Tuesday, December 28, 2004
won't you look at that, i finally have some cancellation marks on my wishlist.
malaysia did not turn out as bad as i expected. and i did feel like a 6 yr old only not quite the way i wanted to. becareful what you wish for. i really have nothing much to write. let's see, i talked to colin and have been talking to him, i talked to jaryl last night, back on his friendly side again i think. and as of now, i owe him 96 bucks. anyway, like i said i really have nothing much to type. so that's all for now.
<3 5:32 PM
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
i am leaving for malaysia in a few hours. excited? not one bit. except the fact that i get to wear all my dance t-shirts and show them off and that i get to wear my elle top and for once actually look gorgeous, there really isn't much to look forward to. i guess going to malaysia and watching every other cousin and sister get absolutely adored by aunties and uncles, which i know more by face than anything, while i stand by and watch wishing i was 6 again is not the only reason why i don't want to go. the other reason is cause i want to go for candlelight service tomorrow. not cause i am holy or that i look to the church as my second home but more to the fact that i am going to miss one heck of a performance. and also missing the chance to be in it. i mean mark will be in it, so will clarence, caleb, reuben, teresa, theon, hans, my new found friends steph and wan ping. and i get to be this girl with an english accent. man, a dream come through. now you see why i want to be in it.
anyway, i have realized that my personality and the way i act attracts alot of attention. i am not too sure if that is good. if i am not wrong it kinda goes like this. the guys think the openess and unshyness to some extent is cute, most guys anyway. the girls on the other hand think that it's absolutely revolting. they make it sound as if i only act the way i do around guys. but look at it this way, if i was trying to attract attention, why on earth would i do it in front of girls? i definitely do not think so. and besides, i don't care what girls think or guys for that matter. i live for only one man, god. i know it's sounds holy holy of hollies or something. but he is not that bad a guy to live for. we all should. going now. catch u guys when i get back.
<3 10:34 PM
whee! i got my top. it looks so french, really cool. i guess it's kinda suppose to look french being fact that its from elle. haha! do you know what i want next? i want one of the OP handbags. really nice. go to parkway and get it. ooh! i love my new top. haha! i better go bathe now. got to go to church and finish writing christmas cards. muackz*
<3 11:22 AM
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
get a hold of this. dumb blonde cheer i learnt at dance camp.
my god!
i'm sure.
i think i need a manicure.
the sun i swear,
it's burning down my gorgeous hair.
39 64
i don't know the stupid score.
go go fight fight
gee i hope i look alright.
to the guy over there
the on with the groovy hair.
haha! i am sure u got a gd laugh.
<3 1:52 PM
if you have realized, i stopped using all my dots. now i put proper punctuation and very rarely use shortforms of words. i really do not know why i decided to change, but i guess it's a change for the better. really it is :)
anyway, nothing much has happened. i had a big swelling on my chin, but it's gone down now. almost healed. thank god! it was so pain.
on sunday, i went for 9.30 service. when i told clarence i was going he was like, 'yay'. i have no idea why but it feels good to be wanted around. i know what i said sounded really silly, but it's true. haha! i went for 11.30 too. sat through the same worship but it felt different somehow. ernest sat nxt to me, he is so funny. we were both laughing alot. gave out christmas cards, josiah is seriously missing in action. the last time i saw him was the week before camp. that is kinda sad. after church we went to parkway. i saw this really nice elle top. but it was like really warm material saw my mum said don't buy. but just last night she realized that i have nothing to wear for christmas. so i am going back today to get that top. haha! lucky me? but it is really warm and has to be hand washed. man i hope i don't ruin it. it's on offer now. the actual price is 77 bucks.oh yea, my mum alos gave this pair of flat slippers. they look really cute. it's patterned with lingerie. haha! it also has bells so it's very noisy. but they are neverthless very comfortable. haha!
i have not been going for ballet. i am held hostage at home to clean up my room before we leave for malaysia. i don't really want to go. go all the way to malaysia to get bored. i can do that in singapore. sadly i have to. anyway, tomorrow i will be going for the candle light rehearsal thingy. dance moves throungh christmas songs by mickey mouse. you have got to be kidding me. i better go now. got a room to clean.
<3 1:24 PM
Friday, December 17, 2004
was suppose to go to school, then decided that i shld stay at home and finish some stuff. oh yea, i am out of mordern dance because mrs ang said i could leave which i thought was kinda weird because she was desperate when she asked me to join. i never wanted to join not after she shun me off the first time.
now for dance camp. we had so much fun. the camp really ROCKED!!!! it was also, to some extent, over exertion on my part. but i managed to get some shut eye during the camp so i survived. i felt like a senior, last camp i felt like a junior, during this camp. grew very close to lots of ppl, grew closer to ppl too! the performance we really danced all night, over and over again. all of us actually learnt each others dance. met a few new ppl too. my finger got stepped on though, it was bleeding. i alos did bible study at night with phoebe and germ. yep, i brought my bible. we did james. i also have some pics.
oh yea, i made it to the top of one of the rock walls. and get this, the guy who help me up, daniel, is my dad's pe teacher's bf. cool rite? haha. time for me to go. bye bye.
<3 10:27 AM
woah! it has been a real rush. ym camp was really a blast. i got alot closer to god and i cried alot. which i hardly ever do. and i also had a really gd time. i alos met really great ppl, clarence, hans, david, caleb, the camp comm, steph and laura. steph and laura do ballt too. isn't that juz so cool. and this year we did not have overnight worship. at first i felt the atmosphere in the hall was not right, actually it was just filled to the brim with god's annointance and i was not really ready. then hans forced me to go in coz the rest were inside, and almost instantly i fell to my knees and was weeping.it really was a very gd camp. i also had alot of fun during talent night. everyone was contributing to my script. i'm serious! and we also got to pin ernest and reuben to the wall.
for your viewing pleasure. haha!
anyway, i shall cont abt dance camp tmr or something. got to go to sch. dance camp rocked too, by the way.
<3 9:47 AM
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
get this. i have not seen this guy for what? one day? and i miss him like alot. i feel like an idiot. anyway, camp starts tomorrow and i am excited, also abit bummed at the fact that i have so much laundry to rush so that i will have clothes to where to camp. though the thought of two amazing camps in a row is extremely exhilarating, it is also very stressful.i am also having very bad cramps. here is a gage on how bad, i do not feel like going for ballet. yes, that bad. i hope it ends soon, don't want it to prevent me from enjoying the camp all of us work so hard to put together.
i talked to jie ming last night on msn. he is a very interesting guy to talk to. we were talking abt the prayer walk and the cliques and uncliqued in church and a whole lot of pretty neat stuff. it was a really gd conversation. i got to go start rushing laundry. wait, i found colin's blog. that's right, he has a blog. impressed? well i was. anyway, i am going now. me shutting up.
<3 2:26 PM
Monday, December 06, 2004
ok. i know you are probably wondering why i have only 1 miserable entry on my most beloved blog. this is because some sad soul had nothing else better to do and decided to hack my account and delete my previous blog. but it doesn't matter, the previous one had a lot of stuff i want to forget so i guess i ought to thank that sad soul, so here, 'thank you'.
if u realize i have the same teplate as the first one because i absolutely love this template and i do not plan to change it for a very long time. so if you get sick of it i am really sorry but i absolutely love it, so get used to it.
i have had a crazy december, or at least my december is becoming pretty crazy being fact that december kinds just started. finished church camp, had a blast, going to have youth camp, shld be a blast, then sleeping beauty, gotta love it, and dance camp, definitely going to be a blast.
i have a new guy. ok fine, he not exactly my guy because he does not know i like him and i do not know if i will tell him. he is decent and nice and comforting and i feel safe around him. you might think i have known him forever, and in fact i have or at least our parents have known each other forever.so basically i have just gotten to know him and i really like him but i will let things go with the flow, whatever the flow is. besides i need to study to achieve my dream. i will stop typing now because i know my blog is not much of an eye candy. what a joke.
<3 9:31 PM