today was career day. i had a blast. it was so nice to dress up as executives adn look aunty and no one can say anything.
later going esplanade to watch a drama performance. i cant wait.
<3 3:17 PM
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
this is officially the third time i will be typing this entry! stupid blogspot!
entry meant for tuesday 1 march 05-ignore date above
went to the dentist today. it was my first excrutiatingly pain dental check-up. firstly, the dentist is not one bit gd-looking [unlike last yr's] but that is not the point. secondly, how the heck did he want me to relax when he had this automated vibrating needle thingy at my gums. someone shld do it to him and see if he can relax. i was in pain and in tears! i still have baby teeth. hah! dentist says i have to go for an x-ray to see which country my adult tooth has gone to for vacation [ok! out of point]
coca cola factory was alot more fun than expected. it was pretty amazing yet amusing all at the same time. got to create a drink for the rock. ying yi was going all goo-goo eyed over the pic of him. i still tink he looks retarted. different ppl different views? i guess my idea of a sex god is not someone who has too many buldges on his body for his own good. [if i ever marry a wrestler, dont shoot me. pls:) ]
tmr is the interview. i am nervous. and the fact that at the moment i am a sneezing machine is not helping to ease the tension. pretty sure i will do well. hope i do well. pray i do well.
<3 1:55 AM