Wednesday, August 17, 2005
i had english oral today. and to give you an idea of how blur i was, i asked teng yi if it was for prelims or O levels. you know something? this oral exam just proves how close the Os are. it also shows very good evidence that i should be doing alot more studying.
well anyway, i had loads of fun waiting for my oral. it was a real blast in the library. then came my turn for oral. and the teachers were very laughy. i actually had a good time. i threw in a few mildly sarcastic remarks and it worked pretty well with them. i ultimately had a great time during oral.
fyroz and i made $1.05 today. on the road to a successful business venture.
for the whole of today, i have been tired and hungry. its so unlike me. i was so worn in school. all i wanted to do was sleep. if not it was eat. i think its all the talking to scott. hees:) no offence boy. had to blame someone.
*baby your my eye candy ; but i want you as my sugar rush*
<3 6:18 PM
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
for the first time, i wish you could see the title. 'penny' fyroz and i have decided that everytime someone says something about us, we will donate 10cents to the fyroz and allison beneficiary. inspired by fyroz's 'imagine if i had a penny for everytime someone says...' this is called taking things to the extreme.
i have changed abit. ever since the infatuation for scott [which is still happening mind you] i have gone back into, what i call, my marcus stage. where only he will do? so i have kinda gotten over everything. i feel happy, not forcefully happy, but genuinely happy. happy with me, my life, and lots of other stuff. yea yea, scott has a girlfriend. good for him. but i like him nevertheless [and i am very sure i am not the only one]. but we're good friends. i finally found someone [apart from beloved fyroz] who i can bug. hees :) what more could i possibly ask for? oh yea, how about a bf? haha! like ler says, 'beggers cant be choosers'. and right now, i dont plan to do any begging or choosing. peace out people [i dont believe i said that ; i must be high or something ;)]
<3 4:11 PM
Saturday, August 13, 2005
what do you do when you fall head over heels for this guy, and everyone thinks your like together, cause you guys are so close. an you know, if given the chance, you will have no problem loving him and holding on to him. and then at the end of a wonderful night, you find out he has a girlfriend. to make things worst, he has been attached for only a month and a half. that means that if you didnt wait so long to get to know him, you might have just been that girl. i am so sure sparks flew and stuff. but girlfriend?! it would have helped alot if he told me earlier. i am not saying that i got to noe him so that i could be his gf. but it would have been nice if there was abit of hope in that aspect. even if he told me he was gay or something, that is still not as bad as gf. i dont want him to be another jaryl. bleh! whatever the case, i have a few things to say:
he looks very good without his specs
his command of english is highly likely better than mine
if he is not sleeping, he is awake and thinking of sleep
jonathan thinks he is a nice guy
he is christian but goes never goes to church
and he is not scared of me [not yet anyway]
i had a really good time last night, the best time i had in a long time.
<3 4:41 PM
Friday, August 12, 2005
i am at home again. doctor gave me mc for yesterday and today. after all the things that have been going on in school, the sudden lost of friends and the sudden feeling of being an outcast in a supposedly united class, going to school has become a chore. everyone else looks forward to recess while i dread it. it is not a must to have ppl to spend recess with but if your not with a crowd then your considered diseased. therefore, its better to be seen with a crowd even if you are not part of that crowd. how do people who have friends survive the ridicule. i have always been a floater, going to wherever i was welcomed. never actually felt a sense of belonging. i still think my best friend are my mum, my dad, and my sis. everyone else who i have ever turned to has in one way or another, deserted me. it would be so nice if i could just stop going to school until Os. then go for the paper and leave. then after that, show my face at prom. mingle with a crowd who would never give a damn whether i died or not. in fact, i honestly think that if i died, they would think that the world was a better place. with one less person like allison.
dont get me wrong, i am not purposefully trying my very best to be negative about the situation. maybe i did do stuff wrong, maybe it wasnt all their fault. but am i suppose to know what i did for the friendships to turn into cold wars, if instead of telling me how it came to this, you just ignore me and stay away from me as if i was terminally ill and contagious. one minute your the best friend i could ever have and the next your my worst enemy. i dont want it this way, but if you do then so be it. but at least tell me why. because you can control so many people, and if you hate me, then so many others hate me as well. and i personally dont think that is fair.
that was good. letting it out. sad to say, the person it's addressed to does not have a computer so she will never read it. whatever the case, i am just glad its out in the open. whose open? i dont really know.
the dinner is tonight, and i am meeting scott at city hall. maybe i will go abit earlier and get a coffee or something. i am still dying to use my cafe cartel card. haha! gonna go slack and be sick now.
<3 11:46 AM
Thursday, August 11, 2005
i tink i have fallen for someone. i am juz not sure if the other party feels the same way. i dont want to tell him and risk scaring him off. or shld i tell him. well well, believe it or not. allison actually has a guy problem that has nothing to do with abriel. well done allison?!
scott said yes! he is going to the dinner with me. i noe i always said that i dont blind date and stuff, but this isnt exactly a blind date right? i mean, he has seen my picture and i have seen his. so i do not think it actually constitutes as a blind date. does it? whatever the case, i cant wait. i wonder how tall he is. haha!
<3 1:16 AM
Monday, August 08, 2005
national day was a blast. yea rite?! it was a total disappointment. first, the parade is cancelled due to rain, which also means that there was no interhouse games and no drill competition. interhouse games part wasnt so bad, i mean we do that every year. but i was looking forward to the drill competition, can see he qin march.
but i spent the day with camy so all in all it wasnt so bad.
aft that, daddy brought me to watch willy wonka. it's pretty good. there are parts there were actually a little dark, but all in all it was ok.
now i am waiting for scott to call. somehow i do not seem to see that happening.
i figured out why ex bfs and gfs do not talk. the only thing they have in common is taht they like each other. so, once they break up there is nothing in common left, therefore, there is nothing to talk abt.
<3 8:02 PM
Saturday, August 06, 2005
i am sitting at home on a sat morn. i am sick, so i basically feel like crap. i want to play badminton. i miss my class badminton buddies [shoon, chen an, glen, johnson, delphine, and even xu hong] i want badminton. someone play with me pls?
haha! anyway, last time i blogged was monday and i cant really remember what happened during the week so i will try my best. this week was music week and i drummed and sang. had a blast. made a few new friends [he qin aka qin qin, choong wei aka wei ge, ben, and a few more] the drummer for qing fei de yi was worst than me, and much less obedient. he brought down the drum set without the hi-hat. so amazing can. adelena and i are not doing too well. i still have no idea what happened. but i have been hanging with le raine and gang so its not too bad.
as usual i miss him. and aaron is angry with me because of what my cousin did. hello?! i never told her to do anything, it was all her. and if caring for me is something u feel is a chore then dont bother. coz if caring for me is going to hurt u i'd rather u juz dont. but like i tell all the members of my hate club, when u ever need anything, just ask and i will do watever i can to help you.
i watched drumline. really cool show. i tink i will watch it again. leonard roberts looks like nick cannon's older brother. but the drumming is really good. i never knew the marching band could be so exciting.
lastly, do you know why the people in singapore are so hot? its because singapore is very hot. haha! gonna go now before i say anything i will regret.
<3 10:19 AM
Monday, August 01, 2005
bleh! nothing exciting happened today really, but since i am online i might as well blog. had school as usual then aft that had a whole hour to kill because ms nora dismissed us early. johnson kept me company, followed me to point then back to school then i waited for the bus with him. went back to school for phototaking, waited a whole hour. then finally took, and boy did i have fun. haha! then went back to point with jin and kim. ate dessert and sausage then went to ntuc. jin decided me shld buy a bow of kinder surprise haha! we each took one and decided to bring the toys back tmr. haha! damn retarded right?! but it was fun nevertheless. then shared a cab back with jin, kim flagged the cab. haha! and then home sweet home.
before i go. trisha's, oh i mean, aunty trisha's [haha!] wedding was amazing. trisha looked stunning at both the wedding and dinner. james has a very nice accent. haha! and i have concluded that aunty serena and uncle mark will have pretty children [good looking parents] aunty serena is always so drop dead gorgeous. and i met a guy, anthony, msging him at the moment. haha!
that is pretty much it. haha!
<3 6:47 PM