poise ; dance ; love
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
i went to church. same old same old.
then went to j8 to meet abriel for sch of rock. they were not there. then due to my stupidity i told them to forget it coz they wont have any place left. which was true.
then they decided not to come. and i was at j8 alone. i feel stupid for even going. i mean, i did nt go for the bands, heck! i cld not care less abt the bands. i went to see him. then i cried. i cried tears that were held in since friday. i juz feel really dumb.
<3 4:01 PM
Saturday, July 30, 2005
let's see, quick run through of the week.
wed night: the party rocked. mum was surprised and all was very good. then we ended really late.
thurs: did not go school. mum allowed. totally forgot there was a test. went to sch at 3 to practice. rehearsal did not start till 5 plus 6. then went to the airport to see dad off.
fri: went to sch. was constantly ignored by adelena. i wonder what i did? then went to meet abriel and frends at ps. watched stealth. then went to esplande roof terrace. then esplanade library. then marina square. then suntec. finally home. at night, went to adam park for food. then came home.
today: trisha's wedding. it was good. food was good. cjs caterers rock. jaryl saw me in my outfit. must ask him what he thot tmr. then had training. assigned to a sec 1 group. pretty cool. then went to po po's house for dinner. then home.
extra: abriel wants me to tell u that he was very good on the drums. that he played it lyk a pro. of course he also mentioned that he anyhow play. so this info is therefor biased and shall request to be voided by anyone who reads.
haha! pretty cool huh? i am sure u agree abriel.
<3 10:48 PM
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
i went to jam today..it was really sucky in the beginning. it was still sucky at the end. but at least it sounded abit better. abriel and aaron was there. then i told aaron abriel and i were going dating. and he believed me. oh how i wish. if only. haha! i am like really high for some reason. godma and family and aunty lerraine and family all coming tonight. mum does not have a clue. haha! how cool is that!
<3 8:53 PM
Friday, July 22, 2005
woah! such a long time since i blogged. i just have not been in any mood to blog. life has been so boring and meaningless all of a sudden.
anyway, last weekend, i fought with abriel three times on three seperate occasions. imagine that! and to think we are not even together. you know something? you can be with your boyfriend for a really long time, but u never really noe him. coz there is this other side of him that u do not see until your just his friend. but if your wondering whether i shed tears, yes, i bawled. and my eyes became so puffy and painful. but i was hurt, real bad. because i was actually getting scolded. he is actually more sensitive then i thot he was.
on wed, i went shopping with kellyn and adelena. i had a blast. and i got myself drumsticks too. adelena and i bought t-shirts. really nice.
thursday was racial harmony day. we came to sch all dressed up. lots of ppl said i looked really nice. i felt really good.
and as for today, nth much has happened yet. but i guess things will. i collected the ms nora fund and stuff..so gonna buy present and then flowers on sun. haha! i feel rich!
[[i am sorry i hurt you so bad ; but your sudden coldness ; i do not enjoy]]
[[be the way you used to be ; please]]
<3 3:59 PM
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
today was again really good. no crying and stuff, but still very good. i also had baseline oral. i think i was the only crazy one looking forward to it. haha! then had clb [which i went for alone coz augustine ditched me]. and if you want me to tell you that everything went well on th outside with abriel, i will say definitely. but on the inside? i am not too sure. i wanted to cry time and time again.
then went back to sch, wanted to look for jin to get a hug, but she was gone. so i looked for jia min instead. she is a really good friend. then we had the closing ceremony and i cried again. and when ernest asked us to go hug our parents, i was so envious of those who had their parents there. but all in all, it was a good closing. hmm? what happened to our certs? haha!
anyway, i have a date for prom. marcus! haha! of course if nothing happens to him, as in committments. i wonder if i can get him a ticket. if the school will allow me to bring someone from outside. what do you think?
<3 11:19 PM
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
today's superteen session was a teary one. i cried to the point where my eyes still hurt up till now. it was truely an emotional session. but i also had fun. and alot of hugs. hees =) i can't wait to get back tmr.
here is my most recent edition of guy rant:
marcus is 20. he is very tall. he has a very well-built structure. he is in the national wushu team. he is funny. he has very straight teeth. he smells like the perfume i like [on men]. his attack phrase is 'i slap u two times, kick you one time, slap you again, you sure die!' and i tink i may have a crush on him.
oh heck! i have a crush on almost everyone i meet. haha!
<3 10:14 PM
Monday, July 11, 2005
today was the first day of the superteens workshop. it's a pretty good workshop. with like lots of helpful tips and stuff. but i still tink its abit too late to have it now. it shld be a workshop that shld have been help last year. what exactly is the point of teaching someone how to study 2 mths before the exams, it's like teaching a non-swimmer how to swim and expecting him to join nationals in two weeks. effort filled and pointless. of course i am not saying that it will not help, it will help. but not too its 100% potential. anyway, i tink i will try out his study methods after the course. btw, the 'he' i am refering to is dr.ernest wong. yep! doctor! p.h.d holder. anyway, its 11 pm and i ought to get some sleep. have another long day tmr. oh yea, here is a little footnote i came up with.
the process of waiting for someone to sweep me off my feet is long, anticipating, but in the end, relatively satisfying.
good night world =)
<3 11:07 PM
Thursday, July 07, 2005
i was late for school again.and yes! not my fault again. my sis had to forget her wallet. it will not be so nad if i was late because i was actually late.
but the rest of the day pretty much flew by. i found really good friends in class. adelena and kellyn. there is also jia min. but i tink we are more out of class buddies. or aft sch buddies. hmm, u get what i mean. and of course there is fyroz! who cld forget him. he is my best guy frend i tink.
ade, kellyn and i were flooding kellyn's phone with pics. i took one too. in the toilet [dotz]
here we are!

adelena n kellyn n me [it looks funny though]
will post more when kellyn passes me the pics.
and jia min did this on my hand. [[kleine]]

yep! that is my hand.
<3 6:27 PM
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
This is a test post from Photobucket.com
<3 3:54 PM
had youth day concert today. dont ask me why my school celebrates youth day after youth day. we did our madame ma's mansion. and ppl loved it. that's right! they actually loved it. and fyroz said my purple sari is nicer than the orange one i wore for competition. i thought so too..loved it so much that i brought it back!haha! i thought we did pretty well for the performance. and the modern dance was good too. hmm! i hate the fact that i quit dance on both accounts. chinese dance and modern dance. would have looked very good on my leaving cert. aww never mind! what is done is done. no way of undoing it. now i will just have to do really well for Os.
i am seeing him tmr. first time since the break up. i wonder if he feels as apprehensive as me. hmm..nah! i doubt it. haha!
<3 3:34 PM
Monday, July 04, 2005
i had small group bbq juz now and it was really good. absolute great fun. apples on apples huh?! it was also very western. lamb chop, pork chops, sirloin steak. felt like a restaurant. and jon was truly the best! he did pretty much everything. and jia xian loves my marshmallows! crispy on the outside and soft and mushy on the inside! my new slogan. i found my calling in life. roasting marshmallows. haha! next bbq is at my place ok? my folks have already given clearance. they seem rather enthusiastic.
i saw a guy who looks lyk colin. so scary!
<3 12:58 AM
Saturday, July 02, 2005
came back from ballet awhile ago. strenuous class. didnt finish it though. was having this piercing pain in my stomach and my calf. but it was a good class. i felt that i really worked.
[aza] thanx for the hug babe. love u loads.
talked to him last night. i called of course. not much diff. not looking forward to wed. but i tink i want to see him. but everything will go well. i noe it will.
<3 5:05 PM
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