day i spent with you
i had a good time
even to the peak of frustration and distaste at ur inconsiderate hunger
i had fun
coz i spent that time with you
do you think that maybe i cld mean a little more to you than just a buddy
i'd like to be more to you than just outging and fun.
<3 1:19 PM
Saturday, September 24, 2005
its been about a week since i blogged. my mum stole the laptop. first things first, my prelims are over. and i do not think i did as well as i wanted to. i do not think any of us did. but i am just glad they are over. now for the final battle ahead, O levels. if i keep my studying attitude it shld be a breeze. i think.
i have fallen real bad for my attached guy. scott has nicknamed him the prince. dear god! if only he new who the guy is. i rejected a proposal from an ex. i want to be single when my prince finally is. be the very next one in line. u noe what i mean right? i am battling over whether to tell him or not. shld i? damn! i dunno.
*how do i love you and yet not tell you
to be near you and yet not touch you
to pat you on the back instead of hug you
how do i stand in your presence
and not be awed by your magnificence
i love you
and that is my greatest delusion.
<3 12:22 PM
Thursday, September 15, 2005
today was not too bad. i actually had fun. and yes i went to school.
had science paper1 and bio paper 4. i really hope i did ok. everyone else is talking abt them failing and its, well, scary.
after that i hung with khai and farhana. i had a good time. exceot that i was the only person pigging out in kfc. i was hungry!
then i was about to go home when i spotted jin and kim at macs. sat and talked to them then we went to ntuc. kim had to buy vegetables for her mum. we bought kinder surprise again. these are the kind of things that only happen when you put the three of us together. this time we sat at macs and ate the chocolate and constructed the toys. embarassing but nevertheless fun. the toys were hideous though. then went to the bus stop and saw aminur. he still looks as cute as ever. he was with his gf, we came to that conclusion with insufficient evidence though. unsuited for him again, but who are we to judge, the guy has his own taste. took bus with jin, said bye to kim. i never run out of things to talk about when i am with jin.
she stopped first then i got off at heartland. took a bus to the interchange. then another bus. no wi am home. i had a pretty good time after school. its been a long time.
<3 3:28 PM
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
my gosh! i have to change the damn template because something happened to this one and i cant open it. yep, i can't visit my own blog. ridiculous right?
anyway, had english today and i am not confident i did that great. aww man. have to study for bio science multiple choice now.
*you are the poison in my veins
that diffuses into the blood
that flows to my heart
and kills me.
<3 4:04 PM
Saturday, September 10, 2005
man has it been a long time since i blogged. the com has been down for quite awhile and we got it repaired like two days ago. so there is my reason.
let's see, what's new in my life. i am 17, or at least i have been for about 3 days.
my life has taken a turn of its own. erm something like relaxed into almost stressed out. besides that, nothing much has changed. i still like a guy who has a girlfriend.
the people in my class cant stand me, or most of them anyway. i cut my hair. but its growing so i might have to cut it again. and that is about it.
gee! you wld think that after such a long time of not updating, i would have more to say. i thought so too. but i guess not.
<3 5:21 PM