Thursday, January 27, 2005
alex said i am hot! who would have known that out of all the guys he wld be the one to tell me. gee!
had drama today. ms alin is good but the other drama members are not. they need to seriously need to losen up and not be so shy or conservative. have to open up and be your character. even if your character is an evil indian daughter who wants your mum dead. blehx! walked off with jin again. she is gd to be ard. easy to talk to. i dunno, she understands me?
i almost banged right into marcus again. its not a bad thing, pretty gd in fact. i want to actually bang into him and have it be his fault then i can msg him abt it and he can say sorry and we can take off from there. or god knows wat i am saying. as usual, i conclude its still safer to dream, stare and wait for someone to come along.
i have no idea if i shld go out tmr or if i shld go for bio. hmph! i will have to decide eventually. anyway, i actually have homework today. and i want a bubble bath.
[dont tell me i am pretty, or that i am hot, or that i wld make the perfect girlfriend, just tell me you want me]
oh watever!
<3 8:47 PM
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
went for clb today. its like my first lesson. haha! was not bad, abit boring though. but i was talking to roxanne all the way. then i tricked augustine into coming. i told him the teacher was really angry. oh and we have couples in the class. so weird!!! and guess what, rachel is in clb too. the sec 3 one of course. but yea, means i will be seeing her every wednesday. and we watched infernal affairs. i told mummy and she was like, oh u idiot. haha!
i bought a new sch bag. cost me 50 bucks but i am gonna tell my folks i got it i five coz of clearance sale and so cheap coz its a very old bag model. or something.
elmer came back today. he looked so good. but he is out of reach. shall just stick to dreaming abt guys that cld make possible reality. namely guo hao and aminur. even shane is kinda far off.
oh yea, yst i went to blade at east coast and saw this really hot caucasian guy blading too. so i kinda chased after him coz he was so far front and got a really good workout. so the moral of the story, if you want me to have a gd workout on blades, put a hot guy in front of me. and i was supposed to blade with chris yst, the one i have not seen since march, but he did not show. will try again next week. haha............
<3 9:39 PM
Monday, January 24, 2005
u will not believe what happened to me. i was walking along the sec 3 level after assembly to go back to class, of course to see guo hao lah, then he was in the first class with ming xian. i knew he was inside and i knew someone was coming out but i did not noe it was him. so what happened was, as i was walking pass the door he was walking out of it and, like all guys, talking at the same time. he jerked back took a really deep breath. gave me a shock. then after class i went to the canteen and he was there. sitting by himself and eating. my god! he looked so good. and i swear he was taking glances at me. or maybe it was my imagination and want for him. i will never noe.
anyway, i have so much dnt to do coz i have to re-do everything coz i am satisfied that my handwriting sux. not that i wasnt satisfied before but now its juz disturbing. and eugene gave me, or sold me rather, my livestrong band today. next i want the 'anti' line. rox so much more then sex bands. gee!
<3 5:51 PM
Saturday, January 22, 2005
i have a new, or edited rather, layout. i think it is simply devine.......
<3 1:49 AM
Friday, January 21, 2005
my cousin talked to guo hao yst. he noes i exist and actually likes how i look. sadly, he does have a girlfriend and i have no intention of doing anything to the happy couple. [or so i have heard] here is the thing. no one noes a sec 2 veron, actually had to go skim ard for her. but now i noe who she is and she is not bad. even syaza says she is not bad. she really is not that bad, pretty good in fact. ok, i have just said the same thing in three different ways. anyway, my next task is to get his no. do you noe something, there was something else i wanted to say but i have conveniently forgotten. oh yea, guo hao actually does not mind the walking pass his class and as long as i can find someone who will walk with me, gee, why not? just because i cant have him does not mean i cant want him from afar.
will be missing fusion tmr. i still dont tink that missing it to watch a movie will really be that bad. at least in small grp the rm is so small ur never alone but in wesley hall? not a hard place to be all alone. but i will be going to help ernest with the cd thing. camp maybe over but 2004's camp comm still stands. haha! how lame can i get.
now writing testi for natasha. damn cute girl. here are some pics b4 i go......
me! haha
me and my sis! whee........
<3 10:02 PM
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
went out with daryl, i suppose all of u already noe that. we watched oceans 12 and things happened in the cine. but get this, i was feeling everything physical but there was nth emotional. i truly did not lyk him anymore. really feel nth......
talk to amin and syaza and fyroz. yesh they have not broken up. stupid fyroz scold me for nth. so fun! we lyk all on conference. finally had company. did not even feel tired yst. cld lyk go on forever can. really exasperating feeling. i still want to see amin skate, stupid guy dun want to let me go. nvm, one day. gg to do geog hw now......
<3 5:21 PM
Monday, January 17, 2005
i talked to amin on the phone!!! hah! he is lyk damn fun to talk to and the voice is so damn cute esp when he speaks malay. not that i understand, but the voice very nice. i am so overly infatuated with him. oh man. gonna look for something now........
<3 10:04 PM
i found guo hao's blog!!!!whee!!!the hottest guy in sec 3 can!
he wore specs today. makes him look even better. even yan ting agrees. but if only i and him could like get to know each other better. or if i cld even get to noe him.
erm, syaza broke up with fyroz. her mum's wish. feel kinda sorry for her.i noe how she feels. i mean the heartbreak and all. but i am sure everything will be ok in awhile.
i talk to amin again. still tink he is so hot and funny and, have i said hot. i wanna go see him skate. but muz wait for him to come online then can ask him. otherwise he is like never at home. and he was sitting next to me today. which is not bad coz i cld not see guo hao anyway. and guess what, amin and i talked. lyk during the concert and aft the concert and juz before he left. his voice is damn cute. not manly yet not boyish. oh geez, i am starting to really lyk him.
tmr, i am going out with daryl. i am actually nervous. i noe he is juz daryl but the atmosphere is different. it's a date. and daryl is suppose to be my past. well, wish me luck yea?
<3 4:05 PM
Sunday, January 16, 2005
daryl tan, as in yi ting's ex, asked me out!!! as in date!!!! whee......
<3 7:53 PM
oh man! i cant stop tinking of amin. how? another malay guy. another heartbreak.oh man oh man oh man!
anyway, i went for ballet today. really worked. was perspiring so much. then met mel and the whole grp. went to parkway, bought op wallet and pencil case, wanted to buy beautiful soul but its not out yet. so sad. jesse mccartney is so hot.
see see! told you he is hot =>
aft that went for cvc, aaron was not there. was a little disappointed. but worship and cvc in all was really gd. nth much to say.........
<3 1:48 AM
Friday, January 14, 2005
my attempt to draw a ballet shoe came out alright today.
aft reviewing yst, i realized that something did happen yst. i saw a guy changing in class. damn hot. haha! i had a field day. dont stop changing in class.......
<3 1:54 PM
Thursday, January 13, 2005
gee, and again i want to blog but surprisingly have nothing to say. let's see, i took part in an essay competition, finally got down on my dnt, got an incredibly chio blue A3 folder. i also found out that gwen got into acjc, if she stays there aft results are released then i will definitely want to go to acjc. besides that, nothing much. drama was cancelled today so i am at home and gonna eat lunch now and continue dnt. later.........
<3 3:45 PM
Sunday, January 09, 2005
i went for ballet yst. my first lesson in a month? i am aching. not really bad but still aching. but besides ballet, nothing much happened yst.
today went to church in my elle top, my top did get a attention. all i need now is a handbag. we did the mural thing today, or the rest did the mural thing today rather. i juz sat and watched. sure i gave my two cents worth of wat i thot it shld look lyk and yes everybody lyked it, or those who heard reluctantly agreed rather, but there are these higher powers in the grp and they call the shots. do the major stuff. i dun lyk my small grp. i feel left out. i want to chnge small grp but go where. i will feel left out anywhere i go. that's wat happens when u have no close frendz in church. man! anyway, i got stuff to do. and can u believe i am downloading maplestory. hah!
<3 5:19 PM
Thursday, January 06, 2005
i had sec 1 cca orientation today!!! or i took part in it rather. it it was loads of fun. we did all the stuff we rehearsed and i got to do the interaction with students bit. it was so fun. mr fernandez said i was really good. he also said i sounded like a teacher. thanks dad? then there were so many small, cute sec 1 students. and during our missing frame stills performance, one of the sec 1 boys said that a pair of golden paties came out of the box. lyk wat the hell. haha! sec 1? man! yuen zhang came out and attempted to strip. all the sec 1s were lyk NO! then i got one of the boys to sayh teacher and jin tried to grab ms nora and ms nora was pointing to mr fernandez. haha! so much fun. [drama rox]
i almost banged rite into two guys today. first one, the one i so ever adore, marcus. jin lyk did not wait for me so i was running after her and when i turned out from the stairs he was rite there. rite in front of me. he kind of jerked back so as to not cause collision and i tried to break. i did not noe he was marcus at first coz he is lyk tall and my face was at his chest. then i saw him i did a quicker than normal sorry and raN off. the second one was the incredibly tall mr roslan. he was rite in front of me and i did not see him coz i was carrying a table and talking to jin and ms liew. this time i jerked back nearly dropping the stupid table. mr roslan had no idea.
ms goh is treating last year's speech day emcees to gelaris. i cant wait. and get this. i am suppose to have math homework today but i left my book in my locker. looks lyk its chores for me........
<3 7:30 PM
Monday, January 03, 2005
have you ever waited for a bus for 1/2 an hour on a sch morning? well guess what, i have. this morning on the first day of sch. i am at the bus stop at 7 am, and the bus did not come till 7.30 am. i called mummy at 7.20 am and asked her to pick me up. thank god she was still on the road. i was on the verge of tears. so i started my first day feeling like crap, not to mention the fact that it was freezing. went to class and jia min was with shi wei and the whole new found gang of hers from last year so i just walked in and leraine signalled me to sit with chen an. behind me is yan ting and yong yong. things started getting better from there. ms nora is my form teacher, so happy. gonna fail the damn math paper but think i will do alright for el. after school had drama, which reminds me. i have to do the bookmarks. then i cant wait till tmr [bleh]. will pop by again soon.
<3 9:25 PM
Sunday, January 02, 2005
i was suppose to put this entry in on friday then another one a few hours ago and since today has not actually happened yet it will probably come later on today or tomorrow. let's just say this is like make up blogging? ok, here goes...
the last day of 2004. man, time sure flies. i think that 2004 is the most eventful year of my life. let's see, i fell in and out of love within the first half of the year, shortly after that i fell for my ex-boyfriends best friend which did not work out as well, in fact, i got him kinda pissed. really sorry about that. then in june i was introduced to the world of making out, which is not right but not that bad either. ex-bf got really pissed at me, i think i know why. i also got heartbroken twice in the same month, once on my birthday and another time later on in the month. got the courage to call my ex on his birthday, had a gd time talking to him which i always did, then was the hols, finally started a cca again, and one that i enjoy, drama. got begged by a teacher to join mordern dance then was told i could get out of it, so i did. and that is pretty much the happenings.
of course there were good stuff, for those of you who perceived the above happenings for misery. lemme see, i got into clb, no more chinese for me. i started ballet again, now it plays a very important part in my life. went for two dance camps, and was in the camp comm for the ym camp. i also got a new phone, 6610i. i also did pretty well for sec 3, which is not that great counting that i retained but still rejoiceable, have no idea if i spelt that rite. i also met great people this year, ernest, clarence, caleb, hans, david, teresa, theon, mel, kitt, aza, germy, phoe, gwen, theresa, all my ballet seniors, jia min, and the whole wonderful crew of 3e5, and so many more ppl. my ym camp group ppl, samsons, my dance camp grps, both blisters and copelia, the whole ym camp comm and so many many more. esp ppl who have helped me, thank you so much.
there really isnt much to say here except...HAPPY NEW YEAR...
gonna go now........
<3 2:33 AM