poise ; dance ; love
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Monday, May 30, 2005
first things first! i cut my hair. i change to side parting and i have side fringe. my mum stopped complaining abt my fringe [finally] and my sis lyks it. i still tink it looks a little weird. probably not used to it yet. i wonder wat he will say when he sees it. he doesnt noe i cut my hair. kellyn specifically instructed me not to tell him. anyway, i had drama competition on sat and it went pretty ok i tink. not too sure abt the finals but i had fun and i tink that is the most important thing. this whole drama thing has also gained me a new friend. KELLYN! and i tink this friendship might just work out. aft that had ballet and on sunday morning i realized how stupid i was to tink that i wld survive aft an inter class [under normal circumstances i wld but in this case i had not danced for three weeks] and i am having lyk uneven aching. i got fitted for pointe shoes. will be collecting them on tuesday. i really cant wait. but the total cost is lyk 70 bucks. muz start saving for my second pair to buy next year. oh yes! i have decided that every free time i have will be devoted to studying. [but of course as the saying goes-actions speak louder than words] shall just have to see how everything goes.
<3 3:42 AM
Friday, May 27, 2005
i have been ordered to blog. love u tons syaza. not in sch today. use your hands campaign and mt intensive? 4 1/2 hours of nth. i'd rather not thank u.abriel has no phone. juz when i get mine back he get his confiscated. what are the odds of that happening? wont get to see him till tuesday i think. and if i dont see him then, i wont see him till aft the church camp. but i am doing fine. still holding together. i am starting to study. gonna mug a little at camp too. the exams were a disturbing wake up call. competition is tmr. really hope we do well. i have the most lines which is good for exposure but not that great coz i am scared i forget my lines. but i tink i will do ok. i have never forgotten lines rite? or have i? oh crap!i tink i will juz slack today away. oh yea, melody's oreo cheese cupcake taste even better straight out of the fridge. not too sure if i wont to find that out abt the cake.
<3 1:24 PM
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
ok i admit. i have not been blogging. but since my life has taken a gradual slow down there really isnt much to type. let's see. i am still in love, i have a new ring. and drama is going for competition this sat. i hope we get into the finals. i wont have any sch hols [i have sch everyday] but i might be able to see him during hols. need to ask mum abt acjc dance night and need to see gwen for tickets. i have no phone coz my mum took it. not sure if i will get a phone on my own yet. maybe just maybe. but i am starting to get sick of all the lying.
anyway that's all for now. pray for me when i go for competition k?
and btw...abriel and zacch are the same person.
<3 7:29 PM
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
really long since i blogged. here goes.
coach carter is a really good show. all who havent watched it get ur arses to a cinema and do so. i pretty much flunk my sa. and i am gonna get grounded.it wld help if my mum told me abt the grounding before the sa it might have helped. i am in love. and i miss him alot. he is also a very good kisser. besides that life has been pretty much a bore. till my next entry.
<3 4:51 PM
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